I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1671

"Pioneer of the Stars..." said the dead skeleton of the sky.

"Impossible! They were all shot down by us!" Pluto's face was full of disbelief.

"I don't know... But, this feeling is not wrong. It's the star soldier, and..."

"And what?"

"And, she's right next to my body!"

The Death of the Sky pursed his lips.

Chapter 59 UOVS Star Warriors! 【2 in 1】


A series of sonic booms sounded, and the angels of destruction all over the sky swooped down from the sky, rushing towards the giant god Attila standing on the ground.

They radiated dazzling light, and the terrifying heresy magic power turned into light bullets, shooting towards Altila overwhelmingly, like a nebula of light bullets, pressing towards Altila.

Even the skeletons of the sky instinctively felt the threat from Attila.



Those light bullets fell on Attila's body like a torrential rain, but they couldn't hurt Attila at all.

"As expected of the Titan who brought the Age of Gods to an end. The destructive power contained in those light cannons is stronger than the destructive A-level anti-fortress treasure, but it can't hurt her at all. Moreover, this is not the body of the Titan , it’s just the phantom of the giant god manifested by using the body of a Servant..."

Enkidu looked at Attila with cold sweat on his face. Although he had fantasized about Altila's power for a long time, after all, he was the vanguard of the stars who perished the age of the gods on earth and forced the Sumerian gods to create Gilgamesh. It was only when Enkidu saw this scene that he had some idea of ​​Altila and how terrifying the Star Warriors were.

Although the attacks of the Angels of Destruction couldn't hurt Altila, they managed to attract Attila's attention.

Altila turned his head slightly, his indifferent eyes fell on those angels of destruction all over the sky, slightly raised his huge palm, and waved it.


In just an instant, an infinite force pierced through the void, forming a huge storm. The surrounding mountains were shattered layer by layer by this storm, and those buildings also collapsed. It fell on the barrier barrier of Zaan City, and was completely unable to move due to the wind pressure.

And those Angels of Destruction who were close to Attila received this slap heavily, like flies being slapped, with a "boom", they turned into meteors and fell into the mountain, their lives and deaths unknown.

"Good, so strong...!"

Everyone looked at Altila in horror.

Those Angels of Destruction are not ordinary monsters or fantasy species, but far above them, comparable to the spores of the dead bones of the gods in various regions.

But even so, it was easily killed by Attila like a fly.

Whether it is a god or an angel of destruction, it is not worth mentioning in front of Attila, the star soldier.

"This is what the gods said, white destruction..."

Enkidu was sweating coldly.

He is the weapon of God. In theory, he and Attila, who destroyed the gods, are mortal enemies. However, facing such a terrifying Attila, he actually felt trembling and fear in his heart for the first time in his life.

You know, even when facing the extremely evil beast Humbaba, the bull of the sky, or even the death bestowed by the gods, he has never been afraid, but now, facing Attila who is in the state of a giant god, he feels fear. shudder.

"Is this the fear that the gods have tasted before? Obviously... obviously... it's just a phantom of a Servant, but it can actually make me feel fear from the bottom of my heart. Even the divinity bestowed by the gods... trembles... ..." Enkidu looked at Attila and muttered to himself.

In fact, Enkidu got one thing wrong.

Fourteen thousand years ago, it was not Attila's body that destroyed the gods and the age of gods, but it was only Attila's avatar, which is not much different from the giant god that Attila appears today difference.

The power of the giant god Attila is really too powerful, it is undoubtedly one of the moon ceilings, not to mention attacking, just existing, her huge mass is like an infinitely huge particle, produced Gravitational waves are enough to suck and crush many things. And with every move, the shock wave formed is enough to be comparable to a twelfth-level storm!


People stared at Altila in astonishment, admiring and aweing this terrifying giant god, just like the awe and reverence of primitive cavemen for natural phenomena.

"Stay away!" Shirou yelled.

The current Attila is no longer Attila, but Attila, the vanguard of the stars. Attila's ego has disappeared, only Yuxing's destruction instinct exists, and now he is attracted by the attack of the destruction angel, but once she notices it, it will be a real disaster!

Following Shirou's yell, everyone seemed to wake up and fled from Attila's side one after another.

However, facing this situation, Altila neither continued to attack the Angel of Destruction, nor did he attack those people who were exhausted. Instead, he looked down at his palm, his red eyes were both clear and puzzled.

Shirou noticed this, and couldn't help but stop, looking at Attila, whose eyes were flickering with doubts.

Could it be that……

"Why didn't my consciousness disappear?"

Doubtful murmurs sounded from Altila's mouth, and Attila looked at himself suspiciously, wondering whether he had really returned to his original form.

"Attila, do you mean you have kept yourself?" Shirou looked at Attila in surprise.

Hearing this, Attila turned her head slightly, and those cold and clear red eyes fell on Shirou, and whispered softly: "Artoria Pendragon."


Shirou looked at Attila in surprise. There is no doubt that Attila, who can pronounce Al's name very clearly, is sober!

But why?

Attila, who turned back into the star soldier, did not disappear the self-awareness belonging to Attila, but was extraordinarily awake, and the shattered instinct that belonged to the star soldier did not wake up either.

How is this going?

Suddenly thought of something, Shirou turned his head and looked at Illya who was pale. Shirou thought, is it because of the magic power of Illya, who replaced the past, that Attila stayed awake?

Only this explains it.

And this problem is not a problem at all, Attila was already mentally prepared to go berserk, but now Attila is still awake, that would be great!

It seems that I also have time to turn around sometimes.

Thinking of this in his heart, Shirou looked at Attila, and quickly shouted: "Attila, throw the dead bones out of the sky!"

"I see..., friend."

Atti started to move, and a calm smile appeared on that cold pretty face.

Originally thought that after changing back to Altila, Attila's ego would disappear, and he would turn back into a star soldier, violently destroying all life and beauty, but he did not expect that he would actually maintain his ego. It's so easy too.

Does this mean that instinct is also overcome?

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