I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1679

"You actually shot at me, you are really an unbehaved child. As for unbehaved brats, they should be beaten to death."

Tiamat got up slowly, and the others didn't notice anything, but Enkidu, who was the lock of the sky, instinctively took a step back, his face was shocked and sweat was dripping down his face.

Shirou's expression also became serious.

murderous look.

Tiamat exudes a terrifying murderous aura!

Lifting his head slightly, Shirou's eyes fell on Tiamat's head.

Sure enough, like Tosaka Rin Ishtar, Tiamat also has a systematic BOSS panel on his head

【Deer eyes round incense

Race: Magical girl

Class: Ninth Class (Leader)]

Shirou: "..."

The originally tense spirit disappeared in an instant after seeing the name of Tiamat.

So, which ghost designed the character?

Tiamat stood in front of the throne, reached out his hand and took out a small note from his pocket, and read it out: "Congratulations, adventurers. After defeating the other six-body Gundams, the ones who came here The core, having passed the test of the magical girl Hayate Yagami, came before me, Madoka Kame. But don’t think that you will defeat me so easily. I will purify you like the seeds of lamentation..."

It seemed that the words on the note were too ugly or too small, Tiamat almost got her head into the note, and then seemed to give up, she folded the note in half, stuffed it back into her pocket, and used the pair of bright Gazing at everyone with strange purple eyes, he said flatly, "I won't read the rest of the prologue. In a word, since you are facing me with swords and swords, then, lovely children, I will take your lives back."

Tiamat looked down at the crowd calmly, and then the extremely terrifying magical flames burned all over his body. He only heard a "click" sound like glass breaking, and the space centered on Tiamat shattered like glass, like It was as if the skin of the planet was torn apart, and a distorted dimensional barrier appeared.

And Tiamat is standing in the twisted dimension barrier, with long white hair fluttering, and the purple light in his eyes is even worse.


Phantoms of major planets emerged from the surrounding dimensional barriers.

The phantoms of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and various satellites, asteroids, and comets constitute the trajectory map of the celestial bodies with Tiamat as the center.

"This, what is this?"

Looking at the trajectory map of the planet's orbit, Shirou was stunned. His understanding of Tiamat is just a second beast holding the principle of return, but at this moment Tiamat's trajectories of planets and celestial bodies are far beyond Shirou's cognition.

Not only Shirou, but everyone else, including Enkidu, was shocked.

"This is the end of magical girls, the principle of the circle. Children, you will all return to this principle."

Tiamat said calmly.

Nonsense circle theory!

Shirou's headache started, Tiamat was the most dedicated NPC he had ever seen, and he actually played his role in it.

However, the murderous aura permeating Tiamat's body was not fake.

The purple light in Tiamat's eyes became brighter, and Tiamat, which was surrounded by stars in the center, unreservedly spilled out its terrifying divinity.

"This, this huge divinity..." Enkidu's face was full of horror, and his whole body was trembling, "This kind of divinity makes me, who is the lock of the sky and has the power to discipline the gods, feel trembling You can't be wrong, this is the divinity possessed by the mother who is known as the goddess of creation, the goddess of the stars who gave birth to the planet!"

worst case scenario!

Enkidu and Gilgamesh have challenged many [unknown domains], and encountered many powerful guardians, but none of them is as special as Tiamat.

The seedbed where the planet gave birth to primitive life was known as the goddess of creation, but was defeated by the gods and sealed in the imaginary space, and finally transformed into one of the seven disasters of mankind amidst love and hatred for the life she bred. ——Enkidu, who is the lock of the sky and the weapon of God, has known this Sumerian secret script for a long time.

Therefore, as long as Tiamat is mentioned, whether it is Enkidu or Gilgamesh, they will only say that humans are evil. But the goddess standing here is by no means human evil. There is no doubt about this, because this huge and pure divinity is purer and higher than Ishtar, who has the side of the supreme god, and even so huge that it makes her As the lock of the sky, he felt trembling.

Enki understood.

This is the true attitude of Tiamat, as the seedbed for the planet to breed life, the most primitive evidence of the planet, the goddess who holds the principles of the stars, the goddess of the stars!

Tiamat held her heart in both hands, and the phantom of the planet revolving horizontally around her moved accordingly, and the dazzling starlight flickered with a few clangs, and then endless power and power gathered on the ground of Tiamat along the light. in the palm of your hand.

Buzz buzz -!

Those rays of light condensed into a mass, and immediately focused into a black energy ball that devoured everything in Tiamat's hands.

At this moment, time and space have no meaning.

The terrifying divinity was completely unraveled, the divinity of the goddess of the stars, the source of mythology and the world, combined all the ancient people's knowledge of the divinity of celestial bodies, and then, with a "bang", a huge light roared towards everyone Bombarded away.

It's over, it's over!

Enkidu trembled all over, not even having the courage to resist, and closed his eyes resignedly.

However, the imaginary destruction did not come, instead there was a burning sensation on his face.

Enkidu opened his eyes and saw the back of the King of Knights standing in front of the people. The red and black mud turned into tide water, forming a mud wall, blocking the terrifying light.

"Knight King..."

Enkidu's throat was a little dry.

In front of Tiamat's terrifying divinity, as the God's commandment, he almost gave up resistance in despair, but the Knight King stood up immediately and launched resistance without the slightest hesitation.

Isn't this king clear about what he is facing?

The divine right of kings, not to mention that god, is the creator god standing at the source of mythology!

"Why are you still in a daze, adventurers?"

Shirou turned his head, his holy blue eyes looked at the people who were shocked by Tiamat, and shouted loudly: "Attack! It's just a dungeon lord, attack!"

Only then did people react.

Yeah, it's just a copy of Lords. Can go to this point, who is not stepping on the bones of the dungeon lords?

It's really a shame that at this juncture, there is not a single newcomer adventurer of the second class who is brave enough!

People regained their courage, either with swords or spells, and attacked Tiamat.


Although it has a special status, it is only a dungeon boss in the final analysis. It was created to be attacked by adventurers and players.

Moreover, I also have reasons to clear this dungeon.

So offended, O Primordial Mother!

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