I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 168

ps: Ask for counting tickets, ask for counting tickets~! qwq

Chapter Fourteen [Root]

Someone was laughing wildly.

Standing on Mount Enzang, looking at the huge hole in the sky and laughing wildly.

His name is Zbia Eltnam Oberon, and he was once an outstanding alchemist of Astra Academy, one of the three major institutions of the Magic Association. He once loved human beings very much, but he became mad because he couldn't calculate the way to avoid human extinction, and finally came to the conclusion that only by achieving the sixth method can it be possible to avoid human extinction.

However, the sixth method is not among the five existing systems of the world. Only by breaking through the [root] path and walking back and forth from the [root] can the sixth method be completed.

The road to [Root Root] is full of dangers, whether it is [Gaia] or [Alaya], the two major restraining forces will use up all their power to prevent the magician from reaching the root.

For example, [Gaia] will pull out the monsters he created, and [Alaya] will directly pull out the real heroic spirits from the Hall of Valor to stop them.

That was a genuine Heroic Spirit, not a Servant who performed a downgraded summon like the Holy Grail War.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to complete the Dharma in one's life.

Therefore, Zibia voluntarily became a Dead Apostle, and became the thirteenth of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostle.

The twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, this is the origin of the non-human Dead Apostles similar to vampires, and now most of the ancestors have been sealed by the Holy Church. Being the oldest of the Dead Apostles, some of them have been exterminated. The reason why they are still counted as twenty-seven ancestors is because after they disappeared, the dead disciples who were originally their subordinates inherited their positions.

The twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles are not ranked by strength, and the internal strength gap is also very large, most of them have the level of the average follower. But its first few are unfathomable monsters.

For example, the first primate killer, Cathy Pa**, is the true body of Fufu in "FGO", the fourth beast that holds the principle of "comparison"; another example is the fourth one, that is the Great Holy Grail The ritual system testifies, and is also the second magician of the great teacher of the Tohsaka family, Marshal Kishua Zellich Schubingogu.

After becoming a Dead Apostle, Zbia completed its inherent enchantment [Walachian Night], which can absorb people's anxiety and fear and make it real.

It was even used in Wallachia, Romania. It took advantage of the people's fear of Vlad III the Impaler to manifest a terrifying vampire and massacre the entire population of the city overnight. It is precisely because of this that Zbia was dubbed the alias of Wallachia Night by the church!

Even if the inherent barrier of [Walachia Night] is overwhelmed by Shirou's [Flower of Evil] and cannot be activated, he still has the strength not weaker than ordinary followers!

In order to find a way to avoid the extinction of mankind, Zibia pursued the sixth law, but the long years and persistent obsession made him forget his original intention and become a madman who desperately pursued the sixth law.

From this point of view, this person is actually similar to Matou Zouken.

Originally, the best place to experiment with the sixth method was Britain, which is equivalent to the [Gaia] umbilical cord, but it was the headquarters of the clock tower, and the second magician often appeared, so he gave up.

But a few months ago, he learned that the third method of Einzbern's experiment had been achieved in this city, but it was only used by people to reverse life and death.

Zibia is not interested in the third law, but is interested in the ritual system to achieve the third law. He only needs to borrow the ritual system of the third method, use the breath of connection with the [Dharma] that has not dissipated, and use the form of the sixth method to open the hole in the [Dharma].

But what makes him depressed is that there actually exists an existence in Fuyuki City that can absorb "evil". This is too restrained for his inherent enchantment [Walachia Night].

He didn't dare to act rashly, but used some small tricks to make Fu Hailin, who was about to appear in the world, appear in Fuyuki City, and interfered with the church's observation, making it a big turmoil, attracting the person who could absorb "evil" Just open it.

And he can take the opportunity to unlock the seal of the ritual system of the third method, and use the remaining ritual breath of the third method that has not dissipated to open the hole in the way of the sixth method.

"Hahahahaha——! The sixth method! The sixth method!"

Zibia looked at the ever-expanding hole in the sky, showing a frenzied look.

That is his lifelong pursuit!

Zbia flew up, rushing towards the hole, towards the goal he was constantly pursuing.


There is a person faster than him!



The hole in the [Void] is expanding, like a black hole, the surrounding clouds are being sucked in, and the buildings in Miyama Town are turned into powder one by one, being sucked into the hole.

"what is that--?"



People were terrified. panicked.

This is simply the end!

A huge hole was torn open in the sky, and the huge suction seemed to suck in everything on the ground.

In a panic. in despair.

In a young girl, those agile eyes suddenly changed, becoming ordinary, like the essence of [Nothingness].

She raised her head, looked at the hole in the sky, and murmured: "[Nothing] has been opened, and it is about to swallow [Yes]."

The exorcising family, agents, and some magicians were also panicked.

The situation is getting worse!

[Root Source]'s hole was opened.

And it's this kind of external opening!

This hole is the embodiment of the invisible, and will swallow all visible things.

Confused all the boundaries into one, to achieve the original chaos and nothingness!

"how so?"

People were stunned. terrified. desperate. The situation has reached an unmanageable point!

Shirou looked at the hole in the sky of Miyama Town, with a calm face and calm eyes, and then he turned into a tall giant with a sea of ​​mud all over his body. He controlled the mud giant's hands to clasp the floating island that was cut in half, and flew towards the hole.

That hole won't close without absorbing enough tangible matter!

Therefore, he wants to use the floating island made of Fuhai Forest to block that void hole!

- You can't go there! Can't go there! Only there can't go! ! ! ! ! let me go! Let go of me! ! ! ! !

Fu Hailin's terrified voice resounded in Shirou's heart.

It also senses danger and experiences fear.

It is the end of all form, the embodiment of nothingness.

Shirou didn't say anything, just pushed the floating island and rushed towards the void hole.

People looked up and saw a tall giant pushing a huge floating island and flying towards the hole in the void.

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