I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1681

However, as Tiamat, the ninth-tier boss, the defense was too high, and the adventurers didn't break the defense at all, and the damage caused basically didn't exceed four digits.

Even Enkidu, who is part of the Emperor's Raiders group, can't deal more than five figures in damage.

Although the five-figure damage is considered very high, it is nothing compared to Tiamat's nine-figure health bar, probably not even a tickle.

Just like what Morrigan said, the [Unknown Territory] strategy, even the entire Emperor Raiders team may not be able to successfully conquer it, let alone there are only two people here?

Turning his head slightly, Tiamat glanced at the adventurers who were attacking him, and with a slight wave of his slender, white palms, the phantom of Mercury surrounding him lit up with a clang, and a faint The blue breath of frost spewed out from the phantom of Mercury, sweeping away everyone.

Hearing a few "clicks, clicks", everyone who was swept by the breath of frost was frozen into ice sculptures in an instant.

Tiamat waved his hand again, and the phantom of Saturn around him flickered again. Terrifying power erupted, the earth hummed and shook, and cracked several times, followed by cracks. Many adventurers avoided it and directly Caught in those dungeons.

Afterwards, the Mars surrounding Tiamat seemed to be burning, expanding into a red giant star, and a ring of flames spewed out with Tiamat as the center.

"Boom, boom!"

Wherever it passed, there were explosions, and life was turned into scorched earth.

Those adventurers were hit by this giant AOE, and their health dropped to the dead line in an instant. Even Enkidu and Morrigan, who were the emperor's strategy group, lost more than half of their health. Only by using the [evil] package His own Shirou has only completely survived this wave of AOE from Tiamat.

"Sure enough, you are the most troublesome child."

Tiamat turned his head slightly, and those strange bright eyes locked on Shirou.

This connection point is the game world. Whether it is UO·Death of the Sky or Tiamat, they all follow the most basic data logic of this game world to a certain extent. However, Shirou’s [evil] can completely ignore this data logic .

Tiamat could see that compared to Enkidu and Morrigan in the Emperor's Raiders group, Shirou who possessed [Evil] was actually the most difficult existence.

But then again, inheriting the legacy of civilization, that invisible vortex, not tricky, is the real strangeness.

With a thought in Tiamat's mind, a gleam of light flashed across his eyes, and then, the phantom of Uranus immediately released a barrage of bullets, shooting towards Shirou.

"Be careful, King of Knights!" Enkidu yelled.

However, in the face of this barrage of flowers and rain, Shirou remained undisturbed, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, his mind moved, and with a bang, the [evil] hidden in the shadow quickly rushed out and spread out, It was as if a net had been formed, engulfing all those barrage-like light bullets into it.


Those light bullets that fell into the mud net made a sound like corruption in just a moment, being corroded and destroyed by the powerful curse power of the dark vortex contained in [Evil].

"Unbelievable, what kind of prop is that?"

The adventurers were surprised.

"It can actually block the power of the mother god..."

Enkidu was also taken aback.

According to Gilgamesh, this clay is the half body of the Eternal King, the Noble Phantasm of the Eternal King, but what kind of legend is it that can give birth to a Noble Phantasm that even the divinity of the creator god star can do nothing about?

Taking advantage of [evil] to corrode Tiamat's attack, Shirou drew out two star swords, and with two clangs, a dazzling light shone on the two star swords. Then, he kicked his feet, and his body Leaping high, the two star swords slashed towards Tiamat with majestic magic power.

However, facing the two star swords, Tiamat only slightly stretched out his white palms, and held the two star swords.

Sure enough, the soul does not match the record, and even when Tiamat is not an enemy and the destroyer of the world, Shirou is unable to use the true star power of the two star swords at all.

However, this was also expected by Shirou.

The Sword of the Stars is just a cover, there are other real killing moves!

Ka Ka Ka

A tide of red and black mud emerged from the ground, forming sharp pillars one after another, as if forming a huge mouth of an abyss, trying to strangle Tiamat to death.

The pervasive malice is like a raging evil tide, even Tiamat, who is in the state of the goddess of the stars, can't help but look slightly sideways.

She shook Shirou's Star Sword away with her hand, and then stretched out her hand to draw the phantom of Uranus, only to hear the sound of "Zheng", the phantom of Uranus emitted strange ripples, and shot out a protective shield of rainbow light exuding surging spirit, I protected myself from it, and the next moment, those [evil] fangs stabbed upwards.

Between the lightning and the light, there was an extreme collision between the surging malice and the huge divine will.

"Boom, boom—"

The surrounding space was torn apart by these two thoughts, showing the fractured layer of space.

It's done!

The corner of Shirou's mouth twitched, Tiamat's actions were within his expectation, even the red and black universe · Flower of Evil being defended by Tiamat was within his expectation.

If Tiamat chose to avoid it, it would be a complete miscalculation, but defense and resistance completely fell into Shirou's calculations.

A ray of light flashed across Shirou's eyes, and his mind moved slightly. Those mud spikes that were blocked by Tiamat with the power of Uranus suddenly unhardened, turned into soft mud, and stuck to Tiamat. Uranus shield on it.



Bit by bit of mud seeped in from the shield of Uranus.

"Tick tock, tick tock."

The black muddy water fell from the shield of Uranus and landed on Tiamat's face. With a "sizzling" erosion sound, white smoke came out of Tiamat's face.

"This is……"

Tiamat touched his face, raised his head, and looked at the mud attached to the shield with some doubts.

"I have to say sorry in advance."

Shirou looked at Tiamat with a smile.

He knew in his heart that even if he possessed two star swords, under the rules of this game world, he was only a second-tier man and definitely not a match for Tiamat, let alone capture Tiamat and ask questions about the invisible The whirlpool thing is up.

After all, only the holy sword user of the star can truly display the power of the star sword, but it doesn't matter, because Shirou has a [evil] that is more buggy than the star sword.

The [Evil] that absorbed the curse power of the dark vortex is no longer the original flower of evil, it possesses the ability to erode and assimilate, not to mention heroic spirits, even gods will be cursed and eroded by [Evil], thus becoming Become an evil spirit dominated by [evil], just like in the Fourth Holy Grail War, [evil in this world] dominated those Servants altered by it.

However, the erosion and assimilation ability of the Flower of Evil is far superior to that of [Evil in this world] at that time, and even gods cannot escape the end of being transformed into evil spirits.

Shirou would not easily use this ability to distort the will of others, so he sealed this ability, but he had to use this ability to deal with the extremely powerful Tiamat.

Even Tiamat, after being transformed into an evil spirit, will be dominated by [Evil].

The mud tide of [Evil] completely penetrated into Tiamat's Uranus shield, engulfing Tiamat in it.

"No, I can't believe it!" Enkidu stared at Tiamat, who was swallowed by the mud, in astonishment, "That Noble Phantasm, that Noble Phantasm, even erodes the power of the Mother Goddess! Unexpectedly, there exists This treasure..."

This shocked Enkidu so much.

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