I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1683

With the sound of artillery fire, Tiamat's blood bar dropped by more than half.

"This, what's the situation?"

"The boss's attack actually attacked himself?"


The adventurers were dumbfounded, it was the first time they had seen such a formation.

Shirou also felt strange, what's going on?

Tiamat was also beaten into a daze, then turned his head slightly, his eyes fell on Shirou's mud, his face full of doubts: "Impossible...it shouldn't be able to interfere with me...but, why? It hurts, my head hurts...!"

Tiamat stretched out his hands to cover his head, and on that calm and pretty face, there was a look of pain, and the phantoms of the nine planets around him also started to move chaotically, attacking and sweeping, among them Many attacks even landed on him, causing astonishing damage.




The blood bar immediately dropped a lot.

Shirou looked at Tiamat, who was covering his head, and then looked down at his [Evil].

Could it be that what Tiamat said about being immune to the erosion of [evil] was a lie?

Now the chaotic attack on myself is actually being confused by the maliciousness of [evil] and losing my intellect?

"You are really reliable."

Shirou couldn't help sighing, the mud spreading on the ground stretched out an arm, and gave Shirou a thumbs up.

Chapter 64 There is really no way to hang up too much~!

"Head, my head hurts...!"

Tiamat covered her head, and a purple swirl appeared above her head.


"It's unbelievable that you can actually confuse the Mother God...!"

Glancing at the chaotic Tiamat, Enkidu turned his head and looked at Shirou's mud in disbelief.

Although it's not the first time I know about the mud bug, but I really didn't expect that it can be bugged to this extent!

Regardless of Tiamat's star power, as far as the boss panel is concerned, it is immune to all negative effects, but the mud forced chaos!

Could it be that the treasure of the Eternal King can even erode the power of the Star Goddess?

"Don't be in a daze, take advantage of this moment to attack!"

Shirou drew two star swords and launched a bombardment towards Tiamat.

With a bang, the people broke free from Tiamat's state of mental dominance, and attacked Tiamat one after another.





Almost no damage.

"Damn! What kind of defense is this!"

For these adventurers, Tiamat's defenses are simply too high. Of course, after all, in this data-based connection point, Tiamat is set to be the master of the ninth-level domain of [Unknown Domain], and only a whole team of emperor raiders has the opportunity to attack.

But the team standing here today is nothing more than a low-level, cobbled-together team. It is still unrealistic for most people to break through Tiamat's defenses.

Even Shirou, if it weren't for the bug of relying on mud, it is impossible to affect Tiamat. In fact, even the mud only slightly affected Tiamat.

"You children are really not cute!"

Tiamat gritted his silver teeth slightly, covered his head, and waved his hand. The phantoms of the nine planets surrounding his body suddenly emitted a faint light, and then the powerful magic power condensed into a body and shot out.

"Boom, boom" several times, the magic power raged, and the earth shattered like a spider web.

As a top supporter, Morrigan, the adventurers with sharp eyesight and quick hands applied shields. In addition, those adventurers also exhausted their means, either resisting or dodging these attacks.

Not only that, but because of the chaos, six magic pillars landed on Tiamat himself.





"Boom" exploded several times, and a lot of damage figures burst out immediately.


Forcibly eating the light of the six stars, Tiamat fell to the ground in pain. At this moment, the power of the stars she possessed became the biggest weapon to hurt herself.

However, it doesn't matter, there are three seconds left before the chaos can be resolved, wait until the chaos is resolved, and then launch an attack.

Just thinking about this, Tiamat suddenly felt that her hands were sticky and wet. When she looked down, Tiamat immediately saw the water slowly overflowing from the ground at some time, trying to pollute her. red-black mud.

With the contact with that mud, a malice extended from the mud to my mind. At the same time, a series of sad memories experienced in the distant past flashed in my mind one by one, making Tiamat's peaceful eyes Suddenly, a fierce light flashed.

With a sudden grip of the palm, a terrifying power erupted, like a shock wave, directly dissipating the [evil] overflowing from Tiamat's feet, and blowing it away.

Tiamat raised his head, his bright purple eyes looked at Shirou with some displeasure, and said, "You child, you are really unpleasant."

"It's really an honor to make the Creator Goddess feel unhappy." Shirou forced a smile. The key to this strategy battle is whether he can keep confusing Tiamat.


With a cold snort, Tiamat urged the phantoms of the nine planets to attack Shirou regardless of the chaotic madness.

In the entire arena, although Shirou's rank is the lowest, the threat to her is the greatest!

Seeing the light of several stars coming, Shirou didn't move yet, Morrigan waved his staff over there, and suddenly a layer of magic power shrouded Shirou's body, and in an instant, a triple beautiful world appeared behind Shirou In the three worlds, there are green mountains and green waters, as well as the flying fairies, just like a fantasy secret realm.

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