I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1685

In fact, if Tiamat had the intention to kill, everyone would be wiped out before Shirou discovered that [evil] could mess with Tiamat's power.

However, Tiamat was not going to release the water and was captured.

Because, if you can't even conquer her, let alone conquer those supreme beings who have real malice towards this planet.

Although I really didn't expect that I would meet the heir who inherited that civilization heritage here, but this can only stop here.

Just as Tiamat was thinking, the next moment, buzzing, those broken Sky Lock fragments shook violently, and then with a "swish", they gathered together like dough.


Tiamat was taken aback for a moment, and was tied up by the Heaven's Chain that had been restored to its original state without noticing it for a moment.

"My chains have returned to their original state." Enkidu looked in amazement at the sky chains that bound Tiamat again, which was beyond his expectation.

"It's useless, child. This kind of thing can't restrain me."

Tiamat shook his head, and then violently, the sky lock that bound her was rattled by Tiamat's huge force, but it never broke.


Tiamat couldn't help but sighed lightly, she couldn't break free from the sky lock, it's impossible!

Slightly lowering his head, Tiamat's strange eyes fell on the sky locks on his body, and he saw faint ancient characters appearing on those sky locks that had been restored to their original state.

Looking at those ancient scripts, Tiamat asked in surprise, "Runas script?"

Runas text?

This is something Enkidu doesn't know at all, but looking at the situation of the Sky Lock, it is those ancient words that restored the Sky Lock to its original state, and at the same time prompted the Sky Lock to seal Tiamat's actions.

And this, is the trump card of the King of Knights?

Thinking of this, Enkidu turned his head to look, and immediately saw the strange words shining brightly between Shirou's eyebrows.

That is exactly the same text as the text on the lock of the sky.

——Runas Wisdom!

It worked!

Looking at the sky lock that locked Tiamat after being strengthened by Runas' wisdom, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

After the exchange of records and Artoria, Shirou was sealed away from all the abilities and treasures of the Eternal King, but only three abilities were not replaced.

The first is the invisible vortex that is still maintaining the replacement record, the second is the half body that follows, the red and black universe · flower of evil, and the third is the wisdom of Runas obtained from Northern Europe.

Runas wisdom, this is the super-ancient wisdom obtained by the great god Odin who drank the fountain of eternity at the cost of one eye, and thus created the original rune, which belongs to the super-ancient era just like the invisible vortex and the dark vortex Remnants.

According to Surut, whether it is him as Levadin or the world tree Ymir as the Nordic creation god, like the wisdom of Runas, they are all remnants of verifying the existence of super ancient times.

Therefore, even if the record is replaced by the invisible vortex, the wisdom of Runas still exists in Shirou's soul.

And the effect of Runas's wisdom is also very simple, it can be said to be the super-ancient magical technique of strengthening and enchanting that surpasses the original runes and any known magic.

Shirou used the wisdom of Lunas and attached concepts such as "anti-divinity" and "indestructible" to the sky lock, which greatly strengthened the anti-divinity and firmness of the sky lock, so he sealed the sky lock. Yamat.

While strengthening the Sky Lock to seal Tiamat, those adventurers also quickly launched an attack.

Although they knew that their attack would be difficult to break even Tiamat's defense, but if they didn't even struggle, then they really had no chance of survival.

Looking at the attacks of fireballs or arrow rain, although the power and body were sealed, Tiamat did not panic, "It is useless, children. You who have not grown up, the attack is very Being poor is not enough to hurt me."

"That's not necessarily the case."

The corner of Shirou's mouth raised slightly, and the wisdom of Runas shone between his brows. The next moment, the words of Runas appeared on those attacks, whether they were fireballs, arrow rain, or physical or magical attacks. .

[Enhancement], [Breaking Defense], [Puncture]... A series of concepts, such as Lunas wisdom, are applied to it.

These attacks then fell upon Tiamat, the Goddess of the Stars.





The damage that was multiplied by more than a hundred times exploded from Tiamat's body.

"Wow wow wow...!"

Tiamat showed a pained expression.

"My attack, how could..."

The adventurers looked at their hands in disbelief. They couldn't believe that they were able to deal such a huge amount of damage.

It's unbelievable, it's like opening a plug-in!

Enkidu also looked at his hands in disbelief, was that really the huge amount of damage he dealt? It's unbelievable, when did he even manage to discipline the Creator Goddess?

"Don't be dazed, keep attacking!" Shirou shouted repeatedly.

Most of these adventurers are natives of this world, and it is understandable that their mentality is not good, but Enkidu, who is the lock of the sky, has such an unstable mentality, it is unbelievable.

Of course, Shirou who thinks this way will not understand Enkidu's mood at all, just like when the False God Seat invaded, he could not understand the mood of those Arjuna, Karna and others who were arguing for him to apply BUFF.

The pleasure brought by the breakthrough of the scale and limit is the supreme pleasure that is indescribable to anyone. To put it simply, it's like a social animal with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan suddenly got a golden thumb in online literature one day, thus breaking through the pleasure of his own class.

People came back to their senses, glanced at Shirou one after another, and then quickly launched an attack. Although Shirou's class is the lowest, but at this moment, his persuasion is the highest.

There is no way to do this, the generation of convincing power is not the strength of one's own strength, but the key to whether one can win or lose on the battlefield.

This is where leadership comes from.

And this, Shirou did very, very well.

Tiamat, who was unable to escape the shackles of the sky for the time being when Shirou added the Runas characters to the attack, quickly wanted to use his power to resist.

Even she can no longer ignore the attack inflicted by Runas' words.

However, when the phantom of the planet that symbolizes her star power slowly appeared around, the ground around Tiamat also overflowed with red and black mud, forming countless [evil] black hands, ready to Prepare to mess with Tiamat.

Looking helplessly at the [evil] black hands around her, Tiamat had no choice but to take back the power of the stars, otherwise once she used the powers of the stars, there was a half chance that those powers would backfire on her.

"You child, you are really annoying." Tiamat glanced at Shirou with displeasure.

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