I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1701

That's why it's no wonder there are heroic spirits of the 'outsider' class like Abigail.

The Cthulhu system is famous for its unknown, simply put, it is the realization of the philosophy of 'agnosticism', while civilization is developed based on the philosophy of 'knowledge'. Everything that has not been known will eventually be known. There is only the unknowable, there is no unknowable.

To put it simply, things that are considered unrecognizable by modern society are things that can be recognizable for super ancient civilizations that have evolved to star civilizations. The Cthulhu system is set to be unknowable, and there are ancient gods such as the source of the universe, but if a superhuman like the Nebula M78 has developed to open up the multi-primary universe and plays wantonly in the hyperspace containing the multi-primary universe For science fiction civilization, the unknowability of Cthulhu does not exist.

And for the three-dimensional people who created the myth of Cthulhu, the unknown of Cthulhu does not exist.

Of course, this is a sophistry, but it is undeniable that with the development of civilization, the once unknown will become known, and new unknowns will emerge.

Based on this point, it is not inconceivable that the ultra-ancient civilization can recognize the evil god of the outer universe, because he was the leader of the "knowledge" camp of civilization in the cosmic environment at that time, so the evil god of the outer universe will have three chapters with the ultra-ancient civilization , Well water does not interfere with river water, it is also a normal thing.

However, if even the evil gods of the outer universe are excluded, how did the dark vortex come into being and destroy the super ancient civilization?

Sure enough, it is the last hole card left by the interstellar hegemony?

"I don't know. However, it is indeed He who destroyed us." Tiamat looked at Shirou and said, "No one knows the reason for its birth. And in your cognition, it is called the 'Darkness' Vortex', yet we call him the Lord of Relief."

"The Lord of Relief?"

Shirou raised his eyebrows. He remembered that the sixth seat called the dark vortex that way, and Sajo Aiga also called the dark vortex that way.

"Why do you call that vortex like that?" Shirou asked, looking at Tiamat.

"Because that guy is always 'relief', 'relief', 'relief', 'relief' and 'relief' all the time."

The answer was the skeleton of the sky. While teasing the brain of the god, she looked at Shirou and said sarcastically, "He barks non-stop all day long, that's why he is called the Lord of Rescue."

"But..." Mordred looked up at the corpse of the sky, and asked suspiciously: "Since he can talk about relief, it should be a wonderful existence, right? Just like God. Could it be that super ancient civilization is here?" After becoming the leading interstellar civilization, it turned bad, just like the boy who slayed the dragon will eventually become a dragon, so there is a wonderful super existence to destroy them?"


"Perhaps?" Shirou looked at the skeleton of the sky.

The corner of the mouth of the dead skeleton of the sky raised, "some of the things that that civilization has done, for you human beings with low development, are 'absolutely evil' that surpass any evil people and evil things, and are absolutely intolerable. If that civilization is An individual, and it has survived until now, there must be a 'Beast' class, just like Tiamat."

Tiamat looked at the Celestial Skeleton with displeasure.

"However, let's skip this kind of thing."

The Death of the Sky glanced at Tiamat, who was full of displeasure, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Her teasing purpose had been achieved, and there was no need to further stimulate Tiamat.

Turning his head, looking at Shirou and Mordred, the dead skeleton of the sky said: "And, the Lord of Relief is not good from your point of view, our point of view, or the point of view of the entire universe. stuff. Because his so-called relief was problematic from the beginning."

"Is there a problem?" Shirou asked.

"His purpose is to unify." The dead bones of the sky said: "There is a philosophical understanding among you humans that the world is a source point, and everything in the world is derived from that source point, which is simply development. For this reason Many schools of thought and religions were born. The purpose of the Lord of Relief is to reverse development."

"Reverse development?" Artoria murmured, for some reason she suddenly thought of Vortigern.

"Development will produce contradictions, and contradictions will lead to disputes and extinctions. Disputes and extinctions will affect the neutral existence that is not in conflicts. Sometimes the extinction of a planet will cause the extinction of several other unrelated planets, let alone human beings. Civilization. As long as there is development, there will be contradictions, and as long as there are contradictions, there will be disputes. Unfortunately, no one has a solution to this contradictory reality, not even those super-existences with the rank of 'savior'."

After a pause, the dead eyes of the sky turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "But the Lord of Relief has it. His answer is to unify. Eliminate the boundaries of matter and spirit, and assimilate everything into himself. No matter It’s planets, stars, living things, non-living things, organic matter, inorganic matter, evil gods, saviors, us UO…all assimilated into Himself, making Himself that source. That’s His salvation.”

As soon as the words fell, the presence was silent.

"This this……"

Artoria couldn't tell anymore, the craziest person she ever met was Vortigern who tried to turn back history. However, the Lord of Relief is even crazier than him.

Eliminate all margins, assimilate everything. Upon hearing this kind of thing, Artoria felt her scalp tingle.

"It's even crazier than Morgan Le Fay to have such a super-dimensional idea..."

Holding the Switch, Morrigan muttered to himself.

She always thought that Morgan Le Fay was crazy, because not everyone could transform themselves into goddesses, goblins, dead apostles... and all kinds of things. However, the madness of the Lord of Relief simply exceeded her imagination.

"Therefore, in the war against the Lord of Relief, we UO also joined in it. But unfortunately, the power of the Lord of Relief far surpasses ours. In the end, it surpassed the ancient civilization itself and sealed the Lord of Relief in Akka According to Xia's records, the war ended," said the dead skeleton of the sky.

"Akasha Records..."

Shirou muttered softly, Akasha recorded, that is the [root].

"After the war, civilization was completely destroyed, and the earth's environment became very bad. The earth cracked, the sky changed, and even Gaia itself could no longer interfere with itself. The Alaya system was also destroyed, and the function It is not sound, and has lost contact with the subsystems of the distributed universe. After that, civilization transformed us and gave us technical information, allowing us to carry the mission of continuing civilization, enter the star sea, and find land where we can survive... "

Tiamat closed her eyes, and she recalled the incomparably distant ultra-ancient times.

At that time, she had been transformed from a battleship by civilization into a ship carrying the fire of civilization.

"'Live, this is the last order.', we, who are on the fire of life, wandered in the universe for an unknown number of years. The companions around us disappeared one by one, but a suitable land was never found. In the end, I Turned back to the earth again, laid the fire of civilization on the earth, and re-evolved civilization." Tiamat said.

"Why did you return to Earth?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

"It means Gaia and Thetis." Tiamat said.

"Thetis? The original fairy Thetis-sama?"

Arturia was astonished, and Morrigan was also astonished.

Among the people present, neither Shirou nor the Pendragon sisters could ignore this name. Because that was the elf that gave Shirou the invisible vortex, and was the origin of Avalon, Tina Connor and other fairylands, standing above the nine fairy queens of Avalon.

It is not surprising that Tiamat turned back and had Gaia's meaning, but what does this have to do with Thetis?

"Of course, because Thetis is a remnant of the super ancient times." Said the skeleton of the sky.

"Please don't joke about this kind of thing. Lord Thetis, you are a goblin!" Arturia said with a frown, and she finally tasted Illya's cognitive discomfort.

The culture of Britain is exactly the same as that of Ireland, but it is richer than Ireland in terms of goblin legends. It can be described as the real hometown of goblins. Because of this, in the culture of the ancient British, the status of the original goblin Thetis was the same as the status of Ishtar in the Middle East, the highest position.

Of course, due to cultural inheritance and human-centered thinking, modern Britain is more famous for the legend of King Arthur, and there are two versions of the Eternal King and the King of Knights.

"Thetis is of course a goblin, at least for now. But why, compared to humans and gods, goblins hold the magical way to enter and exit Akasha records? Why can goblin magic create the records of heroic spirits? Why goblins are immortal, but But can't survive in an environment without [True Ether]?" Asked by the dead skeleton of the sky.

"This..." Artoria couldn't tell.

"Let me tell you. The ultra-ancient technological system is exactly what you call the magic of the age of gods." Said the corpse of the sky.

"Age of Gods magic..." Artoria muttered to herself.

Tiamat glanced at the skeleton of the sky, then looked at Arturia, and said, "That guy made a mistake."

"What's wrong?" Sky Dead Skeleton looked at Tiamat displeased.

"It's not the magic of the age of gods, but the technology mastered by the gods. The magic of the age of gods is a second-class technology that my children gave to humans in order to consolidate their power."

After a pause, Tiamat said: "The group of children got the legacy technology from me, but they didn't form a system. But even so, they knocked me down, and split my body to form They grasped the concept of 'heaven' and 'earth', and thus controlled the change of the planet's environment, allowing nature to control the planet, and then mastered the life and death of all things on the planet. Then, in order to fight for power and profit, and to consolidate their beliefs in the world, the group Children give magical powers to priests who believe in themselves. That is the magic of the age of gods."

"It is precisely because of this that Gaia has always been very vigilant against those children. Because although the group of children can be said to be Gaia's tentacles-the continuation of the super-ancient civilization, they do not have the rationality of the super-ancient civilization. The gods and gods who have the power but no heart of gods are not real gods. Therefore, after the white giant god destroyed the age of gods, Gaia, who broke free from nature, chose the human beings created by those children as The primate of all things, and changes the environment of the planet."

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