I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1707

Gradually, there was too much water, and the leaves couldn't support the weight of the raindrops, and fell to the ground with a "tick".

After the rain, the sky suddenly became clear.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp" the crisp chirping of birds came from the branches, and the water of the small river called for the flying of fish.

The dust on the earth was washed by the rain, and the air was suddenly refreshed.

Attila turned her back and walked deeper into the cave.

It's darker and more gloomy here.

There is no scene at all, the eyes are full of darkness, and the moss on the wall.

Attila curled up.

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the cave, sometimes heavy, sometimes light, and finally there was only the sound of tiptoeing.


A timid voice suddenly resounded from outside the cave, "Miss Attila?"

It was a little girl with ponytails, wearing a simple gray linen dress, holding a huge lotus leaf as an umbrella in her hand, and her timid little cheeks were pouty, really cute.

However, what is strange is that there is one eye between her eyebrows.

Third eye!

The girl has three eyes!

"Well, Miss Attila, I, I came in?" the girl asked in a low voice.

Seeing that Attila didn't respond, she tiptoed in, but the moment she reached the door, Attila's cold voice sounded from the cave: "Don't come in!"


The three-eyed girl was taken aback and froze in place.

"Get out of here!" said Attila again.

The three-eyed girl was frightened and hid outside the cave.

She hid outside the cave, trembling for a moment, then poked her head out, looked at Attila who was curled up in the cave with three eyes, hesitated for a moment, put the flower basket full of fresh fruits in her hand at the door, Said: "Miss Attila, I put the food here."

"Take it back!" Attila said indifferently.

But this time, the three-eyed girl didn't listen to Altila, but left instead.

The three-eyed girl is called Lamoy, and she is a villager in a nearby village.

Because of the pressure of life, on the day of going to the market, I went to Zu'an City to exchange living supplies, but I didn't expect to encounter the event of the corpse of the sky attacking Zu'an City.

It was Altera who saved her when the Angel of Doom raided the city, hunting them down.

After that, Attila, who turned into a giant, ran away, and then evacuated, and came to the virgin forest near the village.

Although Lamoy didn't know why Attila would go berserk, Lamoy did not forget the simple principle that kindness needs to be reciprocated.

She is neither an adventurer nor a god, just an ordinary three-eyed person, so all she can do is to deliver some food in case Attila is hungry.


Lamoy turned her head and found a three-eyed old man on crutches in the distance, greeting her.

"Hello, village chief." Lamoy greeted the old man with a smile.

That was the village head of their village where the three-eyed people lived.

There are not many people living in this village, and there are only twenty-seven households with a total of seventy-three people.

The three-eyed people are very united and love each other very much. This is because there are only seventy-three people in the clan, not the number of people in this village, but on this land, there are only seventy-three three-eyed people.

At the gate of the village stands a swirling ancient stone tablet, which is the god that the people of this village believe in.

Before this land was changed like this, the miracles of the gods were still all over the land, the Aztec sun rose from the south, and the Mayan pyramids were eternally shining, but what they believed in was neither the Aztec sun nor The eternity of Maya is the existence engraved on this ancient stone tablet.


"I'm back, my lord. Thank you very much for your blessing today."

Lamoy folded his hands and prayed in front of the stele.

It's something she does every time she goes out.

The village chief said that the ancient ancestors were like Maya and Aztec, and built a glorious empire on the heretic continent. However, due to the catastrophe of the earth and the earth, the empire was destroyed. Under the blessing of the gods, the remaining people sailed across the sea to the new world and built a new home.

That's how this village came into being.

Therefore, the village chief said that every day of peace and stability is an incredible miracle and needs to be cherished.

Therefore, the compulsory course for the three-eyed villagers every day is to pray to the gods, praying for a new day of peace and stability.

After exchanging pleasantries with several neighbors, Lamoy returned to his residence.

A small earthen embryo house, this is her home.

Lamoy has neither father nor mother, and she has lived alone in this small house for five hundred and seventy-two years.

Yes, Lamoy is five hundred and seventy-two years old this year, a child raised by the village head.

No, it should be said that most of the residents in the village were raised by the village head. Her parents, and other people's parents, either died in the earth-shaking disaster, or perished in the journey of sailing across the sea to find a new world.

Therefore, people in the village respect the village head very much.

Lamoy didn't feel sad, because it was too illusory, as illusory as the stories told by the village chief when he was a child, but occasionally looking at this not very big room, he felt a little lonely.

It was another day, and after the busy farming season, Lamoy went to Attila's cave again.

The food delivered yesterday was still full outside the cave, covered with raindrops, and it was wet.

Lamoy was not discouraged, but took back the old basket and placed the new basket at the entrance of the cave.

For Lamoy, this is not only his gratitude, but also his kindness to Attila.

"Take it back." Altila said coldly in the cave.

Lamoy silently picked up the old basket and left.

She returned to her home, ground the old food in the basket into feed, and fed it to the poultry.

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