I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1717

In the Western European Catholic system, the "Apocalypse" also specifically expounds the ability of the third eye, and the annotation is no different from that of Asian religions.

Of course, in the legend of the three-eyed man, the most famous is the Mayan civilization that has long since perished.

The Mayan civilization is a prehistoric classical civilization as mysterious and brilliant as the Sumerian civilization of Gilgamesh.

Regardless of other things, in terms of astronomy, the Maya's calculation of the earth's cycle is almost the same as that of modern times, and they are very clear about the appearance of the cosmic environment, so clear that people suspect that they are aliens.

Of course, modern people's greatest impression of Maya is the massacred Indians and Maya's prophecies.

In the Mayan prophecy, it is clearly stated that the world has had five glorious human civilizations. And one of them was the era of Gendaya civilization dominated by three-eyed people.

That is the prehistoric civilization that belongs to prehistoric civilization for modern civilization.

But the three-eyed person should belong to the relationship of inheritance and replacement for modern people. Because modern people also have a "third eye".

However, the "third eye" of modern people has degenerated, no longer appears on the body surface, and has no mystery, and people have given it a biological scientific brain organ term - the pineal gland.

The inner and outer comprehension mentioned in Buddhism, the awakening of the Tathagata, from the perspective of mysticism, is the awakening of the pineal gland, which makes the "wisdom eye" reappear and understands wisdom.

For a pure magician, the more mysterious the material, the more interested the magician is, whether it is a modern magician or a magician from the age of gods.

The third eye of a three-eyed person is a purely ecological eye of wisdom, heaven, and god. In the sense of modern mysticism, it is a top-level fantasy material like the huge dragon skeleton under Albion, the tomb of the clock tower. .

Moreover, the third eye of the three-eyed man occupies an important place in the mythology of various regions, and its mystery and attraction to magicians are self-evident.

And in reality, the only third eye of the existing three-eyed people is Wandering Haizang, so it is no wonder that Morrigan is so keen to dissect the three-eyed boy.

Although she has a good knowledge of the mysterious systems in various regions, she still has a passion for legendary things, not to mention that the true identity of the three-eyed man is a survivor of the Mu continent.

Morrigan has never been in touch with the disappearing continent - the Mu continent, and the mysterious system of Gendaya civilization, so he is naturally very interested.

But Shirou directly reached out to stop him.

The three-eyed boy has clues about the continent of Mu, and the continent of Mu may be related to the Lord of Relief. Of course, he can't just sit back and watch Morrigan dissect him.

Of course, it was scary enough that Morrigan would say the word dissection.

How does this guy study magic?

"Is it really impossible to dig? I only need a little bit, even if it's just a cornea?" Molly asked unwillingly.

It's rare for something that interests her to appear, and if she doesn't argue about it, she is really unwilling.


Shirou shook his head, "Help him break the spell, sister."

"Got it, got it." Morrigan replied feebly. After all, she was not Morgan Le Fay, not as tough and ruthless as Morgan Le Fay.

She walked weakly to the side of the three-eyed boy, took a few glances, and couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

"What's wrong, sister?" Shirou asked.

Morrigan took a closer look, then raised his head to look at Shirou, and said, "What he's doing is not a spell, but a curse extended from the power of the gods."

"A curse extended from the power of the gods?" Shirou asked.

"To put it simply, it is the magic of the age of the gods. The magic of the age of the gods is the mystery of the birth of human beings who obtained the grace bestowed by the gods. Merlin and I are all magicians of the age of the gods. However, after Vortigern was defeated by you, the The Age of Gods disappeared completely, and all the magicians of the Age of Gods hid in the Wandering Sea and were no longer in touch with reality.”

Morrigan said, pointing at the three-eyed boy, and said: "He should be the unique god-era Reiatsu technique in South America. Reiatsu magic, generally derived from the power of the gods responsible for death, can separate the soul from the body, thus Making the soul and the body different is simply the separation of the consciousness and the body. It's just that this kind of magic, in theory, shouldn't be used on strangers."

"How do you say, sister?" Shirou asked humbly.

No one knows more about magic than Morrigan. Even Medea, the famous witch in Greek legend.

"Morgan Le Fay was sent by his father, King Uther, to study magic in a convent when he was young. The magician who founded the convent at that time was a heretical magician from the generation of gods who was kicked out by Wandering Sea. I remember that the first time Morgan Le Fay taught A teacher once said that Reiatsu of the Age of Gods was bestowed by the god of death on the priests who served him to assist him in capturing souls who do not want to enter the underworld. Those who enter the underworld will not perform it on strangers, nor can they work on strangers .”

"You mean he's dead, sister?" Shirou asked.

Morrigan shook his head: "From the perspective of this wavelength and the vitality of the body, it is impossible. And since I came to this connection point, I found that the age of gods in this connection point has long since completely dissipated, the 'heaven' and the 'underworld' The concept of death has also disappeared. What I wonder is this, the gods have disappeared, why there is still the power of the god of death remaining. "

"Can you untie it?" Shirou asked again.

Morrigan thought for a while and said, "It's possible, but it will be very difficult when it involves the concept of soul and 'death'. If you are not careful, you will make mistakes. If I have a god's eye to assist me at this time, it will be quite smooth." .”

Morrigan stared at the third eye of the three-eyed boy, full of desire.

Shirou pushed Artoria to the front and said, "I think my sister must really want to show her hardworking side in front of Al."

Morrigan: "..."

The identity has been exposed, there is no other way. However, as the soft-hearted fairy Morrigan, Shirou actually launched the most indebted sister of the witch Morgan Le Fay as a threat...


Arturia looked at Morrigan seriously, "Sister, come on!"

"Don't tell me that to Guinevere's face..."

Morrigan howled weakly.

She already regretted entering this connection point in her heart. Wouldn't it be nice to continue to be a waste of e-sports in Chaldea?

While Morrigan was dragging his weak body, he began to try to unravel the magic formula of the three-eyed boy. Shirou revisited the secret place of the sky skeleton, and happened to see Lingzi, who was alone brushing monsters.

"Long time no see, Ayaka." Shirou greeted Reiko.

Ling Zi, who was slashing monsters with a relaxed face, became stiff for a moment when he heard this name, and was tripped by the weight of the sword in his hand.

The monster turned its head and glanced at Ling Zi who had tripped him, with a look of contempt on his face, what's the use of this woman falling down even after cutting a monster, it's really a waste of it sending her to death to support her level.

"It hurts." Ling Zi touched his buttocks with a face full of pain.

Shirou came over: "Are you okay, Ayaka."

Ling Zi's face froze immediately, not knowing how to answer.

"There's no need to keep denying it, Sajo Ayaka? I'm Fujimaru Shirou. I was afraid that you might be jealous, so I didn't dare to recognize you." Shirou said.

He has a lot of questions he wants to ask Sajo Ayaka about the Holy Grail War in Shinjuku, because his awakening is not complete, and some memories are lost in the infinite reset.

Moreover, that should be quite an important part of memory.

For example, how did he get involved in the Holy Grail War in Shinjuku in the first place, how did he inherit the invisible vortex from the original fairy Thetis, and how did he kill Sajo Aika.

The most important thing is, how did Sajo Ayaka survive the reset of the Enlightened One?

Sajo Ayaka sighed: "Actually, my awakened memory is not complete."

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