I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1735

Shirou rolled his eyes: "You still miss Gendaya's eyes?"

Morrigan rolled on a donkey, lay on the ground, looked at Shirou, and retorted: "Aren't you interested in Gendaya's eyes and why the Lord of Relief appears?"


All right! He is also very interested.

Morrigan's eyes lit up, and he pointed at Charia, who was sitting on the roof, who was sad and sad, and said excitedly, "Why don't we dissect him?"

Shirou said speechlessly: "Please pay attention to your identity, Dr. Morrigan."

"But I'm really curious..." Morrigan shrank her head and said dejectedly, "You can't blame me. Who told Morgan Le Fay to infect me with this curiosity."

Shirou looked at Morrigan helplessly.

"Speaking of which, what is the relationship between Sister Wang and Sister Wang?"

After saying that, Artoria felt weird, and changed her words again: "That's, that's..."

"It's Morgan Le Fay's relationship with me, isn't it?" Morrigan asked.

Arturia nodded.

Morgan Le Fay said, "Morgan Le Fay is me, but I'm not Morgan Le Fay."

Arturia showed a puzzled face.

Shirou sighed, and then explained: "It's like a heroic spirit and a Servant. 'Morgan Le Fay' is the main body, and Morrigan is a side of 'Morgan Le Fay'."

"Is that so? Then I understand." Arturia nodded, and then looked at Shirou happily. She really deserves to be a king who can explain such a complicated problem so simply.

"However, since Morrigan is a side of Sister Wang, what about the real Sister Wang?" Artoria asked.

Shirou also looked at Morrigan, he was also very interested in Morgan Le Fay's whereabouts.

"...I won't tell you guys."

Morrigan made a face at them, then turned and ran.

Arturia: "...Thinking, I never thought that Sister Wang still has such a side."

Shirou nodded, affirming: "Morrigan must be the side of my sister when she peed her pants!"

Morrigan, who hadn't run far, staggered and almost fell, turned his head, and glared at Shirou angrily.


Embarrassed and angry, Morrigan took the stone under her feet as Shiro, and wanted to kick it away, but the stone was too strong. Instead, she fell to the ground with a "slap" because of uncoordinated force, holding her foot in pain , rolling on the ground.

Shirou and Artoria walked over and surrounded Morrigan.

Looking at Morrigan rolling on the ground with tears in his face, Shirou turned his head to Artoria and said, "Look, Al. This reaction proves that Morrigan must be the side of my sister when she peed her pants."

Morrigan, who was still clutching her toes in pain, immediately opened her tearful eyes when she heard this, and stared at Shirou with tears in her eyes, "You heartless!"

"I'm just telling the truth," Shirou said.

Morrigan was furious.

Arturia helped Morrigan up, looked at Shirou helplessly, "Don't bully Miss Wang."

It's better for my sister.

Morrigan hugged Arturia, tears in her eyes, why did she think that there was something wrong with her sister before?

"I don't dare to bully my sister, what if my sister turns me into a frog? It's just... just, I will trip over a stone..."

Shirou couldn't help laughing.

Morrigan glared at Shirou in embarrassment, then touched the ground with her palm, she wanted to evaporate the stone that tripped her up.

How dare she make such a big shame!

After finding what tripped her, Morrigan realized that it was not a stone, but an iridescent stone that looked like a star.

"Huh? This is—"

The three of them couldn't help but stare at the stone.

Arturia: "Isn't this a stone?"

"Holy, holy crystal?" Shirou was surprised.

"Spirit crystallization?" Morrigan was dumbfounded.

"Did you find anything?"

Kiara Saseiin walked over and saw the stone in Morrigan's hand, his eyes lit up: "What a beautiful stone."

"What a beautiful stone! This is a very rare magic material!" Morrigan held the Saint Quartz and rolled his eyes: "This is a crystallized object after the concept of the future is confirmed."

Afraid that Saseiin Kiara didn't understand, Morrigan organized the language, and then explained: "Simply speaking, an alchemist is at a certain time node, and then after the future of this time node is determined, absorb the information formed by the future reality. Concept material. Moreover, this thing can replace the call sign, and it is an excellent material for summoning Servants."

After a pause, Morrigan looked puzzled, "However, generally speaking, only the alchemists in Astra can make this thing, why did it appear here?"

"This, this is not..."

A frightened voice suddenly sounded in their ears, and everyone turned their heads to look, and immediately saw Charia who looked a little frightened.

"What's wrong, Charia?" Shirou asked.

"This is something from those priests!" Charia said with hatred on his face.

Hearing this, Shirou and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, then Shirou took the holy spar from Morrigan's hand, placed it in front of Charia, and asked, "Are you sure, those priests who attacked the village are holding this thing?"

Zarya nodded, and said with hatred on his face: "I remember, I remember very clearly...the most in their arms is this thing!"

"I see," Shirou nodded, then turned to look at Morrigan, and asked, "Is there a way to trace the owner through this thing?"

"Of course!" Morrigan nodded.

Shirou's palm was grasped fiercely, there is no way out, and there is another village!

"Development~! Hey, what are you doing together? Oh! I see, you must be playing something, but you didn't take me!"

Mordred pursed his lips.


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