I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1744

Shirou didn't look at other things, but concentrated on searching for food.

"This, this, and this, I want them all!"

Within a short while, Shirou had a lot of special delicacies in his hands. Seeing the cold sweat on Morrigan's face, he couldn't help asking: "Have you finished eating?"

"Whose body do you think I'm using now, sister?" Shirou asked, rolling his eyes.

"Al's body structure is indeed different from that of ordinary people... But, if it were you, you wouldn't be dominated by your body's appetite, right?" Morrigan asked.

"Of course not, but with such a good stomach, wouldn't I be too sorry for this replacement experience if I don't have a good taste of food?" Shirou asked with a smile.

Morrigan: "..."

You are indulging yourself in feelings now.

Morrigan sighed.

"Archbishop Moyres is out! Archbishop Moyrez is out!"

There was a sudden shout from the crowd, and the crowd, which had been flowing continuously, suddenly boiled up and rushed towards both ends of the street, pushing Shirou and Morrigan to the back.

Shirou and Morrigan looked at each other, and Morrigan showed a helpless face, and asked, "Archbishop Moyres is so popular, why are we squeezing in?"

"No need," Shirou shook his head, and stuffed a piece of pork into his mouth, "Where can people have delicious meat?"

Morrigan: "..."

Why do your words sound so terrifying?

"Archbishop Moyres is out!"

There was a sound in the crowd, and the crowd suddenly boiled, shouting one after another.

Obviously, people in the Sanctuary support Archbishop Moyres very much.

"Archbishop Moyres is very popular." Shirou said with great interest.

Morrigan shook his head: "From the time flow of this connection point, after all, it is a manager who has managed the sanctuary for decades, and he handles it well. It is not surprising that he has such popularity."

Shirou nodded, and then concentrated on eating.

He was not interested in Archbishop Moyres, but when the procession of Archbishop Moyres riding an idol passed in front of him, he still glanced subconsciously.

However, it was this glance that made Shiro stunned.

On top of the idol, a short-haired girl in white robes was standing calmly. The breeze blew across her face, revealing a rainbow-colored spar on her forehead.

"Attila...?" Shirou murmured with a puzzled face.

"What Attila?" Morrigan asked suspiciously.

Shirou shook his head, frowned and continued to look forward, but the parade had already gone away.

"Let's go back, Guinevere," Morrigan suggested.

Shirou hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Unable to get close to Archbishop Moyres during the celebration, he can go to Archbishop Moyres the day after the celebration to find out if what he just saw was a trance-like hallucination like Kiara Sesseiin?

With this in mind, Shirou and Morrigan returned to the inn.

Back at the hotel, Mordred and Arturia looked at the food in Shirou's hands happily, and happily took it.

Mordred ate the delicious food with a happy face, while Artoria had a bitter face, unhappy.

Because she took two bites and was full.

In the past, I couldn't fill my stomach no matter what, but now the delicious food, the fighting power of the stomach is not enough.

What an unbelievable stomach!

"Huh?" Morrigan exclaimed suddenly.

"What's wrong, Morrigan?" Shirou asked.

Morrigan said in amazement, "The profiteer fox just now made a fuss in the guild, saying that he made a lot of money during the celebration."

"That is to say, that fox is now in the sanctuary?" Shirou asked.

Morrigan nodded, "It's just that the direction is uncertain."

"Mmm..." Kiara Shashoin suddenly shook his body, his face turned livid.

"What's the matter with you, Saseiin?" Shirou asked in surprise.

"I don't know. I just feel, I just feel... so uncomfortable!" Kiara hugged his body with a painful expression on his face.

At this time, a soft and charming voice sounded from outside the hotel.

"This time I made a lot of money again, senior."


"Look, I worked so hard this time, shouldn't I use Dongxuanzi's thirty-six moves..."

"Well, I'll think about it."

"Come on, just teach me this pure and sincere seeker of the Tao... Huh? What's the matter with this fine manly smell? Sniff sniff sniff, and this smell is still abstinence!"

Almost instinctively, Shirou shook violently!


Chapter 91: Daji and the Demonic Bodhisattva

"how come……!"

Kiara stood up suddenly, as if seeing an extremely incredible scene, his eyes were round and big, and his face was full of disbelief.

Everyone turned their heads and saw two female fox orcs walking slowly from the door. The former wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looked quite intellectual, while the latter had a voluptuous figure and was wearing a loose gold blouse. The gown exudes a charming feeling.

The moment he saw these two female fox orcs, especially the latter, Shirou's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he felt a cold wind blowing from behind, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

Shirou and the others saw the two fox orcs, and the two fox orcs naturally also saw Shirou and the others gathered at the table.

The fox orc wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses looked at Kiara at Seshoin, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, "Oh, oh. This is really a surprise. Don't you think, little Seshoin?"

"Yes. What a surprise."

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