I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1753

Shirou glanced at it, then turned to Artoria, and whispered, "Yesterday, something was wrong with Mordred. I don't know if he is worried about something. Help me find out."

Artoria froze for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

When everyone gathered at the dinner table, Shirou clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Today is another sunny day, let's spend this day happily, starting with breakfast. However, today we also need to finish our work. task."

After a pause, Shirou looked at Charia and said, "Also, Charia. Don't worry, Archbishop Moyres will help us, and your family and friends will be fine."

Charlie was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yeah."

Looking at Shirou who mobilized everyone's emotions, Charia couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency the King of Knights is really an admirable, sunny person."

"Of course, because he is..."

Sesseiin Kiara covered his mouth, glanced at Mordred secretly, and then added in his heart, because, that was Mr. Shiro.


pS: Let’s get here first today~!

Chapter 95 Shouldn't you be used to this kind of thing?

After the carnival of the celebration, all that remained in the streets and alleys was a mess.

Came to the Great Pyramid in the center of the sanctuary.

The two sides of the pyramid are two huge statues of gods, symbolizing the two former god kings, the god of wisdom Skell and the god of anger.

Entering the Great Pyramid, Archbishop Moyres was already standing on the highest seat.

Archbishop Moyres is a middle-aged man with a peaceful demeanor, wearing a black and white staggered robe, which symbolizes the intersection of wisdom and wrath.

In his hand is a scepter inlaid with obsidian, and behind it is a mural of two gods worshiping the majestic primordial light.

The original light is the lord of all things in Mayan mythology, the original star-making god, Kemu Kamenpus.

In front of Archbishop Moyres, there were many adventurers and powerful guards, looking at him seriously and listening to his divine words. He waved his scepter and sang the praises of the grandeur and courage of the world.

There are many priests wearing divine robes on the two roads, singing devout oracle in a low voice, and there is a sense of ancient times in the haze.

Morrigan took a look and said, "The archbishop is adding BUFF to adventurers and guards. In the game, this is the archbishop's daily BUFF, and we happened to get it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shirou saw a system message from Mooncell

[With the blessing of the archbishop, all attributes increased by 10%, and the duration is 12 hours...] Well, this is indeed a routine.

Gradually, the people dispersed, and Shirou and others walked towards Archbishop Moyres and reported their intention.

"Is it a class promotion? This is not a difficult thing. You just need to go to the Resurrection Pyramid, pass the systematic test, and bathe in the holy spring." Archbishop Moyres said.

Heading to the Resurrection Pyramid?

Shirou was surprised for a moment, they happened to be going to the resurrection pyramid to regain the intelligence and age of Mordred and the Emiya brothers and sisters, and it turned out that the last board for class promotion was in the resurrection pyramid.

Although this is a coincidence, it also saves a lot of effort.

At this time, Charia, who was covering her face with a hood, was about to move, but hesitated to speak.

Shirou glanced at him, then looked at the peaceful Archbishop Moyres, and said, "Archbishop, there is actually one more thing we want to ask for your help."

"What's the matter?" Archbishop Moyres said, "I really can't ignore the adventurers who guard the homeland we depend on for survival."

Shirou glanced at Charia, and Charia took off the hood knowingly, revealing his third eye.

The moment he saw Charia's third eye, Archbishop Moyres was taken aback, and the priests around him also talked about it.

Shirou saw all their reactions, then pointed to Charia and asked, "Archbishop Moyres, do you know him?"

Archbishop Moyres shook his head, "I don't know this boy, but I know people like them."

After a pause, Archbishop Moyres said with emotion on his face, "A man with divine eyes... I never thought I would meet again."

Shirou asked: "It seems that the archbishop knows Gendaya."

Hearing this, Archbishop Moyres smiled and said: "We are the people of God and possess the grace of God. But God has given us strength, but not wisdom. Our wisdom comes from overseas roots. Daya."

Shirou said calmly: "However, you killed all the Gendaya people who fled."

"Bold, adventurer!"

The surrounding guards and priests glared at Shirou and at the offender.

Archbishop Moyres waved his hand, calmed down the anger of the crowd, and said, "This is not something worth concealing, Heroic Spirit of Pan-Reality. Because this is indeed a barbaric mistake made by our ancestors."

Shirou raised his eyebrows. This Archbishop Moyres is indeed a magician of the age of gods who served the original gods. He has excellent eyesight and sees through their truth.

But of course, Enkidu was summoned by him after all.

"Our ancestors received wisdom from Gendaya and realized what a savage and bloody mistake they made. Therefore, our ancestors set up a warning not to disturb the Gendaya. But look at you It seems that the remaining Gendayans have also met with accidents."

Archbishop Moyres sighed, then looked at Charia leniently, and asked, "Son, tell me what happened to you."

Charia's divine eyes saw the light in the darkness from Archbishop Moyres, just like the original light pursued by the gods on the mural behind him, so warm.

He couldn't help crying: "Our village has been attacked!"

"This is really a sad thing, but who did such a cruel thing?" Archbishop Moyres asked with pity.

"It's a group of priests who want to take back the gift of God from Gendaya people. Moreover, they seem to be priests from the sanctuary." Shirou replied on his behalf.

"It seems that the impact of the new era has caused some people to break the prohibition of their ancestors."

Archbishop Moyres turned his head, glanced at the priests behind him, and finally landed on Shirou and Charia again, and said, "I will find out about this. However, since I am a priest, I may not be without suspicion. .Son, you should go on an adventure with these adventurers first, I will investigate this matter and make up for the blood and sins of our ancestors."

"Thank you." Charia was moved.

Shirou took the opportunity to glance at the priests in the temple, remembering all their faces in his mind, and then sensed the wavelength of the Servant, muttering softly: "There is no wavelength of Attila..."

He saw Attila in the car of Archbishop Moyres at the celebration before, and thought that Attila might be in the Great Pyramid, but now it seems that he was too much influenced by the Lord of Relief, and his spirit was a little trance .

After all, apart from Assassin, no Servant can hide his wavelength. Of course, Shirou with [Evil] is special.

At this time, a priest came to the side of Archbishop Moyres and murmured a few times in his ear.

"is that so?"

Archbishop Moyres looked at the priest with some surprise, then turned his head, looked at Shirou and the others, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, adventurers. I'm afraid it will not be so easy for you to raise your rank."

"Did something happen?" Artoria asked subconsciously.

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