I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1766

Chapter 101: The First and Youngest Him

Cu Chulainn brought Shirou and others to a commercial building, pointed to the commercial building, and said, "My Master Linglong Pavilion, Meishaye, is in this building."

"Okay." Shirou nodded.

Sik and Sak were about to go in, when Cu Chulainn reached out to stop them and said, "There is a magic trap set by my Master, let me lead the way."

Sick and Sack looked at each other, then nodded: "Okay."

Shirou and others walked in, led by Erwuzi Ku Chulin, and easily avoided many traps.


"What are you doing that silly dog? !!!"

Looking at the outside scene through the magic crystal, Linglongguan Mei Shaye tossed and turned frantically on the bed.

Linglongkan Misaya, born in Linglongkan, a famous magic family, is the master of Lancer in the Shinjuku Holy Grail War, and the rank of the master is the second cherub.

No matter in terms of her appearance, status and wisdom, she is a perfect and perfect girl.

But unfortunately, she is a pervert.

Of course, it is different from the pure white metamorphosis of Shajo Aige, Linglongguan Misha Ye is proud, beautiful and cruel, and likes to listen to the mournful cries of beautiful boys. At the same time, from a high-dimensional point of view, she is also the prototype of Rin Tosaka.

Linglongguan Meisha Nightclub participated in the Holy Grail War in Shinjuku because of the obsessive curse of the father who pursued the achievement of the Holy Grail eight years ago-"If you don't become a Master and win the Holy Grail, you will die."

Of course, that's what she thought.

In fact, it was not her father who cast this curse on Linglongguan Misa Ya eight years ago, but Sajo Aiga.

Linglongguan Misha Ye's father ran around to undo his daughter's curse, and was killed by Shajo Aiga, but in the end Shajo Aiga was also betrayed by Arthur, stabbed to death with a sword, fell into the Great Holy Grail and briefly Finish.

Of course, this happened eight years ago when Shiro Fujimaru was involved in the Shinjuku War. From a high-dimensional point of view, it is "Pieces of Cangyin".

Today's Linglongguan Misa Ya has participated in the Holy Grail War, and summoned Lancer—Cu Chulainn, and the first thing she did was to let her demon hound and Cu Chulainn attack Sajo Ayaka .

But with extreme bad luck, Sajo Ayaka summoned Saber Arthur and repelled Cu Chulainn.

What's more, the luck was even worse. That night, in the one-person club department of the university, he launched a remote control of the familiar, but was followed by Rider and chased him down. He happened to bump into a famous nerd in the economics department.

I originally wanted to use that nerd to block Rider, but the nerd was lucky enough to be recognized as a master by the Holy Grail, and was also very lucky to activate the Servant's summoning technique, and summoned the Servant just right. The King of Heroes who conquered heaven and earth in ancient times easily repelled Rider.

Due to the situation, Misa Ye of Linglongguan at that time had no choice but to temporarily pretend to be a partner of justice, trying to explain the details of the Holy Grail War to that nerd, hoping to survive, but the nerd easily saw through her essence, and more than that She also knows about the Holy Grail War, and even her curse.

At that time, Mei Shaye in Linglong Pavilion was completely hopeless, but that nerd saved her life.

—Even if I do nothing, you will die in the end. Moreover, I don't have an alibi now, if you die now, I will be suspected. Human prejudice is like a mountain. Once it is entangled, it cannot be moved or removed. I don't want to leave any suspicion in my information file, that would be detrimental to my future development.

Leaving that sentence behind, the nerd left with the King of Heroes with great interest.

And that was already a week ago.

Thinking of what happened during the past week, Linglongguan Mei Shaye felt very gloomy, and what was even more gloomy now was that her Lancer was controlled by a non-human race, and now she was brought to kill her.

"It's rubbish."

Mei Shaye of Linglong Pavilion satirized Cu Chulainn mercilessly. Compared with her sweet appearance, her words and soul were not so sweet.

However, instead of insulting Cu Chulainn, what to think about now is how to get out.

Looking around for a while, his eyes finally fell on a white cleaning clothes and a garbage truck. Linglongguan Mei Shaye gritted his teeth, and a firm look flashed in his eyes.


"So, in the end, you pretended to be Auntie Cleaning in an attempt to get away with it?"

Shirou, looking at Linglongguan Meishaye, who was tightly tied three times to the left and three times to the right by [Evil], dressed like a cleaning lady, was speechless.


Linglongkan Misa stared at Shirou with gritted teeth.

Just now, she managed to convince herself of her arrogance, changed into the clothes of a cleaning attendant, and tried to sneak out of the building by pushing the pungent garbage truck.

And the reality is exactly as she thought, Sike and Sac were easily fooled by her, and even her Servant Cu Chulainn didn't recognize her, and finally endured joy and wanted to escape , but Shirou used [evil] to easily drag her back and tie her up.

Sak and Sik murmured, "Is the boss of this dungeon so weak? Then why are those people so scrupulous about [Emotional World]?"

Shirou looked down at Linglongguan Meishaye. Her long black hair, which fell straight to her waist, was close to her delicate white and tender face, and she had a pair of wine red eyes. She is a typical oriental beauty.

Shirou stretched out his hand, grabbed Linglongkan Misa Ye's chin, swayed from side to side, and looked at Linglongkan Misa Ye's side face, with a serious expression, as if he was looking at some artwork.

"It's really similar to Rin, as expected of Rin's prototype." Shirou muttered.

"You golden-haired monster, if you want to kill or kill, you can do whatever you want, and don't insult me!" Linglongguan Mei Shaye stared angrily, and was betrayed by the Servant, counting her unlucky.

Shirou smiled slightly, and then snapped his fingers to release the [Evil] from Linglongguan Misa Ye.

Not only Linglongguan Meishaye, but even Sak and Sick were taken aback: "What are you doing?"

Shirou turned his head and said to Sak and Sik: "My two partners, even if they are monsters, can be used by us."

Sac and Sike were stunned, pointing at Linglongguan Mei Shaye, and asked: "You mean, such a weak monster is also useful?"

Linglongguan Meishaye could hear the word "well" all over her forehead. What does it mean to be so weak?

Of course, although she was dissatisfied, Meisha Ye of Linglongguan didn't say anything. She already knew through Cu Chulainn that the people in front of her were all inhumans, and even the one with the hand ax was a legend in Mesopotamia. During the period, along with the monsters of the god Tiamat, the fantasy human race that was wiped out by the gods, the dragon people.

Just when she was about to speak, Linglongguan Mei Shaye's eyes opened suddenly, as if she had a heart attack, she clutched her chest and howled.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Shirou squatted down towards Linglongguan Misa Ye, and saw a black object suddenly shot out from Linglongguan Misa Ye's chest, the speed was extremely fast, Shirou didn't react, but [Evil] spread the net instantly, as if The shield generally stood in front of Shirou.


With a sound of "cha", the black object pierced through [Evil] with ease, and shot at Shirou directly. Fortunately, Shirou had already reacted, turned his head abruptly, and dodged. The object fell on Xi Ke behind Shirou.


Sik let out a scream.

Shirou turned his head to look, and then he saw clearly that the black object was not a side object at all, but a lump of black mud, like, very similar... very similar to the dark vortex of the Lord of Relief seen at the Shinjuku Junction Mud tide!

When the black mud fell on Sik, it formed a huge mud tide with lightning speed, like the fragments of Majin Buu, wrapped Sik, and then separated a part Sak, who was too late to escape next to Sik, was also swallowed.

"What's that?" Linglongguan Meisha asked palely, clutching her chest.

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