I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1772

The boy asked suspiciously: "Have you not activated the summoning spell, Killing Academy?"

"No, I activated it." Saishouin Kiara said blankly.

"Then why can't I summon anything?" The boy asked suspiciously: "Even if I can't summon me who has reached the end of my life, I can still summon some Servants related to me, right?"

Kiara Saseiin couldn't figure it out either.

Old Shan said thoughtfully, "There are probably three possibilities."

The boy turned his head to look at Old Shan and said: "The first one may be that Chaldea's magic base is different from ours, so the summoning failed; the second one may be that my future rejected my summoning; but this third What could it be?"

Old Shan glanced at the young man and said, "I'm not sure about the fate."

"Fate?" The young man was full of doubts.

Old Shan said: "The Heroic Seat is the seat that transcends time, space, and cause and effect... to accommodate all heroic spirits. You who summoned me at this time are the beginning of the Eternal King, but I have heard of the Eternal King long ago. , I even communicated with him in my old age, but the boyish me who was summoned couldn’t know about it.”

"I don't understand. In this case, isn't time and cause and effect completely messed up?" the boy asked.

Old Shan rolled his eyes: "Of course you can't understand Heroic Seat with linear thinking, and it's even impossible to know and understand Heroic Seat with the current level of human cognition."

After a pause, the old Shan continued: "The guardian dominated by [Alaya] can appear in the world where human beings are about to be destroyed, but the heroic spirits on the seat are different. Only the legendary heroes who are remembered by the primates can At the same time, the heroic spirits can only appear in places where the legends have not disappeared. Why don’t there be Heroic spirits from Gendaya, which is older than Sumer, and the continent of Mu? Because their legends have disappeared. And if you really It's the same with becoming the Heroic Spirit on the seat."

"You mean... I did not become the Eternal King, and there is no legend of the Eternal King here, so the Eternal King cannot be summoned here?" the boy asked.

Old Flash nodded, appreciating: "That's right. This is the same for that future you. He can use the records of the Eternal King, but he cannot summon and use a more future self. In addition, there are One possibility is that you encountered some mystery at the end, and the future was completely wiped out, without even leaving a record."

"How could there be such a possibility? I am so strong, how could I encounter such a thing?" The boy said with a smile, his tone was very relaxed.

Kiara Saishouin said that his future is very strong, he is a crowned heroic spirit level existence, and even killed that demon Bodhisattva several times.

With such strength, it will be slightly insufficient when encountering a bug like Shatiao Aige, is there anything else that will threaten him?

The relaxed boy didn't notice Seshoin Kiara's increasingly uncomfortable face.


The possibility of being completely wiped out exists.

Kiara Saseiin knew it.


Lord of Relief.

"Then there is no other way but to recruit people." The boy said with a smile.

"Calling people?" Linglongguan Meisha asked at night.

The boy nodded, and asked with a smile, "Is it possible that you want to fight alone with that magician who surpassed [law]?"

Linglong Pavilion Mei Shaye was speechless.

Old Flash nodded and said appreciatively, "Indeed, to deal with Humbaba-style monsters, we need to call in manpower, and the biggest helper is... huh? No!"

Old Flash came to his senses, frowned, looked at the young man, and said, "You bastard, are you planning to bring in the Holy Sword Envoy? Let me tell you, I won't cooperate with him!"

"Of course we are not going to cooperate with him, but to save him with mercy!" The boy said: "Eight years ago, Shajo Aiga was the real winner of the Holy Grail War, and her Servant was Arthur, but Arthur Betrayed her, and finally killed her from behind. Shajo Aige's obsession is Arthur, and she did something to me in the future, and she will definitely do something to Arthur in the future."

After a pause, the young man looked at Old Shan and said, "We went to rescue him, which showed our generosity and mind. He will also understand that he was able to get the Saber position entirely because Sajo Ayaka went first. Called, not because he is the most qualified."

"It makes sense."

Old Flash nodded with a happy expression on his face. Although he knew that the young man was secretly changing concepts and flattering him, it sounded comfortable to say that he couldn't stand it. Sure enough, every emperor still needs some cute little people around him, otherwise how can he be happy physically and mentally every day?

Joyful in his heart, Old Shan casually said, "It's a pity you weren't born in Uruk."

"Yeah, what a pity, what a pity..."

Saying this, the young man secretly rolled his eyes, who wants to go to the wild era where gods and monsters are everywhere, and there is no humanitarianism?

After summing up, the boy and others were going to pull Arthur into the team.

In this Holy Grail War in Shinjuku, apart from Sajo Aiga, the most powerful Servant is the old Shan, Arthur who is called the old sword, and of course the hand-held sword that was played and applauded by the demon bodhisattva before. [Twelve must win] the old sea.

But compared with the old Shan and the old sea, the old sword is more special, because he has the sword of the star to save the world. And unlike Arturia who needs Gaia's acquiescence to liberate the complete Star Sword, he can liberate the Star Sword independently.

The young man knew in his heart that if the enemy was Shatiao Aige, he might face the Enlightenment Beast. In addition, there is now a demon bodhisattva hiding in the dark to disrupt the situation, so the power of the old sword is necessary.

"To rely on the power of Sajo Ayaka..." Linglongguan Misha complained for a while.

Sajo Ayaka is the younger sister of Sajo Aika. In the Holy Grail War eight years ago, Shajo Aika summoned the old sword. Since then, she has changed from a high-dimensional goddess who is indifferent to everything to a sick maniac infected with the "love" virus. Demon, and seriously participated in the Holy Grail War in order to fulfill the old sword's wish.

The old sword's wish is essentially the same as Artoria's, and it is also to continue Britain. However, [Britain's demise] has been recorded in the quantum fixed belt, which is the basis of human law.

Not everyone can be like Shirou, from the perspective of [root], use his own karma to connect the karma of Britain, thereby reshaping the causal line and rewriting the basics of human reason.

Therefore, if Shajo Aiga wants to fulfill the wish of the old sword and let Britain continue, then the existing world must be destroyed, destroying the basis of human theory, and thus destroying the quantum fixed belt. To use the Holy Grail to summon the Beast, the Beast of the Apocalypse.

For this purpose, she played and applauded all the masters at that time, even the Sun King who had the same personality as the old Shan and the old sword at that time, and Brunhilde were played and applauded by her, and even a few bodies The Servant was also impressed by her and willingly worked for her.

In addition to burying the curse on Linglongguan Mei Shaye, she also had one more thing, which was to sacrifice her young sister at the time to fill the last fragment of the Holy Grail ceremony.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Sajo Ayaka is required to fill the Holy Grail, it's just out of jealousy. Sajo Ayaka saw the old sword, got close to the old sword, and saw the old sword's smile—just because of such a pity reason, the goddess infected with the "love" virus was already jealous and mad. The back of the old sword was stabbed.

However, Sajo Aiga never imagined that in the Holy Grail War eight years later, when Reikokan Misa sent Cu Chulainn to kill Sajo Ayaka, Sajo Ayaka summoned the old sword .

The Holy Grail War in Shinjuku is different from the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City and other places. The Holy Grail War in Shinjuku pays attention to the character and sequence. The higher the character sequence, the higher the ability and strength, and the first character is Saber, so the old Shan who is very competitive is very upset. Kill him in the past, to prove yourself.

Although Old Shan holds the job title of Archer, he is actually very strong in melee combat. Every time he fights in close quarters, the old sword is disheveled, and he can't tell the winner for a short time. In order to prevent someone spying on Sajo Ayaka's safety when he was entangled by the old Shan, he always stayed by Sajo Ayaka's side.

As for Sajo Ayaka, who has been busy with her studies recently, she almost stays in school for tutoring. Therefore, before she was a teenager, she and Saseiin Kiara hid at Sajo's house, but it was a waste of time.

"So we're going to college?" Linglongguan Meisha asked with a headache.

The boy nodded. He is a few years older than Sajo Ayaka, and he is a college student, so the two are not in the same school. Except for the grievances between the old sword and the old Shan, there is basically no intersection.

The boy turned his head, looked at Mordred, and said with a smile, "How is it? Are you happy? I will see your mother's same individual soon. And he is also a very outstanding young man, of course not as good as my Archer .”

Mordred glanced at the boy and said, "Did you make a mistake? King Arthur...it should be your same individual."

"So what happened to my future? Why did I become King Arthur instead?" The young man was puzzled.

Mordred said: "I just wonder why you know so much? In theory, you are an ordinary person."

"Huh? Didn't my future self tell you?" The young man was full of doubts.

"Tell us what?" Mordred asked suspiciously.

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