I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1795

"Be-killed... Immortality, was killed?" The boy was surprised.

"It wasn't killed, idiot!" Linglongguan Mei Shaye said with a pale face, "It was melted... just like chocolate thrown into the oven, it was melted directly!"

Melted directly? The boy was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it for a while, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"What kind of pervert are you in the future, to use this kind of attack method?" Linglongguan Meisha asked with a tingly scalp.

"Well, how do I know what his hobby is?" the young man said with a pale face.

"You──, that's not right. I'm very sorry, the little girl shouldn't talk to you like that."


Undoubtedly, the clay figurine's attack frightened the usually vicious Linglongguan Meishaye.

At this time, the phantom of Brunhilde appeared in the residue of the evil flower, and she looked at the clay figurine with a face of relief, "Thank you for letting me be free, and I will be addicted to the extreme of love forever, so it is like this ..."

Brunhilde's soul radiates light and then disappears.


Looking at the disappearing spirit of Brunhilde, Arash was enraged: "It's actually gone, Lancer...you're all going to die!"

Although polluted by Shatiao Aige, Arash's nature of protecting his companions still exists, but that nature has been polluted by the mud into indescribable chaos.


Arash's body was burning with black flames, which was the distortion of Arash's nature. The terrifying magic power distorted time and space, and the causal lines became mottled and messy.

Seeing this, Old Shan's face changed suddenly: "That guy jumped the wall in a hurry! He actually burned his own immortality——"

"Finally—, Stella!"

With Arash's loud shout, he turned into a calamity fire that knocked down the stars and bombarded everyone. The terrifying magic power caused the skin of the star that carried this phenomenon to gradually break apart, revealing the dimension cracks.

This is a journey beyond the myth of [Arash], a blow to the fallen future.

Jiu Shan quickly landed in front of the boy and Linglongguan Mei Shaye, and quickly combined the two ending swords in front of him, forming a shining golden bow.

he sings with a serious face

"The flames of calamity fall from the sky! The fury of Napistine strikes! Smash this absurd antiquity, sword of the end——, Enki!"

The ripples of the power of destroying the world have been gathered outside the sky, and the magic formula of the gods is unfolded in the orbit of the planet. At the same time, countless lines of magic ways appear in front of the bow of the old flash, dotted with the words of the gods.

That is the extinction, the mighty power of the gods, the flood of Napistine.

The ending sword is different from the deviant sword. What it hosts is not the power of development, but the power of destroying the world. It is the embodiment of Napistine's flood epic.

Once the End Sword is launched, the torrent will increase every day, and the accumulation of the seventh day can launch the prototype of "Noah's Flood" from the satellite orbit.

This is what the old flash has been hiding all the time. It is the trump card against Arthur and Sha Tiao Aige.

But at this moment, in order to protect everyone, Old Shan chose to directly smash the Terminator Sword and launch the Terminator Sword from the bottom, just to fight Arash's final meteor.

The boy saw Mordred in the distance, and quickly shouted: "Jill, Mordred is still outside!"

"That's too late!"

Leaving this last sentence, the old flash shot out this blow to destroy the world.

The mighty power that destroyed the world and the fire that knocked down the stars collided in the air, and the two surges of mighty power exploded, forming a huge explosion that could destroy the sword of stars and kill Beast.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

The skin of the surrounding world shattered like a mirror, revealing the dark chaos and twisted gaps between dimensions.

The explosion of energy will destroy everything in this area, time, space, cause and effect, concepts, matter... everything will be wiped out in the entropy increase and extinction of energy hedging.

Mordred watched that energy rushing in helplessly. At this moment, even [Pole Star] couldn't pass through this energy hedge that could annihilate everything.

However, at this juncture, the clay figurine carrying Shirou's thoughts turned around, reached out and hugged Mordred in his arms, leaving behind him the endless destructive energy.

so warm...

It was obviously just a mass of lifeless mud, but the not-so-wide arms and the chest made of mud made Mordred feel warm.

She lay face down on that chest, she couldn't hear her heartbeat, she couldn't feel the cold, but she felt like being wrapped in hot spring.

"So familiar, so safe...feeling."

She remembered what this feeling was...

She remembered, that was the feeling when she was little, when that man picked her up for the first time.

It's longing, longing, fantasy, resentment, estrangement,... love.


After a huge explosion, everything disappeared.

Whether it is love or hate, the land, the trees... everything is gone, leaving only a void, chaos, and twisted darkness.

"What is that?" Seeing the twisted darkness around her, Linglongguan Mei Shaye couldn't help asking.

Jiu stared at the darkness, silently searching for Arash's figure, but it was obvious that Arash was freed.

"Here...how did it become like this?" The boy was shocked.

"The correction power of the planet has been blown through." The old flash answered: "Space, time, cause and effect...the surface of the planet that makes up this area has no way to recover. Fortunately, this is just a past time plane, otherwise If not, I don’t know how much disaster will come out of here.”

"The disaster came from here?" The young man was full of doubts.

"Without the correction power of the planet, gods, ghosts and monsters who are unwilling to perish in the age of gods will all manifest from here, and there will be a subverted loophole in the Seat of Primates."

Old Shan said, looking at the distorted surroundings with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "Or, in the real past, the correction power was blown through by us... thus causing the disaster of the giant beast of the apocalypse."

"These are insignificant now, what about Mordred? She won't be wiped out by you, right? So, how do we explain to my future self?" the boy asked anxiously.

"My king does not need to explain to anyone!" Old Shan said displeasedly, then pointed to the distorted part, and said, "However, she is still alive."

Mei Shaye looked around, and saw that in the twisted darkness, Mordred was hugged by the clay figurine unscathed, but the clay figurine was completely riddled with holes, and half of his body Gone, even half of the face was cut off, and the body collapsed and disappeared...

"To be able to block that blow... Is it the power of the Noble Phantasm, or the determination of Missing?"

Old Shan showed doubts on his face, even if it was him, he couldn't help but have doubts now.

"Now, isn't it the time to talk about this?" the boy asked back.

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