I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 183

When he was about to speak, Shirou frowned.

He felt voyeuristic.

I don't know if it's because of time travel, he is very sensitive to eyes.

During the Fourth World War, even before the red-A spirit base was fused, Gilgamesh's spying could be felt.

And now, he felt someone was staring at him again.

The middle-aged knight also seemed to feel that someone was staring at him, his face froze, and then he patted Shirou on the shoulder and said, "Good knight. I have something to do, so I'll leave first. Buy some seeds, plant them with food, and store them. In the future, this land may not be able to grow food."

After speaking, he left, leaving behind Shirou with a bewildered expression.

Sensing the prying eyes on him, Shirou shook his head, turned around and left.

Not far from the street.

A woman frowned.

A handsome boy asked, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"I think I saw Vortigern," said the woman.

"No way? His army is still blocked by the northern kings! How dare he come here alone?" the boy asked.

"Maybe I misread it." The woman muttered, then looked at the young man in front of her, and said, "Gao Wen, the sword in the stone, you must pull it out!"

"Mother, this is something that is decided by the sun, not by me." Gawain showed a helpless expression.

"You have the brilliance of the sun on your body, you can definitely do it!" Morgan Le Fay said.

"I can only say that I will try my best, mother." Gao Wen said.

Morgan Le Fay nodded.



As soon as Shirou delivered the seeds to the warehouse, Kai posted it up again with a smile.

That look... so disgusting!

And he was talking about the glory of knights and the benefits of being an official.

To be honest, after accepting the evil in this world, Shirou had the urge to beat people into pigs' heads for the first time.

Fortunately, Kai ran away before Shirou exploded, otherwise Shirou would have done it.

However, although he didn't do anything this time, Shirou has already made up his mind.

If that guy dares to stare at him with that smiling face and disgusting eyes again, then he will use his shoes to kick his ass to bloom!

What a grumpy mouth!

When night came, Shirou lay down on his own hard bed, just fell asleep, the feeling of being pulled into a dream reappeared.

When I opened my eyes, as expected, what I saw was a sea of ​​flowers.

But this time, Shirou didn't ask Merlin to pull him in, but Merlin forcefully pulled him in.

Before Shirou went to find Merlin, Merlin took Artoria and killed him aggressively.

"What do you want, Merlin?" Shirou swallowed. Merlin's expression was ferocious enough, like a sculptor who had just completed half of his masterpiece, only to be missed by someone else.

"Stop talking nonsense! I lost yesterday, but the king's way is not just talking about it! Today I want to play with you for real!" Merlin said aggressively.

"Playing... What are you playing?" Shirou asked.

Merlin raised his staff, and then the whole dream changed.

Shirou is in a castle, wearing gold and silver, wearing a crown on his head, and there are many people kneeling in front of him.

Merlin said: "Didn't you say that knowledge and action are one? I will play a real king with you today! Take the British Isle as the map and Londinium as the dividing line. I occupy the north and you occupy the south. Terrain, population, Materials are the same as reality! Come on, let me tell you, I, Merlin, is proficient in everything from national government affairs to military strategy. The name of a sage is not a joke! I want to make it' King', is the real 'king of ideals'!"

"You bastard... there's absolutely no need to do such inexplicable things, right?" Shirou sighed.

At this time, a soldier ran in: "Report the king, there are villains invading!"

Chapter 22 Alas... let's farm!

In less than a year, Shirou was pierced by Merlin.

There is no way to do this, the map is only the British Isles, and the strategic depth is too small. Shirou was not even familiar with the map, so Merlin led his troops to attack aggressively, without giving Shirou a chance to develop.

Moreover, Merlin is also worthy of the name of a sage, and his military strategy and tactics are all first-class existences.

The most important thing is that the opponent is too familiar with the terrain of Britain, and Shirou's terrain was penetrated before he had studied it well.

"Did you see, Artoria?" After piercing Shirou, Merlin said proudly to Artoria, "That kid is just a talkative guy, but he's actually fine."

"Just bully me because I'm not familiar with the terrain, and I can't do military strategy." Shirou said helplessly.

Now he was tied up by Merlin's soldiers and trapped in a cage, he felt quite like a prisoner.

"What? You mean, if you are familiar with the terrain and have a general who can lead troops, can you beat me?" Merlin asked.

"I didn't say that, but at least I won't lose so quickly," Shirou said.

Merlin raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay! I'll let you lose to your heart's content!"

Merlin waved his staff and took Kai into the dream.

After Shirou and Kai explained, Kai looked confused.

"You just play your game, it's none of my business?" Kai looked depressed.

He just had a dream that he helped his righteous sister to pacify Britain, and then he was made a great lord, and he was looking for the lord's wife, but the dream was interrupted by Merlin the next moment, and he was pulled in.

"Don't say I'm bullying you, this time we're two against two. Artoria is the king on my side, and I'm assisting Arturia. You're the king on your side, and Kai is here to assist you." Merlin pointed at Shirou Say.

"Hey hey hey! Did you make a mistake?" Kay said anxiously: "If Al is on your side, it would be too unfair! Our side is doomed! Guinevell will count, isn't he Knight!"

"Okay, just play casually." Shirou patted Kai on the shoulder.

Kai showed a helpless expression, and said: "Let me say it first, I don't know the military strategy, but in terms of combat effectiveness, I can't beat Al."

"Just hold on to the front line and don't lose too badly." Shirou said.

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