I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1858

"Thetis has become a thing of the past. The Lord of Relief is coming soon. We don't need to waste this time playing that kind of game with the phantom of Thetis."

"That's right. I've smelled the stink of the Lord of Relief twice, and his container has probably appeared somewhere. There is no time to waste."

Looking at the people who were discussing, Saturn turned his head, looked at Venus, and asked, "What do you mean, Venus?"

"There's no need to gamble, but I'm just wondering how long you want to favor Gaia, Saturn?" Venus stared at Saturn and said, "Everyone knows the grievances between Uranus and Gaia. As soon as you came to this connection point, you allowed Uranus to guard the last pass, and after the chaos in Mooncell, and after Uranus used Gendaya’s evil spirit to appear in the world, you contained him again. Saturn, your position is still From the galaxy?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes fell on Saturn.

"My position is naturally from the galaxy. I will not interfere with the grievances between Uranus and Gaia. But he merged himself with the evil spirit, erased his simulated personality, and could not communicate, so I took him in. Wait until After the decision is made, I will naturally let him go," Saturn said.

"Then the result is already obvious, we don't have any extra time to waste on Thetis' phantom." Jin Xing said.

"I think... it's better to take a gamble."

The sudden sound attracted everyone's attention. When they turned their heads, they saw that Neptune, who had been silent all this time, spoke.


Everyone looked at Neptune in surprise, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune... Due to the close relationship between the planetary orbits, the relationship between the three is very good, but what everyone did not expect was that at this time, Neptune, who should stand in the position of Uranus, actually said said this.

"I didn't betray everyone, but after simulating the personality, I kept thinking, after we destroyed Gaia, can we really stop the Lord of Relief?" Neptune asked.

Pluto quickly said: "Of course. To destroy the earth, at least the Lord of Rescue will not appear in our reality. He can only appear in the incomplete world line where the earth exists."

"I don't think so, Pluto." Neptune shook his head, "the universe has no rules and ties, as long as it can survive, everything is allowed. I don't believe that the super ancient civilization didn't consider it in order to stop the Lord of Relief. Destroy the earth and find another planet to live in, but they finally chose to fight to the death with the savior, and finally beat the savior back to the [root] vortex. Therefore, I think destroying the earth is not only bad for us, but may destroy Drop the first theater against the Lord of Relief."

Huo Huo frowned: "It makes sense... civilization has developed to that point, and the planet is meaningless to them, but they chose to fight to the death in the end. And if destroying Gaia fails to stop the Lord of Rescue, then The next one to suffer may be my Mars..."

"Actually, Titis told me this sentence." Saturn said suddenly, "And this is also the reason why I hesitate."

Everyone's eyes fell on Saturn.

"What is the Lord of Relief and what is his purpose? I don't think everyone present has any doubts. The brother who can beat that thing back has already given up his life before the ancient times. If he comes from the vortex of [root] There is nothing we can do about it," Saturn said.

Venus raised his head, fixed his eyes on Saturn, and said, "Saturn, you already have the answer in your heart, right? You are just making a formality, right?"

Saturn glanced at Venus, neither nodded nor shook his head, but pondered for a moment, and then said: "Let's vote. Those who are willing to take a gamble, please raise your hand."

After all, Saturn was the first to raise his hand.

"As expected, you have already made up your mind." The black giant sighed, and then raised his hand.

"Whether you bet or not, you are actually betting on the planet, the essence is the same." Neptune sighed and raised his hand.

"Instead of making my Mars a battlefield, it's better to let the earth continue to be the first front." Mars also raised his hand.

Saturn glanced at those who didn't raise their hands, and then said: "Uranus automatically regards it as unwilling to gamble, and Mercury regards it as abstention. Now it's four votes against four votes, is there anyone willing to bet?"

The few stars who didn't raise their hands looked at each other, and didn't have the idea of ​​raising their hands.

At this time, Venus stared at Saturn and asked: "Let me ask you, Saturn. If you want to gamble, how do you want to gamble? If you simply use force, it is meaningless at all. But betting on other things, for relief Lord is also meaningless."

"Use Uranus and Oort to gamble."

Saturn said: "Give all the fragments of Oort to Uranus, and part of our power to Uranus."

Hearing this, Jin Xing frowned: "Give all the power to Uranus, and let Uranus make a big fuss?"

"Good proposal." The black giant raised his eyebrows, "Uranus is the only one who can kill Gaia without mercy. Give Uranus a part of everyone's authority, and complete the assembly of the power of the stars in terms of authority. Under such circumstances, if Fujimaru Shiro can revive Gaia, none of us have anything to say. And if Fujimaru Shiro fails to do so, Uranus can also kill the killer and directly destroy the earth. It's the best of both worlds , just this method..."

"It's so cruel."

Venus took a deep look at Saturn, then slowly raised her hand.

"Venus!" Pluto looked at Venus in surprise.

"Five votes to three votes, the resolution passed." Saturn closed his eyes and was silent for a moment, then opened his eyes and said, "Then let's bet. How many fragments do we have?"

The black giant said: "You have one piece in your hand, and Neptune and Uranus each have one piece, so there are three pieces in total."

"Three pieces... That is to say, have you released all the other six pieces?" Saturn glanced at the few people who didn't raise their hands.

As a result, those who gambled let go, while those who did not gamble were paddling.

Saturn didn't care about it, but turned his head, his eyes fell on Venus, and said, "Venus, hand over Gaia."

Venus waved his hand reluctantly, and a black hole appeared in the space. The sleepy God's Brain slowly floated out of it and landed on the table of the Star Conference.

Everyone looked at the sleepy God's Brain with complex expressions. It was Mercury-Oort and Gaia who had been corrected by them.

"What should I do with him?" Jin Xing asked.

"Together with these fragments, leave it to Uranus," said Saturn.


The sea is churning and spraying.

Shatiao Aige, who was in a mess, was beaten to the shore by the sea water. She clutched the strange rock and stood up in a mess, bruised and out of breath.

Looking down at the bloody right shoulder blade, a smile appeared on Shatiao Aige's beautiful face.

Although that smile looked poignant and beautiful, it was still full of noble elegance.

"It's really beautiful. You have to take revenge for this revenge, brother."

There was a cold light in Shatiao Aige's eyes. Although she survived Saturn's sneak attack, she was severely injured and was in a terrible state of distress. If this hatred did not come back, she would be extremely grieved.

Although she is very strong and born omniscient and omnipotent, she loves to care, especially after being killed by Shirou.

"And that fox, threatened me with Ayaka, and won't keep you..."

Thinking of the menacing look on Daji's face standing behind Sajo Ayaka, Sajo Aika felt very unhappy.

She slammed on the ground and was about to stand up, but the wound was pulled, and she burst into tears in pain.

"I always wanted to feel pain before, but now I feel pain. It hurts so much, I don't want to feel pain..."

Stretching out his hand to cover the bloody wound, Shatiao Aige raised his head and looked at the blood moon hanging high in the sky.

She thought to herself that Fujimaru would come back, and probably already knew about the Giant God Soldier, so he found the Giant God King only a few days ago. I need to be a few steps faster than him, otherwise, I may never find some answers in my life.

Thinking of this, Shatiao Aige endured the pain and stood up, staring straight at the blood moon hanging high in the sky.


Shiro and others returned to the sanctuary and continued to question the high priest about Archimedes, but the high priest kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

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