I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 195

At this time, people saw a blond knight walking slowly out of the crowd.

With a gentle smile, he has a feeling of the sun.

The knights who recognized his true identity couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's Gawain! It's the legendary knight who was blessed by the sun!"

"My God! It's really him!"

"He went from Onick to Tyler Bill!"

"He is the prince of King Onik, with the blessing of the sun on his body, he can draw the sword of the king!"


One by one, everyone's eyes fell on Gao Wen, with expectations on their faces.

Gawain is the knight of the sun, the radiance of the sun resides on his body, and he is also the son of the great King Onik. If it was him, he would definitely be able to draw the sword of lust!

People think so. Looking forward to it so much.

Among the crowd, Morgan showed a faint smile.

Her plan to seize the throne is slowly progressing.

However, in the next moment, her face froze.

Because, Gao Wen failed to pull out the sword in the stone.

He tried hard three times, his forehead was covered with sweat, but he still couldn't do anything with the sword in the stone.

Shaking his head, he stepped down and returned to Morgan's side.

Morgan couldn't help but asked, "Aren't you trying hard, Gawain?"

"I tried my best, mother." Gao Wen said.

Morgan looked up at the position of the sun, and asked, "When you drew your sword just now, you didn't have the protection of the sun on your body, did you?"

"It's a pity, mother. I already have the blessing of the sun, but I still can't pull out the sword. The sword seems to be connected to the earth, and it can't be pulled out by human power."

"Are you kidding me? Could it be that Merlin used a spell that I don't know about?" Morgan stared carefully at the Sword in the Stone several times, but didn't see anything special about it.


What kind of hands and feet were passive?

Morgan looked puzzled.

Even Gao Wen failed to pull out the sword in the stone, which made people uneasy and panicked.

The knights who felt the uneasiness of the crowd began to discuss.

"No one pulled it out."

"That sword is a cover, right?"

"After all, is Merlin's prophecy correct?"

"We have gathered so many knights here, there are as many methods as we want to choose a king, why bother with this one?"



The knights discussed countermeasures.

At any rate, with so many knights gathered here, there are many ways to choose a king.

Just to test the strength of being a knight, the best person will inherit the throne of King Uther and make him the King of Knights.

The knights began to ignore the sword in the stone that they did not choose, and began to select methods that were effective for their own kings and hegemony.

The first is horseback riding.

If it was a true knight with honor, it would be a matter of course to engage in a surprise duel while riding a horse and wielding a spear.

In this regard, Kai is also eager to try.

It's a pity that he deliberately left his gun at home, and Arturia hadn't returned with the gun, so he could only slap his mouth and watch the knights compete helplessly.

"Why don't we go up and see if we can pull out the sword?" Kay suggested.

"Come on. They don't know the inside story, don't you and I know? That sword has long been determined to belong to Al, they can't take it away, Gawain can't take it away, you and I can't take it away either." Shirou said .

"Let's go up and take a stroll. It's all here, so it's good to have a closer look at Al's sword in advance." Kai said.

"Well, it's boring to stand anyway." Shirou nodded.

The two walked up the stone mountain, but at this moment, no one was paying attention to the stone mountain.

The knights are competing on horseback, and people are watching the knights duel, and expect the king who will lead Camelot.

Kai looked at the sword in the stone, and then pulled it out hard, but naturally he couldn't pull it out.

The appearance of this sword here is Uther's plan for Artoria to become king.

It is a sword that has been predetermined for a long time.

How could there be any mistakes?

"It's a strange feeling. It doesn't feel heavy, but it just can't be pulled out. You can try it too." Kai pointed to the sword in the stone.

"Alas... useless move! This sword..."

While talking to Kai, Shirou casually mentioned it...


With just a slight mention, I felt that something was pulled out of my hand, and it had a little more weight...

Shirou turned his head stiffly, looking at the sword in the stone that he had pulled out, his entire face froze.


He he he he he actually pulled out the sword in the stone! ! !

This was beyond Shirou's expectation, causing his small face to be stiff!

Not just him.

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