I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 197

He has a sincere heart and is willing to help others, sharing the flame he got from Spartacus.

However, there is a prerequisite for this...

— Do what you can!

Becoming a king, this kind of thing is definitely not something that a mortal like him can do.

There are too many things Wang has to deal with. It is not as simple as fighting. He has to reconcile domestic conflicts, assign tasks, and have the ability to understand people... The comprehensive ability required is too strong!

And this——has gone far beyond the scope of his abilities!

Just like being involved in the Fourth Holy Grail War back then, I can feel how small and unbearable I am, and just thinking about it makes me feel a breathless sense of depression.

Most importantly, this sword should belong to Artoria.

If he pulls it out, he gets the sword in the stone, and he accepts the knighthood of Artoria as a king...


Isn't it all messed up?


Hearsay Belt?

What else?

His mind was in a mess, and Shirou ran away under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

As long as he escapes, everything will be back to normal, right?

Artoria has already drawn the sword in the stone.

She will be declared king, and Kay will be her first Knight of the Round Table.

Then follow the path of destiny and become that Knight King step by step.

That overly stubborn Knight King girl whom she met during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

——I admit my fault, I accept my punishment!

Thinking of the girl's tough and solemn words in the warehouse battle, Shirou's mind was in a mess, and he shook his head quickly to get these distracting thoughts out of his mind.

As long as he's gone, everything will be back to normal, right?


not at all.

In fact, after Shirou left, things got out of hand.

"Someone has drawn the sword in the stone!"

"There is a second one who drew the sword in the stone."

"How should it be calculated?"

"Why did the first person run? He is going to be crowned king!"

"I do not know."

"But neither the first person nor the second person seems to be a well-known person. Should we swear allegiance? Will our glory be tarnished by this?"

"I do not know……"


The knights talked a lot.

People also talked about it.

On the rocky mountain, Artoria held the Sword in the Stone with a dazed expression on her face.

She wondered why Shirou didn't accept the Sword in the Stone, why didn't he become king, why didn't he accept her allegiance?

Beside her, Kai also had a complicated face and a messy mind.

Things went wrong.

The sword in the stone was pulled out by Shirou, how should he deal with it?

The most important thing is that he originally wanted Shirou to be Artoria's knight, but now Artoria actually wants to be Shirou's knight...

This... How should I deal with this?

What will happen?

Kai looked bewildered. In his heart, he didn't want Artoria to become king, because he couldn't bear to see that the life and death of the whole of Britain was placed on her sister's petite shoulders.

However, after someone really pulled out the sword in the stone, he found that he couldn't accept it again.



Morgan, who was in the crowd, was also in a mess, a mess.

She looked at Gao Wen beside her, and asked with a tangled face, "Gao Wen, do you think I have a younger sister or a younger brother?"

"I don't know!" Gao Wen showed a bewildered expression.

Morgan looked at his left hand, then at his right hand, with a troubled expression on his face. Undoubtedly, Uther's "Ideal King" plan will not go wrong, and only Uther's heirs who carry the red dragon factor can pull out the sword from the stone.

"So, do I have a younger brother, or a younger sister?...or siblings?"

Morgan looked at Arturia who was holding the Sword in the Stone with a dazed expression.

"Wait! Could it be that trash Merlin, who knew I was coming, so came to fool me?"

Morgan pondered.

At this moment, the Archbishop of Cantreber, who presided over the selection ceremony, couldn't help but approached Merlin beside him, and asked, "Is this also in your calculation, Merlin?"

Merlin glanced dully at the Archbishop of Cantreber, then immediately put away the black question marks on his face, and put on an inscrutable and mysterious smile, and said, "Guess~!"

"Stop rambling! Tell me the answer quickly!" The Archbishop of Cantreber didn't agree with him at all, and asked with some embarrassment.

"Oh, oh. Are you really so angry after getting old?" Merlin showed a helpless expression and sighed.

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