I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 199

Shirou couldn't help but interjected, "That was just a dream!"

"But you have the ability to make dreams come true! I firmly believe in this!" Artoria said: "Originally, I wanted to learn from you. But it turns out that I was too superficial, and the real right The answer should be to embrace you as king!"

"I...I..." Shirou was a little weak, when did Arturia become more eloquent than him?

"Where do you come from? My brother has already told me. Avalon, utopia...I should have thought of the ideal king appearing in utopia. You are the king to whom I will be loyal!" Arturia Seriously.

"Don't talk to yourself, I..."

Before Shirou could refute, Merlin pulled Shirou over and aside.

"What are you doing?" Shirou asked, looking at Merlin.

"Aren't you going to leave?" Merlin said: "What I can tell you is that if the humble king Vortigern conquers Britain, you will have no chance to go back. You can only commit suicide with a knife and start your life again .”

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked.

Merlin licked his lips and said, "Be the king! Then, defeat Vortigern!"

Shirou glanced at Arturia, lowered his voice and said to Merlin: "You think you can get me? I come from the future, what is the end of Britain? Do you think I don't know? You want to drag me into a pirate ship ?no way!"

"How can you say it's a thief ship?" Merlin said helplessly, "I'm thinking of you! If Vortigern defeats Britain, you really have no chance to go back!"

"Even so, why do I have to be king?" Shirou asked.

"Because Artoria is immature as the king now, she can easily be defeated by Vortigern." Merlin said.

"Then am I mature? I can tell you responsibly that I have no experience as a leader. If I become a king, it will be a complete failure!" Shirou said.

"Hehehe...young lad, excessive modesty is conceit!" Merlin smiled, with the expression that you can't fool me.

Shirou was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

After all, he shouldn't have planted that field!

"What I said is true!" Shirou struggled weakly.

"I understand, I understand~~~~~!" Merlin blinked his eyes, showing an expression that you can't fool me.

Shirou: "..."

You know what a fart!

"And you have to succeed now. If you don't succeed, there will be chaos outside. Britain has been looking forward to King Arthur for a long, long time, and it can even be said to be a spiritual pillar. If you run away, people's expectations will fall, leading to the northern front. Out of control, let Vortigerm call in. Britain is over, and your dream of going home is also over," Merlin said.

"Didn't Artoria be pulled out too?" Shirou couldn't help but said, "If I don't succeed, she can do it. There is no rule that the one who must be the first step must succeed!"

"Arturia is a woman after all, and Morgan has already come to Tyler Bill. Since you are from the future, you should know what kind of character Morgan is. If you let her realize that Arthur is a woman, Britannia will instantly It will be messed up!" Merlin said: "Also, I am not saying that you will inherit the throne forever."

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked.

"You can take the throne temporarily until you go back, or Arturia matures. At that time, you can automatically remove the throne and return it to Artoria." Merlin said.

"Can you still play like this?" Shirou couldn't help asking.

"Of course!" Merlin said, "There are so many tricks! Besides, I tell you, you want to go home. You must defeat Vortigern and unify Britain. There is no other way."

"Really?" Shirou asked.

"Tut——" Merlin clicked his tongue in displeasure, then pointed to his eyes, and said, "Look at Brother Merlin's sincere eyes, don't you see something?"

"Let me trust you?" Shirou asked.

"No. I'm lying to you openly." Merlin said, "But you have to trust me."

Shirou smiled. The smile is very sunny and bright.

Seeing Shirou smile, Merlin couldn't help but smile too.


With a sound of "dong", Shirou punched Merlin in the stomach, and Merlin flew upside down and landed heavily on the ground.

"Ah... pain pain pain pain——!!!"

Merlin clutched his stomach and fell to the ground with a livid face.

Shirou wiped his fist and said angrily, "I really don't want to hit you!"

Merlin covered his stomach, pointed at Shirou angrily, and said, "You——you are so insidious! You actually lowered my vigilance with a smile!"

"Thank you for the compliment. I'm just so insidious and cunning, that's what everyone says." Facing Merlin's defeated dog's speech, Shirou showed a bright smile like sunshine, and he was very happy.

Arturia looked at this scene a little at a loss, but Kai secretly chuckled.

right! That's it, beat him up! Slapping the stomach is so boring, slapping the face! Slap in the face!

Kai secretly yelled in his heart.

Merlin calmed down, looked at Shirou with resentment, and then told Artoria and others about the plan of acting as the king.

Kai was in a mixed mood. He was happy for Artoria, but also felt that it was worthless for Artoria to make a wedding dress after fifteen years of continuous training. He was afraid that his mouth would smell bad when he opened his mouth, so he didn't speak.

And Arturia was very excited, "How can this be possible? Guinevere... No, since the king has drawn the sword in the stone, he is the king. How can it be just an 'agent'?"

"That's it, Artoria." Shirou said: "I am destined to leave Britain. This kind of plan is already the best. And——, don't expect too much from me, I really don't To be a king."

"There is no such thing! I trust my king with my sword!" Artoria said seriously.

"Ask a question." Kay raised his hand and asked, "How should Al deal with himself before Guinevere leaves?"

Merlin said: "You can be his knight for the time being and learn the kingly way."

"Learn the kingly way..." Kai thought of the feeling of Shirou cooperating with him in the dream, the feeling of hanging the hammer easily, and nodded deeply.

He believes that as a king, that's how it should be.

Arturia, I really need to learn!

"Hey! What on earth have you made up my mind? I'm really not suitable to be a king, so don't expect too much from me!" Shirou couldn't help but said aloud. Although he didn't know what they had made of himself, but looking at this expression, he knew that they expected too much of him!

"Apprentice knight Arturia, I swear to you that I will be loyal to you, and my sword is your sword!" Arturia put one hand on her chest, and knelt down on one knee towards Shirou, beautiful His face was full of seriousness.

"You want to be a knight...well...but before that—" Shirou put down Arturia's hair and said seriously, "You have been restored to a female body, Knight Artoria!"

The breeze blew past her sunny blonde hair, and her delicate pretty face was full of shock.


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