I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2006

"That's why Merlin and I were on guard. The empire sent Galahad alone. This Galahad is likely to be on the same scale as the Moon King. Can he be dealt with by you, Getia?"

Shirou looked at Getia.

Getia snorted and snorted: "Who do you think this king is? The person who received the gift of the Holy Spirit like Solomon is not the one in pan-human history, but this king has long wanted to confront each other."

Getia's tone was very aggressive, but Shirou nodded calmly, looked at him seriously, looked at them, and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"I'll go too!" Mordred said, raising his hand.

"No, only you can't."

Shirou grabbed Mordred's shoulder.

Whether it is from a strategic sense or a father's point of view, Mordred is the top priority. The Empire's attack was obviously on Mordred's order, and it was impossible for Shirou to let her set foot in that dangerous land.

"Be patient, Mordred." Shirou pressed her shoulder and said.

Mordred gritted his teeth.

She knew the reason behind it, but Galahad...why did this happen!

No one can answer, but the Grail can.

——It was doomed from the moment she took out the Holy Grail from Tiernano.

Watching the three of Getia leave, before Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, the Holy Apostle of Pendragon laughed: "It is useless for the three of them to face Galahad, and there is no chance of winning." of."

Shirou turned his head, looked at the familiar stranger, Holy Apostle of Pendragon, and frowned.

Bedivere sighed, stood up, looked at Shirou and said, "It's best for you all to ambush Galahad, maybe there is a chance of winning, Eternal King."

Shirou frowned: "Galahad... is it that strong?"

"Isn't this natural? His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven used the [Plain of Joy], the remains of the gods, and the white giant god of destruction as materials, plus super metals such as Aoliha steel and the secret technique lost by Tiernano. , and was endowed with weapons developed from the concept of [Empire] and [Angel]." The Holy Apostle of Pendragon said with a smile.

Shirou frowned.

The Eternal Empire is the limited world line that the Holy Grail was born in accordance with Mordred's wishes. Except for the divergence and deviation in the [Eternal Dynasty Event] more than 1,500 years ago, it is almost completely consistent with the history of pan-humanity.

Therefore, there is also the era of gods that disappeared, and the white giant god of destruction-Attila, who destroyed the age of gods.

However, what Shirou didn't expect was that the Empire's Galahad was a weapon developed by the Emperor of Heaven using the [Plain of Joy], the ruins of the gods, and Attila as materials and applying super-ancient secret techniques.

Such a weapon is not an exaggeration to call it a vanguard of planetary invasion, and it is no wonder that it can be equal to Alquite in scale.

"how so--"

Ambrosius suddenly revealed a surprised face.

"What's wrong, Ambrosius?" Shirou asked quickly.

"He resolved Tiernano's interference! His appearance track cannot be changed, and this form of existence..."

"Very close to my star family." Gaia said with a solemn expression.

Ambrosius turned his head, looked at Gaia, and asked with lingering fear: "Have you noticed it, Gaia?"

"... After all, he has entered the sea of ​​stars." Gaia said with a serious face: "This form of existence... is closer to Thetis than you, than the goblin, and than the holy apostle, my Aristotle-individual form of existence!"

"It's been a long time... When Lord Thetis created me, he said that I was the most perfect approach to Him, but the God of Heaven gave the eternal holy apostle the form to approach me. After all, he has the same constancy as me. Now This Galahad...is the closest to Lord Thetis." Ambrosius showed a solemn expression for the first time.

Shirou stared at Ambrosius, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is he coming, Ambrosius?"

"He will be here—" Ambrosius' face changed suddenly: "Here! He found us!"

"What?" Merlin was taken aback.

Mordred gripped his sword tightly.

Bedivere's complexion was heavy and complicated, while the Holy Apostle of Pandoragon showed a sarcastic smile, as if he was laughing at the overwhelmed crowd.

Shirou turned his head, looked at Gaia, and said in a deep voice, "Gaia, quickly send an order for Gaia and the others to come back!"

"I'm already doing it, don't order me!"

While Gaia refuted Shirou's upside-down, he quickly used the sense of touch of the stars to turn Gaia and others back.

Compared with Merlin, Solomon, Gilgamesh, and the Eternal King, who are all four of the highest ranks, she, the King of Stars, is the real, highest-ranking support.

Upon receiving Gaia's order, Gaitia became angry at Shirou's changing orders, but Kama steadied him and asked Abigail to open the door quickly.



The "sky", which was originally a concept, suddenly vibrated, like a broken glass, showing spider web-like cracks.

"He's breaking through Tiernano's barrier!"





As Ambrosius' voice fell, the sky shattered like a mirror, and a large number of sky fragments crashed down, refracting dazzling light under the sunlight of the concept.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying oppressive force swept from the dark hole in that dimension.

A huge, about five meters long, similar to the foreign enemy from the mainland that Shirou met in Kamland before, descended from the sky.


"— Galahad?"

Mordred stared blankly at the dark mecha man in front of him.

She couldn't connect the pitch-black Gundam in front of her with the sunshine-like righteous brother in her memory.

Looking at the pitch-black mech man falling from the dark hole, Ambrosius hadn't noticed anything yet, but Gaia's face changed suddenly: "The impact is coming, everyone run away!"

Without any hesitation, Gaia used her remaining sense of touch to connect with the sea of ​​stars, and stretched out countless barriers from the ground, like a protective shield to defend Shirou and others.

Although Shirou and the others didn't understand what it meant, they deployed their own defensive measures almost without hesitation just to be cautious.

Protected by Gaia's barrier, Shirou hugged Mordred in his arms, and then [projected] countless shields, blocking him in front of him.

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