I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2008

It's just that there is no regrouping, so the efficiency of the rescue operation is a little low, but with Getia's ability, it shouldn't be a problem to support Galahad's temporary attack.

As it happens, Gaetia thought so too.

Although Beast is not as good as the supreme Aristotle, it can still confront Aristotle head-on, and the best among them can defeat Aristotle. For example, the incarnation of the end-the ultimate beast, the seventh beast; another example is the unfathomable sixth beast, the beast of the apocalypse.



Getia's shocking punch hit Galahad's chest. Even with the imperial armor bonus of [Physical Immunity], the Holy Apostle would retreat a few steps. However, this punch The fist hit Galahad's body, but it was like hitting a planet, and he didn't move at all.

"how come……"

Getia was a little taken aback.

At this time, Galahad raised his hand, and slapped Getia on the face like a fly. With a "boom", Getia was directly slapped to the ground.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and blood flowed wildly.

Gaitia propped up his hands, raised his head, looked at Galahad, and gritted his teeth furiously: "It's unforgivable for me, Gaitia, to look up to you—"

However, Galahad, who is the ultimate artificial intelligence, turned a deaf ear to the furious Getia. He just raised his fist and punched Getia on the top of his head like a meteorite.


The terrifying force caused the earth to crack open, and boulders shot up into the sky one after another, like the ground collapsing and the mountains falling apart.

And amidst the surging sound, there was a terrifying sound of "click".

Gaitia fell out limply, the blood flowed wildly, the burly body was covered with cracks like spider webs, and the eyes were squeezed out by two centimeters, bloodshot all over.

And there is a very obvious groove on the golden bald head.

That was punched by Galahad.

"Impossible... Impossible... I, Getia... Pfft—"

Blood overflowed from the cracks in Getia's body, flowing wildly.

The first animal nature has no resistance in front of Galahad.

Isn't it natural?

Even if the first animal nature can destroy the foundation of human nature, what is it in front of the ultimate artificial intelligence created by using the secret technique of civilization that can dominate the universe?

When Galahad was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, a voice suddenly sounded


Endless light, like a torrent, swept towards his head.

Chapter 42 Shirou, don't be afraid, the teacher is here!

The endless torrent of light failed to break Galahad's armor.

The core of Galahad is Thetis's [Plain of Joy], and its body is shaped by super metals such as Auriha Steel.

Auriha steel, this is not a supermetal naturally born on the earth itself, but a supermetal brought to Atlantis from the universe by the Greek God Mechanics tens of thousands of years ago.

In the pan-human history, this kind of super metal was hit by Attila together with Atlantis and sank into the bottom of the sea.

But in the world line of the Eternal Empire, the only restraining force that dominates everything - the Emperor of Heaven salvaged this supermetal from the ruins of Atlantis on the seabed, and it is composed of supermetals along with other lost relics of the age of gods Armor of Galahad.

However, the holy spear's attack also managed to make Galahad pause for a moment, curb his additional attack, and allow Abigail to successfully drag Getia out.

Only, it doesn't help.

The premise that the strategy can be effective is that the difference in strength between the enemy and us is not too great. However, in the face of Aristotle created by the Emperor of Heaven, there is no existence close to its scale.

If Alquite, or Shirou's vortex is still there, facing the empire, facing the wall of the empire - Galahad will not be so passive.

However, the vortex disappeared, and according to Mordred and Gaia, including him, Erquite, Morrigan, and Artoria, just like the president of the [Parliament], separated by the world line from the Emperor of Heaven It's cloudy ahead of time, which is why he will wake up in the empire inexplicably.

"Damn it, lowly bastard—!"

Getia's eyes were shining with anger, and Galahad was so easily pressed and rubbed on the ground, which made the proud him unbearable.

His eyes shone with divine light, and a circle of light like the sun rose behind him, followed by countless rays of light capable of correcting all dangers to human reason, and attacked Galahad like a rain of flowers all over the sky.

"go to hell--!"

Getia yelled angrily, his pride was no lower than Gilgamesh's, but even so, he did not lose his mind.

[The time of birth has come, use this to correct all phenomena], this is the embodiment of the human reason correction formula, which is enough to correct all distortions and disasters that threaten human reason, but it has no effect on [Emperor Armor]. However, if the [Original Fairy Mystery] endowed by Ambrosius is attached, it can penetrate the [Emperor Armor] and cause direct damage to Gaharad.

Just like Hector before.

However, Gaitia's use of [Original Fairy Secret Art] was not enough to completely cover the Noble Phantasm with the secret art, but he was not worried, if it was the Eternal King, he knew what to do.

"Ambroseus, bestow the secret technique—!"

Shirou yelled at Ambrosius, and then chanted his half-baked secret art, giving Gaetia's Noble Phantasm the secret art concept of [Destruction].

Although he has not cooperated with Getia before, Shirou is experienced in many battles, but he can complete the cooperation in the first time.

Ambrosius glanced at Shirou helplessly, then opened his hand, and bestowed the same [destruction] secret art on Getia's Noble Phantasm.

With the blessing of the secret technique, the halo of the sun behind Getia shone with the same source of secret text as the Runas text, thus possessing the ability to break the [Emperor Armor].

But at this moment, Shirou glanced at Merlin.

Merlin understood, put down the sword, and began to chant magic at high speed.

Although Merlin claimed that he would bite his tongue if he chanted too fast, so he would not chant magic at high speed, but in fact, he just likes to touch fish.

After all, he holds the qualification of the crown rank, and Merlin's attainments in magic are no less than that of Morrigan, who has accumulated a lot of knowledge.

And at this time, under the eyes of everyone, countless correction rays fell on Galahad's huge body.

"Boom, boom, boom—!"

The earth crumbles and the air evaporates.

The originally mottled space-time domain was destroyed by these corrective rays, making it even more messy.

Seeing this, Getia laughed loudly: "Have you tasted the power? You know the bitter fruit of angering the king, the bastard of the empire—"

However, before he could finish his words, countless rays of human law correction light suddenly reflected from the endless ashes, shooting towards Gaitia, shooting Gaitia into a sieve in just a split second. .

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