I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2015

"So that's the case, no wonder it's so tricky. However, this existence like a Greek god is the Galahad of the hostile forces. The parallel world...is really wonderful." Scathach said with emotion.

Shirou nodded, "Yes."

"So, I've said—"

Scathach turned his head, stretched out his hand, gently touched Mordred's little head, and said softly: "Don't be so panicked, good boy."

Mordred's face froze, and at this moment Shirou reached out and patted her on the shoulder, saying, "It's all right, Mordred."

Merlin on the side also nodded, and echoed: "It's really all right."

Mordred's face hardened even more.

She has never seen Scathach, but...

What's the situation with this one and two?


Scathach glanced at Shirou, and with this one glance, Shirou understood.

He nodded, reappeared the Holy Lance-Lungomigniad, and then used the [Original Fairy Secret Art] to compress its light, and finally reappeared the Spear of Endless Radiance.

Originally, Shirou's projection had already manifested the Rungomigniad in the form of the Holy Lance, but could not manifest the Tower of Radiance and the Spear of Endless Radiance, but using the [Original Fairy Secret Art], it could In the case of a fake, the holy gun is compressed to form a gun of endless brilliance.

"Let's go together!"

Shirou nodded, then turned to look at Merlin, and said, "I'll leave the care and assistance to you, Merlin!"

"Leave it to me!" Merlin nodded seriously and seriously.

With a kick, Scathach rushed towards the temple that suppressed Hertmirmir at a speed as fast as a red streamer.

Shirou stretched out his palm towards Scathach, and activated the [Mortal Leader]

——[Magic power release]

——[Magic power release]

——[Magic power released]!

The triple [magic power release] was superimposed on Skaha's body, and Skaha's momentum rose a lot, rushing straight like a scarlet comet.

Shirou replaced his triple [intuition] with a triple [magic power release], followed closely behind, and the blessing of the King of Nine Stars appeared on his body, magnificent and solemn, and his whole body seemed to be transformed into light .


Just as Mordred was about to reach out, Merlin reached out and grabbed her.

Mordred looked up at Merlin, who smiled and said, "They are master and apprentice."

Mordred was taken aback for a moment: "Skaha...is father's, master?"

Merlin nodded: "At the same time, he is also the strongest and purest fighter in the dynasty. If Scathach was still there when Al was in charge of the dynasty, you may not..."

After a pause, Merlin added with a smile: "Of course, the strongest, Al Quite and Guinevere with records are excluded."

"Master and apprentice..."

Mordred turned his head, stared blankly at the backs of Shirou and Scathach, and then showed a helpless and contemptuous expression, "You are actually greedy for Master's body, you really..."

At this time, Merlin stretched out his hands towards Shirou and Scathach, and cast countless magic tricks that increased the momentum. The two, who were originally magnificent, became even more powerful.

"To be able to hold up the Hetmimir Temple, this force is stronger than Miguelmir..."

Skadi sighed with a headache, and then she saw Shirou and Scathach rushing towards the Temple of Hetmirmir at the same time.

"Should we serve together? It's really delicious."

Skadi showed an elegant smile, and then stretched out her palms towards the two, "Let's go together."

All of a sudden, behind Skadi, the major divinities that ruled the world rules of the Age of Gods appeared, and countless natural manifestations blessed Shirou and Skaha. For a while, the two were like fireflies in the dark, more and more bright.

"Is this the light that makes Merlin stand on the human side?" Ambrosius touched his chin, and then smiled: "Is it Merlin's stuff? Then I'll have a go as well."

Ambrosius shed the form of Carmelis and revealed his true self.

It is a pure mass of information quantum body with permanence - Dream Demon.

Ambrosius merged into Tirnano, canceling Tirnano's modification and restrictions on Shirou and Scathach, and at the same time restricting and modifying Galahad's power.

Kama gritted his teeth, reluctantly endowing Shirou and Scathach with the favor of the third bestial Eros.

Abigail looked left and right, then his eyes fell on the shattered Gaitia, and said, "Getia, you come too."

Getia: "..."

Abigail said seriously: "Although you are always against big brother, big brother will avenge you!"

Getia, who had been beaten to pieces by Galahad, was almost belched by Abigail's words.

With a dark face, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will not bless the Eternal King!"

Afterwards, he raised his hand, and the ten rings on his hands radiated light, and the ten blessings of the Holy Spirit were temporarily bestowed on Scathach by him.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

With a roar, the Temple of Hetmirmir, which was blessed with the torrent of infinite magic power, was pushed up by Galahad, and then pushed up.

At this time, Shirou and Scathach took advantage of the momentum to fight.

Scathach glanced at Shirou, who nodded understandingly.

Afterwards, Scathach pressed Galahad's right arm with a shot, and Galahad's left arm was shot, but was shot away by Shirou who followed him.

Galahad is Aristotle created by the Emperor of Heaven. His personality is equal to that of Alquite, even more perfect and stronger than Alquite.

In the face of absolute power, technology and realm are meaningless, but Shirou and Scathach, who have been assisted by everyone and infinitely increased, have the same strength as Aristotle Galahad.

The power of realm and technology began to show.

Scathach, who entered the inconceivable door, has broken away from any schools and systems in his spear skills, even surpassed the consciousness and instinct of life, and reached the inconceivable door of transcendence.

Its speed and tricks completely surpassed the calculation of Galahad's ultimate artificial intelligence, and both attack and defense were easily resolved by Scathach.

Even on the surface, it is completely playing against Galahad.

Everyone was dumbfounded by such skill.

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