I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2018

And this point, besides Bedivere who knows Galahad best, Mordred, who is the person involved, can also feel it very clearly.

He was hugged warmly by Shirou, but Mordred looked down at his palm, his blue eyes flashed with puzzlement: "—Why, stop?"

Bedivere didn't understand, and Mordred was puzzled.

That is not her brother-in-law in pan-human history, the knight who is loyal to her, but the barrier of the Emperor of Heaven, the ultimate artificial intelligence created by the Emperor of Heaven.

That Galahad, will not have any reaction except to the creator-the Emperor of Heaven.

But, it was that moment.

The wall of the empire - Galahad, stopped the attack that would definitely kill Mordred.

what is this?

Mordred was confused, and Bedivere was puzzled.

But no one knows the answer.

Galahad was finally expelled, and although the Holy Apostle of Pendragon was also allowed to escape, the main force on Shirou's side did not suffer any casualties, which is considered a blessing among misfortunes.

Of course, Gaetia is considered useless.

After bearing down a series of heavy blows from Galahad, he had to use True Ether to heal his wounds for the time being.

However, the imperial invasion is not over yet.

The invasion of Uyf, Lucius, and even Galahad is just the prelude to the invasion of the empire.

The Twelve Holy Apostles, in addition to Bedivere who betrayed the empire and Hector who died, there are also ten holy apostles.

Most importantly, the empire still has many unfathomable places.

For example, the thousand-man divine legion currently surrounding Tiernano.

And that's just the vanguard.

Even if the empire's attack was repelled, the situation of pan-human history is still not optimistic.

Even the last stronghold, Tiernano, seemed quite unsafe.

"We need to reform Tiernano." Shirou said seriously.

Today's Tiernano is a paradise for goblins, but not a fortress against invasion.

It is necessary to transform Tiernano into what a stronghold should be.

Shirou proposed to use Skadi's Hetmirmir Temple as the center, divide Tiernano into three layers, and make a simple three-dimensional structure to resist the invasion of the empire.

This is a whimsical idea, and everyone discussed it and found it feasible.

After all, Skadi's Hetmirmir Temple itself was created with the new world tree - the Hetmirmir Tree and the Great Temple of Asgard, so it was fused with Tiernano and reinstalled. It is not whimsical.

"You guys are really sloppy. I'm not going to help panhuman history to this extent." Ambrosius shook his head and refused: "In the final analysis, this matter itself has little to do with us fairies."

"But now the Eternal Empire has targeted goblins. Don't forget that Galahad has already cleared out a group of goblins that have nothing to do with it." Shirou reminded.

Ambrosius was silent. As the lord of Tirnano, of course he saw Galahad's actions.

Undoubtedly, since the next generation, for the first time, goblins have been judged as objects that need to be eliminated.

And this is why Ambrosius helped Shirou before.

"Besides, your boss agrees."

Shirou stretched out his hand and pointed at Gaia on the opposite side of the light screen.

Gaia pointed at herself, was stunned for a moment, then glared at Shirou angrily and helplessly.

Take her chicken feathers as arrows again!

Wait a moment.


Bah, bah, she's not a chicken!

Ambrosius glanced at Gaia, showing a helpless expression, "Okay."

Up to now, even for the sake of the elves, he can only follow Shirou all the way to the dark.

Really, at the beginning, I was just a little curious about Shirou who made Merlin into a human, but I didn't expect that the neutral Tiernano would also be involved in this dispute.

As the Fairy King, he really failed.

Ambrosius sighed, and then joined forces with Skadi to transform Tiernano.

"In addition to the fortress of resistance, we also need an army that can fight against the empire. Ordinary human soldiers can no longer participate in this war. What we need are heroic spirits. Regardless of region or race, Don't fight for good and evil... We need to summon all the heroic spirits who have left their names in human history!"

Shirou said very seriously: "We want to gather all the heroic spirits sitting on the seat!"

Everyone was shocked by Shirou's courage.

Heroic Spirits are treasures of human history.

Every heroic spirit is an unruly and powerful human treasure.

Even so far, the Holy Grail War, which is called the most magnificent war by magicians, is nothing more than a seven-on-seven, fourteen-body heroic battle at the Romanian junction.

However, Shirou now intends to move the entire Seat of Heroes down to fight against the Eternal Empire.

Regardless of time, regardless of region, regardless of race, no fight between good and evil... Summon all the heroic spirits so far, assemble the army, and launch a war against the Eternal Empire...

There is really no way to imagine how grand and tragic this war is?


"The history of pan-humanity has been taken over by the Eternal Empire! There are no more spiritual veins, so you can summon heroic spirits!" Kama calmly reminded.

"That's true, but the spiritual vein of pan-human history has been occupied by the empire, but the hand of the Emperor of Heaven has not yet touched other world lines."

"That is to say..."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes fell on Gem Weng beside him.

The jewel man snorted coldly, and said: "The old man promised Gaia, just to help teleport a few people. I didn't plan to help you, go to other parallel worlds to summon heroic spirits."

Everyone looked at the gemstone helplessly, as long as the gemstone was unwilling, no one could force him.

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