I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2042

Avis Bron nodded: "I can feel that he is hitting the wall covering Britain!"

"That wall is the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven]. Even if he is a primitive man with the power of the Holy Spirit, he can't open that wall with random smashing."

After a pause, Shirou asked, "Can I connect to him?"

Avis Bron shook his head: "That wall cut off my connection with the treasure."

With a thought in Shirou's mind, he was surrounded by the light of the nine stars, and his whole body shone like a radiant person.

He asked seriously: "What if you use the star's sense of touch in the Sea of ​​Stars?"

Avis Bron thought about it, and said seriously: "You can use the technique of [Reverse Kabbalah] to try!"

"Then come on!"

Shirou turned his head to look at Gaia, "Gaia, open the tactile authority of the sea within the stars!"


Gaia sighed, she didn't have the energy to argue with Shirou anymore, and waved her hand to open up the touch of the sea of ​​stars to Shirou.

Shirou used Gaia's star blessing to connect to the touch of the sea within the stars, and then asked Avisbron to use him as the center to perform the technique of reverse Kabbalah.

The roar of the surrounding war gradually faded away, and the spirit was immersed in a sea of ​​nothingness. Shirou called: "Adam—Adam—"


"Give everyone back to me!"

When he roared and lowered his fist, Adam's giant fist suddenly stopped, and his face was full of doubts: "Mr. Shiro—?"

"—Yes, it's me!"

"Are you still alive?" Adam was full of joy, then reacted, and said in a panic: "No, that's not what I meant."

"—Listen Adam, it's useless for you to attack indiscriminately like this."

Hearing that Shirou didn't care about this trivial matter at all, Adam also sensed the urgency of the situation, calmed down, and asked in a deep voice, "What should I do?"

He is no longer the blank, reckless and panic-stricken artificial man of Romania, but the original giant-Adam. He knew that when Shirou contacted him at this moment, there must be something he needed to do.

"As long as I can get everyone back, I will do anything! Please tell me!"

"—Very good. Listen, Adam, you must gather your strength now, and when a singularity appears on the wall in front of you, attack that singularity with all your strength!"

Singular point?

Looking at the holy white wall in front of him, Adam was puzzled, and there were many things he wanted to ask, but he still nodded, and replied simply and neatly: "I see!"

There are many, many things I want to ask, and there are too many distresses that I want to confide in, but now, I will entrust my strength and trust to that mentor!

believe him!

With all the doubts, Adam entrusted all the trust, then clenched his fists and began to gather strength.

The sea was churning and the waves were shining with blue light. The spiritual veins of the planet, the endless source, the illusory proton waves, and the gravitational waves began to condense in Adam's giant fist.

One time, condense the power to the limit!

Adam's eyes sparkled.


Above his head, a flock of pure white pigeons fluttered, forming a white crown.


After ending the connection with Adam, Shirou let out a long breath, and then looked seriously at Gaia, the King of Stars, and Ambrosius, the Lord of Tirnano, and said: "[The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] has flaws now, so what should we say now? , with the touch of the stars and the original secret technique of the secret realm, it should be able to divide the power of [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] and create a weak point!"

"This...it's very difficult." The wind blowing past, came the voice of Ambrosius who turned into Tirnano, who didn't want to make any effort.

"Please!" Shirou pleaded earnestly.

Ambrosius sighed, "I see."

Because Mordred killed Hector, there was a loophole in the perfect [Emperor's Arm], and this loophole was enough for Gaia and Ambrosius, the king of stars, to dispel the power of the [Wall] , creating a weak point.

Shirou waited quietly, his eyes could not see the battle that was close at hand, and his ears could not hear the gunfire of the war. He is now concentrating on connecting with the touch of the stars, waiting for that weak point to appear.

"right here--!"

Shirou uttered a loud voice, manipulating the sense of touch of the stars, and launched an attack towards the weak point dispersed by Gaia and Ambrosius.

However, the star's sense of touch did not penetrate the weak point of [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], but Shirou's goal has been achieved.

—Please, Adam!


"I saw it! I saw it! That's Mr. Shirou's signal! It's there!"

Looking at the very small dark spots that were as big as cracks in eggs appearing on the white wall, Adam roared angrily, punching with infinite power, the thunder blasted away.


The earth shakes and the mountains shake!

The sea under Adam's feet turned up huge waves, and even submerged the small island not far away.


The indestructible [Emperor's Arm] had cracks like a spider's web, and then quickly cracked, revealing the scene of Wales Island.


imperial capital.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Agegui's eyes were about to crack: "The arm of the Emperor of Heaven...was actually broken!"

Chapter 56 Joan of Arc, the heroic spirit, hello to you, Eternal King!

"What, what is that?"

Looking at the giant's head protruding from the damaged [wall] hole, Guinevere was so frightened that her legs limp and fell to the ground.

Adam ignored the imperial soldiers on the island of Wales, but continued to ask Shirou: "What should I do next, Mr. Shirou?"

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