I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2045

"The other me—" Kiara Sesshoin chased after him.

"Shut up! I don't have the energy to play house with you!"

The Demonic Bodhisattva threw a golden turbine of desire towards Kiara Sashoin, and then chased after Aige Sajo.

On the way, she clenched her fingernails with a ferocious expression:

"Before the third animal nature was taken away, I purposely added an eye of Gendaya that was parasitized by Uranus. It is impossible for the king of stars not to notice the fluctuations of Uranus, let alone let her be a container." ah!"

"Damn—! It was so hard for me to go around under the nose of that guy, going around between Chaldea, the parliament, the empire, and countless world lines, to guide the situation like this! Where is the king of the stars? What are you doing?"

"The third container and the two rituals have been resolved by the Emperor of Heaven; and the second container, Fujimaru Shiro's vortex is the most special, as long as it is not exposed to animal nature, it will not be diseased."

"This first container is the most troublesome! Once the real monster princess wakes up... what are the kings of the stars planning? Obviously, as long as this first container is eliminated, Akasha's monsters will be destroyed in this generation. There is no way to step out of the door of truth——, damn it!"

Demonic Bodhisattva no longer thinks about what the Star Kings think, she is now only thinking about killing Shajo Aige.

In the world she wants to build, only Satiao Aige must die!

The Demonic Bodhisattva quickly pursued and killed Sha Tiao Ai Ge. She knew that she was no match for Sha Tiao Ai Ge in his heyday, but with the current Sha Tiao Ai Ge, she could still kill her.


When Moxing Bodhisattva was chasing and killing Sajo Aiga, Shirou's side besieged Galahad and couldn't stop. At this moment, a black light flashed and hit Galahad with incomparable power.

With a "bang", Galahad was directly sent flying.

Everyone was stunned, turned their heads, and looked at the attacking girl and the black gun in her hand in shock.

"Jean, Jeanne?"

Astolfo asked uncertainly.

"Yes, it's me!" Joan put down the black gun in her hand and nodded in agreement.

Then she looked at Shirou and saluted a French military salute: "Ruler, Joan of Arc, greetings to you, Eternal King!"

Chapter 57 If the heart is rotten, the day and night will be long


"The arm of the Emperor of Heaven is really broken..." King Liao Dekuan looked at the other side of the distant sea with a complex expression, and there were cracks like spider webs.

"Father." The princes of Kamland looked at King Liao Dekuan with complicated expressions, "Then, Guinevere..."

"Needless to say, the prophecy of the Fairy Queen has come true."

King Liao Dekuan looked at the tall and straight white tower with a complex expression, but the princes knew that what caught King Liao Dekuan's eyes was not the white tower, but a girl.

Kamland is the most special duchy in this empire.

What makes it special is not the country itself, but the girl.

The only girl in the empire who has the concept of longevity.

From birth to death, that girl has been standing on that white tower, looking at the distant, endless sea horizon.

From childhood, to youth, to youth, to middle age, and finally to old age, and finally decay and become an ignorant baby again.

Only that girl has a short lifespan of sixty years.

Every day she stood on that high tower, looking into the distance.

Day after day, year after year. Reincarnation again and again, losing memory again and again, but standing on that high tower again and again, looking out.

What is that girl looking at?

What kind of beauty is it that is worth her 100 million years of reincarnation again and again, to look at it?

She said she didn't know either.

But she said that outside the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], on the other side of the sea, there must be the scenery she wants to see.

Therefore, the king trapped her in the small Kamland.

Because, Wang knew, that girl was like a canary in a cage, and one day, she would disappear.

And the king, don't give up.

But the princes know that the king will eventually have to make a choice.

The true soul trapped in this false birdcage will eventually leave this false world.

"It's just that I wish this time could be postponed a little longer. My daughter, Guinevere..."

The wind blew across the face, and in the eyes of the princes, King Liao Dekuan's broad body looked a little stooped and bleak.

If the heart is rotten, the day and night are too long; if the heart is beating, how short is 100 million years?


"Hello, Joan of Arc!"

Shirou nodded towards Joan of Arc, then his eyes fell on the black gun in Joan's hand, he paused for a moment, and asked, "Is this one of the seven weapons of the Astra Academy?"

Joan nodded, "Yes."

"As expected of the Seven Great Weapons of Astra Academy..." Shirou couldn't help sighing.

It was worthy of being the black gun that shot down Aristotle in the land of steel, and blasted Galahad, which was made of super metal, with a single shot.

But this weapon is not a god-made armor or a star weapon, but the crystallization of human wisdom.

Merlin on the side suggested: "Now that the invaders have been blasted out, we can withdraw our troops and regroup, Wang."


Shirou shook his head, his eyes sparkled with divine light: "We shouldn't be turtles who just get beaten and don't fight back."

"What do you mean?" Merlin was full of surprise.

Shirou drew his sword and shouted, "Take advantage of the victory and pursue!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

The Berserkers roared with excitement, and they smelled the delicious taste of blood.

Shirou's eyes are bright. Although the basic strategy of the phalanx is defense, but now that Adam smashed a corner of the [Emperor's Arm] and destroyed the [Hongqiao], the opponent retreated in a panic and the formation was chaotic. I'm really sorry if I didn't take a bite of the meat Such a godsend opportunity.

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