I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2057

He didn't say anything, and the accompanying Scathach was also silent.

They didn't know what happened, but there was no doubt that Bedivere was screaming.

"We all say that you are the most cunning and changeable, and the one who is most likely to betray His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven... But in the end, you are the one who is most loyal to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, Sir Jalanda."

Bedivere dug up the ground and made a simple grave for Jalanda on the spot.

Bedivere got up, turned to look at Shirou and Scatha, and smiled with dull eyes: "You——, you are worried that I will betray you, so you came to kill me, right, Eternal King? To prevent accidents, I also brought the strongest fighter, Scathach."

Shirou was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Don't worry, Eternal King. I've-- I have nowhere to go."

"Come back with us, Bedivere. Your existence is very troublesome, but I don't want to take revenge." Shirou said in a fair and honest manner.

"Okay. But before that, I have a place to go." Bedivere waved the map in his hand.

Scathach glanced at Shirou, Shirou thought for a moment, then nodded: "We will go with you."



Shatiao Aige slowly opened his eyes, and as far as his eyes could see was a pitch-black cave and a fire pile with flames leaping happily.

"Huh? You're awake."

A soft voice suddenly sounded in his ear, Sha Tiao Aige turned his head to look, and immediately saw a blond girl wearing a crown.

—Heroic Spirit, Europa!

Sha Tiao Aige's omniscience and omnipotence, she saw through the identity and real name of this blond girl almost instantly.

"Master, your Excellency has woken up." Seeing that Shatiao Aige woke up, Europa, who took care of Shatiao Aige, got up slowly and shouted towards the fire where the crowd gathered.


Sha Tiao Aige followed, her heart sank suddenly, and she saw more than a dozen heroic spirits looking at her in unison. Not only that, Shatiao Aige even found out among the dozens of heroic spirits. The number of bodies is powerful enough to threaten Beast's heroes and gods.

——Crowned Heroic Spirit!

as well as.

——God-level Pillar of Heaven!

"You're awake."

A bright and clear voice rang in his ears, and Sha Tiao Aige saw among the group of heroic spirits, a girl with orange hair and a single ponytail with a bright smile slowly got up and walked towards her.

This, this is

Shajo Aige's eyes shrank suddenly, BeastⅦ!

The seventh beast!

Shatiao Aige's eyes turned cold. Logically speaking, the seventh beast nature is the largest and the last beast nature, and it will only appear after the other six beast natures have all appeared, but they did not expect to meet them here.

If you eat the seventh animal nature, you can make up time, suppress your true personality, and greatly increase the authority of the evil king. In this way, even the Emperor of Heaven, the King of Stars will no longer be afraid.

Seeing the orange-haired girl approaching unsuspectingly, Shajo Aige already had malicious intentions, her eyes sparkled, and she stretched out her hand towards the orange-haired girl.

However, at that moment

A cold light flickered in the darkness, Sha Tiao Aige's eyes narrowed suddenly, only to hear a "cha", and at some point, a burly black knight exuding a lifeless spirit appeared in front of her, slashing down with a sword. her arm.

Not only that, but the black knight was just a prelude, as if pulling a thread moved her whole body. The next moment, a burly warrior like a bear, a young man like a saint warrior, and a burly white lion had already rushed in front of her.

Put them all together...

Just thinking about it, Shatiao Aige realized that she couldn't use much power to hypnotize her real personality.

Oh no!


The orange-haired girl suddenly shouted.

The number of heroic spirits who were about to hurt the killer stopped like a sudden brake.

"Really. Grandpa, Orion, God Ancestor, and God Zeus, what are you doing?" the orange-haired girl scolded.

The blond young man sitting by the fire stood up: "She's going to attack you, Team Leader Fujimaru."

"Don't talk nonsense, Deputy Team Leader Keir."

Kirshtalia sighed, and declared, "It's Kirshtalia Wodim, Team Leader Fujimaru."

"Don't mind so much. Such a nickname for you shows that we have a good relationship."

"Please don't have such a good relationship with me." Kirshtalia Wodim said coldly.

"Really, Keir is being arrogant again."

The orange-haired girl smiled meaninglessly, then turned her head, looked at Sajo Aika, stretched out her hand, and introduced herself with a smile: "My name is Fujimaru Tachika, and I am the leader of Team A of Chaldea. In addition, I have another identity, that is the seventh animal nature..."

It really is the seventh bestiality!

Shatiao Aige's heart skipped a beat, but is the seventh beast so naive? Don't you smell me as BeastEX?

Moreover, as the biggest and most evil seventh beast, there is actually a three-body crowned heroic spirit, and the god king of Greek mythology has signed a contract with it, which is really an incredible scene.

But that's about it.

Such a delicacy is delivered to your door, how can you not sign for it?

Taking advantage of the moment when the attention of the three crowned heroic spirits and God Zeus was attracted by Kirshtalia Wodem, Sajo Aiga used black mud to re-condense the severed right hand, and turned towards the naive Fujimaru Tachika Stretched out his hand.

just eat her

Before the voice in her heart could finish speaking, Fujimaru Tachika stretched out her hand, grabbed her palm, and asked doubtfully, "Is this a handshake? But, I don't know your name yet."

how come--! ?

Shajo Aiga's heart skipped a beat. The moment she came into contact with Fujimaru Tachika, she realized something very important.

That is the scale of this seventh beast...

It's so huge!

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