I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2065

Shirou nodded, then turned his head and set his eyes on Bedivere. Seeing that he didn't respond, he reminded: "Bedwell, Jalanda's box."

"Ah, yes."

Bedivere hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, Queen Tito."

"What's the matter?" Taito turned his head and looked at Bedivere suspiciously.

"That's right, one of my partners entrusted me to deliver this thing to Avalon."

Bedivere took out Gelanda's box from the imaginary savings system of [Emperor Armor] and handed it to Taito.

"What is this?" Tito asked.

Bedivere shook his head, and then said: "But my partner said that this is quite important."

Tito fell to the ground and began to try to open the chest.

Shirou, Scathach, and the witch Artoria all looked over curiously, and Bedwell also looked over curiously.

Gelanda said that the things in this box are very important to the empire and are worth defending with his life, so they must be very important treasures.

However, when Taito opened the box, everyone was stunned.


Inside the box was a tattered biography manuscript!

""Tale of Heroes of the Holy Sword"...what's the matter with this book?"

Bedivere yelled unacceptably, and Jalanda told him to hand over the important things to Avalon, the important things that he would protect even if he gave up his life.

It turned out to be a manuscript of a biography!

And it's bad street...

The manuscript of "Tale of Heroes of the Holy Sword"!

Bedivere couldn't take it.

Shirou also shook his head because he thought there was some secret that could defeat the empire, but it turned out to be just the manuscript of "Tale of the Holy Sword Heroes" that he had seen in Kamland.

"Huh? Isn't this the Emperor's note?"

Taito raised his head and looked at Bedivere suspiciously: "Why did you give me this notebook?"


Shirou raised his eyebrows and asked, "The Emperor's notes?"

"Yeah. This notebook looks like the notebook that the Emperor of Heaven brought when he visited pan-human history... Mum. It should be..."

It seems that the memory is a little long, and Taito is a little uncertain.

"It's not like, but this notebook is the one that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor carried back then, Lord Taito."

Suddenly a male voice confirming came from behind, Shirou turned his head and saw a tall, handsome young man with fiery red hair walking slowly.

As if sensing Shirou's gaze, the handsome young man turned his head and looked at Shirou with a smile, "We meet again, Your Excellency Fujimaru Shiro."

"Are you——" Shirou frowned, "Clock Tower, former Head of Modern Magic Department, Dr. Hatteres?"

"I really didn't expect, Your Excellency Fujimaru Shiro... No, the legendary King of Eternity still remembers me as a little guy." Hartlett looked at Shirou in surprise, and said with a smile: "However, compared to Ha Tres’s name, Kakino Kurō. Back then, my younger sister, Kakino Hishiri, who was in the Clock Tower’s Law and Political Department, was also well taken care of by you.”

Shirou frowned.

Humanity was destroyed by the [Parliament], and the Emperor of Heaven has co-ordinated the pan-human history, Hateres, this man still exists!

Hateres, this is the former head of the Clock Tower's modern magic department.

In 2003, because of Emiya Miyu's visit, the rank cards were scattered in Fuyuki City. From here, Shirou went to the British Clock Tower to visit Gemstone.

And during the visit, because of Weber's invitation, he participated in the succession event of the stripped city Adela.

In the succession event of the stripped city Adela, Morgan Le Fay, who was hidden in the dark, took advantage of the nature of the stripped city Adela and used Gray as a sacrifice to reproduce the fourth Holy Grail War, thus making Alaya The soul of the imprisoned Arturia returned to the real world.

At that time, Hateres participated in the succession incident disguised as Wallachia Night, and after being exposed by Shirou, he ran away under Shirou's nose with the magic eye of the goblin.

There is no doubt that this is an absolutely inconspicuous little person for Zhu Yue, False God Seat, Apocalypse Behemoth, [Parliament], and Lord of Relief.

However, it was such a small person who actually disappeared in the human world, and now that the Emperor of Heaven ruled everything, he appeared firmly in front of him.

——This notebook looks like the notebook that the Emperor of Heaven brought when he visited pan-human history.

Thinking of Taito's words just now, Shirou reacted abruptly, staring at the smiling Hatteris, "So, it's not the elf that made you escape from me, but..."

"Well. It was His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven who was a guest in Avalon at that time, and because of my despair and resignation, kindly and mercifully bestowed on me the fairy eyes." Hartless nodded, admitting this very simply.

Shirou's heart sank to the bottom, it turned out that the Emperor of Heaven was in Avalon at that time!

Right in the Avalon of pan-human history!

Abigail said that the Emperor of Heaven noticed the existence of pan-human history because of the black cup of the [Parliament], but her rhetoric has long been overturned by Bedivere of the Holy Apostle.

The Emperor of Heaven was preparing the weapons and [Emperor Armor] for the invasion as early as in the parliament, long before the sixth seat opened the gate of this eternal empire.

Therefore, it is extremely possible that the Heavenly Emperor knew the existence of the connection point and the pan-human history from the very beginning of his birth.

The Emperor of Heaven is the Holy Spirit, and even the giant's holy king, Surut, has a way to invade the world line. As the Emperor of the Holy Spirit, he can naturally invade the world line with ease.

However, in 2003, the Emperor of Heaven visited Avalon in the pan-human history.

This matter is unheard of!

Moreover, why did He come to Avalon in pan-human history?

"Mm. He came to Avalon and dug up the coffin that Vivienne hid. Oh, that coffin seems to be a coffin that you faked your own death." Taito said.


Shirou suddenly remembered that during the Eternal Dynasty, he deliberately staged a fake death scene in order to escape.


The Emperor of Heaven came to pan-human history, and then dug up his coffin of suspended animation?

What the hell!

Shirou was bewildered.

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