I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2068

With the ability of the Demonic Bodhisattva, the moment he picked up the note, he read the content recorded in the note.

How should I say it?

That is the epic legend that exists in this world line, and the legend of the king was also circulated in the Throne of Heroes.

— Epic of the Eternal King.

Although it is not clear why the holy spirit dropped the epic biography about the Eternal King of pan-human history, the Demonic Bodhisattva still took the biography and chased after the Heavenly Emperor.

Before she became the third beast, she was a master at manipulating people's hearts.

She could feel that the holy spirit could be her pawn.

The most important thing is that the moment she saw the Heavenly Emperor, she vaguely realized the real reason why she became a beast.

The Emperor of Heaven can be used as a pawn.

Be a pawn to fulfill her wish.


"I can see all your evil thoughts about me."

God said so.

In an instant, he saw through her.

At that time, the Demon Bodhisattva was extremely nervous.

Although it feels like the God of Heaven is a pawn that can be used, it is undeniable that the opponent, like the Enlightened One, is a transcendent who can easily destroy animal nature.

However, the Emperor of Heaven did not attack her, but said to her gently: "No matter how dirty the mud flow is, the clear water is also stained with dust. You are using endless desires to anesthetize the sorrow in your heart, but you can't see happiness." sunshine. I want to tell you that happiness is not the temporary cessation of desire, but the placement of the soul in the most appropriate place."

Just such a sentence, the Demonic Bodhisattva has been completely seen through by the Heavenly Emperor.

But the Heavenly Emperor did not attack her, but took over the biography of the Eternal King, turned and left.

At that time, the face of the Demonic Bodhisattva changed from cloudy to sunny, and finally followed.

Was she saved by the Heavenly Emperor?

Because of a word from the Emperor of Heaven, did you purify your soul?

of course not.

Demon bodhisattvas are beasts of hopeless desire.

Even the Bodhisattva of Demon Nature knows this very well.

So why is she chasing the Heavenly Emperor? That's because the Demonic Bodhisattva has become more and more aware that he can use the power of the Emperor of Heaven to achieve the desire behind his desire, the one he really wants.

"Why are you following me?" the Heavenly Emperor asked suspiciously.

Moxing Bodhisattva considered his words for a while, then smiled and said: "Just as you have questions and want to ask Sakyamuni, I also have questions to ask you."

"But I can't see the question in your heart."

"That's because even I haven't clarified what my question is, but I just have such a vague emotion. So before I clarify my question, can you not refuse to answer me?"

"This is not a problem. Although the two enlightened ones avoided my question, I am not stingy with my answer."

"You are so understanding, it is really convincing."

The Emperor of Heaven smiled.

Even though the Heavenly Emperor was covered with dazzling holy light, the Demonic Bodhisattva could still feel it, and the Heavenly Emperor smiled.

Afterwards, He left, and the Demonic Bodhisattva followed persistently.

At that time, she had already left behind the mission entrusted to her by the Lord of Rescue, because at that time she vaguely perceived her true inner desire and the opportunity to fulfill that desire in the Emperor of Heaven. It's like a poor and stable person smelling the breath of getting rich overnight, and has already left his own job behind.

In Fuyuki City in 2003, the whole city was in chaos due to the invasion of the False God Seat, the resistance of the four members of the Crown Rank, and the Moon King who was acting secretly.

Collapsing buildings, burning parks, dead bodies, money scattered all over the place, and people who regard money as their life, it's like hell.

And the ones that cover the earth like rubbish are the books that carry human wisdom.

That holy spirit is like a book addicted reader. Every time he passes by a place, he picks up the books on the ground and stuffs them into his storage space, muttering, "I really don't cherish such a treasure."

"You like books very much?"

"Yes, I love books as much as I love traveling."

"If that's the case, why don't you pick up those books?" Moxing Bodhisattva pointed to the books behind him that were not picked up by the Heavenly Emperor.

"Because I'm sleepy from reading those books."

Demon Bodhisattva: "..."

At this time, the Demonic Bodhisattva discovered that what the Emperor of Heaven picked up were all storybooks and comic books such as "Andersen's Fairy Tales", "Greek Mythology", "Norse Mythology", and "Seven Dragons". As for those that were not picked up, they were knowledge books such as "National High School Physics", "Advanced Mathematics", and "A Brief History of Time".

The demon bodhisattva who discovered this had black lines all over his head: "Are you a primary school student who hates studying?"

Emperor of Heaven: "?????"

However, even though he satirized this holy spirit in this way, the holy spirit showed no sign of anger, which convinced the demonic bodhisattva that he had the possibility of using this holy spirit.

"Where are you going now? Go ahead and find someone to answer your question?"


"Forgive me, even the Enlightened Ones avoid talking about your question. In this world, no one can answer your question anymore."

"There is one person who can." The Heavenly Emperor took out the broken notebook.

"The Eternal King? Excuse me, that's just a human being. How can a human answer a question that even transcendents avoid?"

"If it was him, he would definitely be able to answer my question."

"If that's the case, why not go directly to the Eternal King? He's in this city."

"Because I like to save the best stories and the most delicious desserts for last."

The Demonic Bodhisattva understood that the Holy Spirit believed that his questions could be answered by the Eternal King, and took the Eternal King as a guarantee for solving the questions.

The Demonic Bodhisattva understands better that the Eternal King is also the purpose of the Lord of Relief calling her here.

Says the Lord of Relief, the Eternal King is the vessel.

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