I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2074

Morgan Le Fay's complexion became serious.

"What's going on?" Mordred asked in surprise.

"It was probably the previous battle that brought that guy here."

"That guy?"

Morgan Le Fay nodded, and said with an extremely heavy expression: "God King - Balor's huge chaotic soul!"

"Ba, Balor?"

Mordred was stunned.

She had heard of this king of gods, the king of the Fomor gods who ruled the Three Realms at first, and was finally killed by Lug, the father of the son of light Cu Chulainn, the light god of the Danu gods.

"Balor's soul is here too?" Mordred was full of surprise.

Morgan Le Fay nodded, "After the Fermor Protoss was defeated by the Danu Protoss, all the souls of the Fermor Protoss were imprisoned in the dark Fermor Abyss. guard."

"What about Naskaha?"

Speaking of this, Mordred suddenly realized that Scathach was by Shirou's side!

At this time, a huge eye looked in from outside the cave, observing the situation in the cave.

Mordred gritted his teeth and gripped his sword tightly.

do not care!

In order to survive, even the king of gods can only kill him!

Mordred took out the star cup and was about to activate the star cup, but Guinevere, who was full of fear, saw the star cup in Mordred's hand, and for a moment, her eyes lost their highlight.

"Star Cup..."

She was raving unconsciously.


Chapter 69 Please, You Are Weak!

"Is this... Balor?"

Looking at the huge one-eyed chaotic soul in front of him, the corner of Mordred's mouth twitched violently, then his eyes became serious, and he clenched the king sword in his hand.

If a god stands in her way, hit the god and move on!

As if sensing Mordred's hostility, Balor turned his head and glanced at her, a black light flickered in that huge one eye.

"Get away!"

Before Mordred could react, he was thrown to the ground by Morgan Le Fay next to him.

In an instant, the entire land was turned into scorched earth, and all the surrounding Fomor souls disappeared.

"This is--"

Mordred stared at the land of destruction with dumbstruck eyes.

"Be careful with his gaze. Once you are caught by Balor's gaze, you will die." Morgan Le Fay reminded with a serious face: "So don't conflict with him, avoid him."

Mordred hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Balor's magic eye, let's see who dies, even the God of Light, Lug, destroyed Balor's magic eye before killing him. Although Balor at this moment is just a soul locked in the Fermor Abyss with a chaotic consciousness, but the magic eye still has the effect.

However, Balor was not going to let them go, he roared and attacked them, his magic eyes flickered with black light, and everything he passed was reduced to ruins.

Mordred and others were soon cornered.

"It seems that we can't do without getting rid of him." Mordred's eyes flickered fiercely, and he swung his sword towards Balor.

Morgan Le Fay looked at Mordred helplessly, then took out a thin staff from his arms, and assisted Mordred.

However, Balor really deserves to be the first generation of god kings who ruled the Three Realms. Even if only the soul of chaos that lost its self and consciousness is left, it is too powerful. Even Mordred and Morgan Le Fay cooperate. hard to fight.

"It would be great if there are other sides here." Morgan Le Fay was a little helpless.

Mordred looked down at the Star Cup in his hand while he was attacking through Balor's magic eye.

"Why doesn't the third eye activate?"

Staring into that closed third eye, Mordred gritted his teeth.

Theoretically, she has crossed that line, surpassed human beings, and become the embodiment of the Star Grail. However, after waking up, he turned back into a human being, and there was no way to activate the third eye of the star cup—the real power of the star cup.

"Wake up for me!"

Mordred scolded the third eye of the Star Grail, but did not get the slightest response from the Star Grail.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—"

With a loud roar, Balor aimed his magic eyes at Mordred, and with a "boom", a ray of death-destroying light attacked Mordred.

Oh no!

Mordred panicked, the ray of death was too abrupt and tricky, and had already blocked all her escape routes.

However, when the ray of deathly light was about to fall on Mordred's body, two huge, hideous, pitch-black insect limbs, like two palms, appeared around her body, like a protective shield, covering her body. She shrouded.


The two huge pitch-black insect limbs exploded instantly, blasting Mordred out of it.

Mordred rolled a dozen times in a row, and finally stabilized his body with the sword pillar. When he looked up, he saw a huge butterfly golem hovering in the sky.

"that is--"

The moment he saw this huge butterfly golem, Mordred couldn't help but recall the black shadow that blocked the giant arm of the Emperor of Heaven when it fell from the sky and was about to destroy her.

Yes, this is it!

Mordred made a judgment almost instantly. The black shadow blocking the giant arm of the Emperor at that time was this huge butterfly golem!

Not only that……

This breath...

Mordred stared at Guinevere under the huge butterfly golem, who was inserted into the back like a battery by countless trachea from the butterfly golem.

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