I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2131

The conquest of the ancient times aroused the fighting spirit of the heroes to fight the enemy bravely.

Holding the Deviation Sword in his hand, Tiamat's mind moved slightly, and phantoms of nine stars appeared around him, and then all the power to make stars disappeared into the Deviation Sword.

In an instant, the Deviated Sword was spinning at an indescribably high speed like a wandering child returning to its mother's arms. Endless magic power and star-making power were brewing in this sky opener.

Ka Ka Ka!

There were spider web-like cracks on the sword body of the Deviation Sword, which was covered with red star patterns, and in the cracks, the shining light of stars shone.

That is the power to open up the world!

Gaia's complexion changed suddenly, and she quickly shouted: "Wait a minute, Tiamat! Don't liberate [Abzu] at this time!"

However, Tiamat didn't pay attention to Gaia at all, but directly liberated his own restrictions, facing the incarnation of the empire, and dropped the sword of deviation.

"Create the world, repeat the prehistoric times—!"

Following Tiamat's cold and tender drink, the Deviation Sword shot out a rainbow of light.


The rainbow light is like a pillar, enough to knock down the stars.

Shirou and the others hurriedly dodged, not expecting this blow from the Savior Sword.

"Unexpectedly, the mother goddess of Mesopotamia is also Mechanism!" Zeus looked at Tiamat in surprise.

"The power is indeed powerful, but it can't reach the root..." said Gem Weng, frowning.

Indeed, under the irradiation of [Akasha's Arrow], the rainbow light of Abzu who opened up directly turned into nothingness.

This is of course, because even divine power cannot touch the root cause.

If Tiamat is equivalent to Chaos in Greek mythology, then [Arrow of Akasha] is the first cause, the super-primitive god-Kronos.

Just like a screenwriter wants to write a story, he will first create a god as a background board to shape the environment and space in which the story is born. But can the God of the background board in the book go against the screenwriter's pen?

the answer is negative.

From this perspective, [Akasha Records] is the 'screenwriter' who creates the story, and [Akasha Arrow] is the realization of [Akasha Records], which is equivalent to the 'screenwriter's pen. '.

"God is under the name of the king, this is the law of the dynasty." The avatar of the empire glanced at Shirou, then his eyes fell on Tiamat behind the crowd, and said flatly: "This is a meaningless resistance."

"Children of generations, of course I know it's a meaningless resistance. But my goal has been achieved." Tiamat said calmly.

Everyone looked at Tiamat in amazement, knowing that power was meaningless to 【Akasha's Arrow】, Tiamat still did this.

Could it be that, in the face of the invincible [Akasha's Arrow], Tiamat also has a targeted killer?

"Tiamat, don't you..." Gaia looked at Tiamat in disbelief.


Suddenly there was a painful scream, and Shirou looked back, only to see the Almighty God Zeus covering his head, howling in pain, and the divine thunder all over his body seemed to be out of control, dancing wildly.

An extremely terrifying star information fluctuation whose mass far exceeds that of Jupiter overflowed from the wavelength of Zeus.

Ka Ka Ka——

The sky covered by [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] suddenly shattered like a spider web, and an extremely huge hole in the void appeared.

Scarlet light like a shattered, flickering in it, an incomparably huge star eye looked over from the other side of the void hole.

"what is that?"

People were dumbfounded.

The majestic existence, like the ancient god of the universe, looked over from a distant alien galaxy that was about to end.

It is a huge structure formed with a star as its core, similar to a space mothership like a Dyson sphere!



Be it heroic spirits or gods, they all appear so insignificant in front of this star eye that sees through the universe.

"No, isn't it?"

The scorching heat, as if standing on the surface of the sun, made the corners of Toshiro's eyes twitch violently. Things have come to this point, this Dyson ball-like ancient god, that is...

"Ka, Chaos...!"

Zeus held his head tightly, as if he was resisting some huge spiritual erosion, drops of cold sweat rolled down his face.

Kirshtalia frowned, "So... the terrifying fluctuations I felt in Greece actually came from this ancient god who symbolizes 'Chaos'?"

"—Locating the target. According to the interstellar immigration law, 37% of the planet's mass is collected as an immigration tax."

Chaos sent a message.

That came from chaos, the voice of the ancient gods.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed suddenly: "Immigration tax? What is that?"

Shirou frowned tightly, staring at Chaos.

The cosmic law enacted by the ultra-ancient civilization of this planet to establish order has now become a disaster on this planet.


The huge eye of Chaos shoots out a star storm capable of killing everything, and the endless red light will make the whole world look like death.

As if facing the high-dimensional light, everyone's complexion was pale.

— can't resist.

Absolutely can't resist!

Whether it is Beast, Crown, or even Magician and Star Warrior, they all have this judgment in their hearts.

"So that's the plan."

The incarnation of the empire glanced at Tiamat holding the deviant sword, and already understood Tiamat's plan in his heart.

[Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] After the internal and external attacks of [Parliament] and [Sperth Alliance], as well as Adam and Pan-Human History, there is a gap, and it is no longer perfect.

Tiamat, on the other hand, picked out this flaw and used [Abzu] to blast open the dimension, allowing this ancient god to break through the dimension and look over from a different dimension.

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