I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2272

"After gaining independence and freedom, we star kings began to create their own star armies in order to prevent them from becoming the experimental products of the golden universe again. The kings of Venus have all created powerful individuals, and I am the only one who chooses to create civilization. I use The Creator created Thetis as the blueprint, which is what you call the original life. And this is the origin of the Gaia star field, the origin of everything."

Origin Gaia brought Shirou to the interior of the golden flying boat. In this interior, there is a huge constant petri dish. In that petri dish, there are several dead golden giants floating.

Obviously, this is the life of the golden universe, and it is also the origin of the Gaia star field.

— Creator!

Shirou glanced at the golden giants, then looked at Origin Gaia, and asked, "I already know these things. You brought me here, didn't you just let me see this?"


Origin Gaia nodded, then stretched out his hand to Shirou, and said, "Give me the Arrow of Akasha."

Hearing this, Shirou hesitated for a moment, then took out the Arrow of Akasha and handed it to Gaia of Origin.

As soon as Origin Gaia got the Arrow of Akasha, he aimed the arrow tip of the Arrow of Akasha at Shirou's eyes, but Shirou didn't blink.

The scene froze for a moment, Origin Gaia sighed, knowing in his heart that he might not be able to find his place in the near future, so he took the Arrow of Akasha into his hand and said: "After returning from this world, I realized a Question. Shirou, such a thing as root evil may not exist at all!"

Hearing this, Shirou was startled suddenly: "What did you say?"

Chapter 24 Please, You Are Weak!

Shirou looked at Gaia in disbelief.

what did she say?

She said that root evil may not exist at all!

His heart throbbed uncomfortably. Shirou suppressed the throbbing in his heart, but his tone was a little excited: "If He doesn't exist, then who am I fighting against so far?"

This sentence of origin Gaia simply negates everything!

"Actually, I went to the present world with doubts. I wondered what kind of monster could destroy my Alaya, but after I went to the present world, I had a question." Origin Gaia said.

"What question?" Shirou asked.

"Why can I go to this world?"

Shirou said: "Is there any need to ask? Of course it is because of the great summoning circle of root evil!"

"Then Shirou, let me ask you, why can root evil summon me?"

"What are you trying to express, Gaia?" Shirou asked with a frown.

He didn't understand what Origin Gaia was going to say, but he had a vague feeling of discomfort and refusal to think about it.

Origin Gaia looked at Shirou and said seriously: "We are the origin at the beginning of time, and the present world is the future of our demise, but we are not connected to the present world. What does this mean, do you understand? It means that we It is impossible to intersect with the present world."

"He is the root of evil, so he can naturally do such unimaginable things." Shirou said.

"You understand in your heart that this is impossible. At the same time, you also understand that in the real history, we and the golden universe barely died together, and that's why your era came into existence. However, your arrival destroyed the established history. Once we defeated the golden universe with overwhelming strength, we did not ask for power from the [root], did not deceive the [root], did not create the Arrow of Akasha, and did not give birth to the so-called root evil. Then, your era, Will it still exist? No, it should be asked, how do you exist?” asked the origin Gaia.

"Of course, of course it was born into a parallel world..."

"Is this really the case? After experiencing several connection points, and even coming to our time, you who have seen Malamaya, are you still convinced of the existence of parallel worlds?" asked the origin Gaia.

Shirou shook, and the uneasiness in his heart that resisted thinking became even more throbbing.

"After we wiped out the golden universe and survived, how should you survive? Let me tell you the answer," Origin Gaia handed the Arrow of Akasha to Shirou, and said peacefully: "That is to use Akasha Arrow, destroy me. So, I ask you. Who are you?"


Like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, Shirou took two or three steps back.

The question that has been resisting to think about is mercilessly placed in front of Gaia's eyes.

There is no need to remind Gaia of the origin, this paradox problem, in fact, Shirou has already realized the moment he came to the era of origin, even instinctive anxiety.

It's just that he resists to think, resists to think deeply, anesthetizes himself, and makes himself try not to think.

Because of the fear of thinking carefully ah!

Because, if it is really like what Gaia said, then the root evil does not exist, and the one who exists, the real savior, isn’t——

Unable to make such a judgment, Shirou raised his head vacillatingly, but seeing Yuan Gaia's pretty face, he suffocated a smirk.

Shirou realized it instantly, and said angrily, "Are you kidding me?"


Origin Gaia couldn't bear it anymore, and laughed loudly: "No, no, I can't hold it back, I can't hold it back anymore. You are so cute, Shiro. I finally know why I love you so much in the future. Yes. You are so cute."

Shirou glared at Origin Gaia angrily, gritted his teeth and asked, "How did you see the anxiety in my heart?"

"Who do you think I am? I am the greatest Gaia!" Origin Gaia said proudly with her hips akimbo.

Shirou gritted his teeth with hatred, if it wasn't for this being Gaia's home ground, and the Arrow of Akasha was still in her hands, Shirou really wanted to push her to the ground and rub her.

"However, in this way, the depression in my heart is released, and you can do things boldly, right?" Origin Gaia asked with a smile.

"No, because all the clues converge to one line, that's the only possibility. The so-called root evil, the so-called Lord of Relief, may...maybe...it's me...!"

Shirou pursed his lips, all the clues were condensed, and there was only this terrible truth.

"If you really think so, you've been tricked, Shiro." Origin Gaia said with her arms crossed.

Shirou frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Have you considered a possibility, Xiao Shirou?" Origin Gaia looked at Shirou peacefully and said, "We don't exist at all."

Hearing this, what the Lord of Relief said to him at that time flashed subconsciously in Shirou's mind.

- I want to play a game with you.

"If we don't exist at all, but just a bubble of real history, then everything makes sense." Origin Gaia said very calmly.

"But what if not?"

Origin Gaia smiled and said: "If not, do you think you are still alive in my territory?"

Hearing this, Shirou was taken aback for a moment, and then he completely relaxed, and all the anxiety in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Shirou understood that Origin Gaia's action was to dispel his doubts and let him let go.

"Thank you, Gaia." Shirou looked at Origin Gaia seriously.

"Who told me to be the greatest Gaia?" Origin Gaia put his waist on his waist and laughed, then looked at Shirou and said, "But since it's a game, if you can't find the game venue or the players, But you can't win."

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