I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2302

Standing beside the ancient street, the slightly dilapidated Notre Dame is still so sacred and solemn.

The dripping rain, mixed with the intermittent crying of a baby, is extremely desolate in this rainy night. After an unknown amount of time, the cries that were getting weaker and weaker were finally covered by the sound of rain.

Lingzi, no, the girl who should be called Sajo Ayaka held an umbrella and silently watched the dilapidated statue of the Virgin in Notre Dame Cathedral.

London, here is the center of the magic world, the holy place where countless magicians flock to, and it is the place she once dreamed of arriving at.

However, when she really set foot on this land, she found that instead of the slightest bit of happiness in her heart, there was an indelible gloom in her heart.

This is indeed the sacred place of the magic world, but unfortunately, it belongs to this world.

Her world was destroyed after her older sister Sajo Aiga went berserk due to the Lord of Relief.

To her, the current world is nothing more than a paradoxical world.

The new world has no place for the people of the old world.

But even so, she has her place.

Attila, Seshoin Kiara...maybe she is also a person who has no place to stay, so she reported to the group to keep warm. Because of this, she finally has a place to stay.


Calling softly, Sajo Ayaka slowly turned her head, and a prince-like figure appeared beside her.

"It's time to go back." He said softly.

Sajo Ayaka nodded slightly. He was the king who once ruled this land, King Arthur-Arthur Pendragon.

But like her, he is also the Arthur of the other world relative to the pan-human history on this axis.

"Arthur...will we win?" Sajo Ayaka hesitated for a moment, and finally asked this question.

The black hand occupying the ultimate of everything has surfaced. It is the evil spirit of the infinite past, and with that hand, it is tightly grasping the destiny of all things, making it difficult for it to move forward.

That is the evil side of the origin that created everything, the enemy of all.

"Isn't this inevitable?" The golden hero slowly appeared, leaning against the wall beside him, with his arms crossed, "Hasn't the hero born in this era already gone on his final adventure? Now that the hero has appeared , then the future must be opened up, otherwise why is it called a hero? However, although this king has long expected that he will become a hero of this era, he did not expect that his last enemy is actually the root itself. "

Sajo Ayaka looked at this golden heroic spirit, she knew the real body of this golden heroic spirit, the ancient hero king, Gilgamesh.

"I know what you're thinking, a remnant of the old era. This war is indeed no small matter. Human beings, heroic spirits, or gods have become extremely small, but in essence, this war has nothing to do with that A Shinjuku Holy Grail War is no different."

"The first cause is the 'holy grail', the root evil is your 'sister', and Fujimaru Shiro's role has not changed. And what role do we play in it? It's just a trivial minority, and those who waited Judging humans make no difference."

Arthur frowned: "Archer!"

"This is not a depressing word, Holy Sword Envoy. This king is also very unwilling, but this war is no longer a small war of a city, a continent, or a mythological system, so you must be clear that you are in this 'Holy Grail War'. It’s just a position in the middle. Could it be that after you know your role, you will naturally put all the pressure on that man and wait for the victory? That would be too stupid!"

"'As long as you're alive, you can do anything.' That man said that when he was weak." Gilgamesh crossed his arms, "And there is only one thing we can do, and that is, in the Seventh Beast. Keep this last anchor in your hands!"

"You're right." Sajo Ayaka nodded earnestly, even if things were different, she still wanted to keep her last shelter.

"This world will never be shattered like ours!" Sajo Ayaka said seriously.

That Beast must have thought so too, right? Sajo Ayaka subconsciously clenched the seeds in her pocket.

It was the seed given to her by Koyanskaya at the South American junction before she was assimilated by the root evil.

Although it was only a one-time relationship, Sajo Ayaka regarded him as a friend, so she kept that seed to this day.

Arthur looked at Sajo Ayaka who had cheered up, and couldn't help but smile.


In the darkness, there was a burst of applause.


Arthur and Gilgamesh immediately became vigilant.

Whether it's the all-knowing and omnipotent star, the clairvoyance, or the bug-like intuition... none of them noticed that someone was coming.

A slender shadow wandered in the darkness.

"You—you are—!" Sajo Ayaka's eyes narrowed suddenly, and she lost her voice: "Sister?"

"I'm very happy to see you so energetic, Ayaka."

Accompanied by a burst of laughter like silver bells, a blond girl in a light blue dress slowly walked out of the shadows while clapping her hands.

"Love song?" Arthur frowned.

He remembered that Ai Ge's current appearance should be that of a mature woman, and this aura...


Compared to Arthur's uncertainty, Gilgamesh directly unfolded the king's treasure house, and projected thousands of upper-level weapons towards Shatiao Aige, including many god-made weapons.

Baoguang Yiyi's weapon attacked Shatiao Aige like a torrential rain, but the moment it got close to Shatiao Aige, it disappeared like a bubble.

Even the god-made armor... Gilgamesh frowned, and then shook his hand violently.

Cracks like spider webs instantly appeared on the projected weapons, and with a "bang", they exploded one after another.

The terrifying flames were enough to engulf the city, but at the moment of the explosion, the destructive and expressive power of the explosion disappeared like a bubble.

"Has it become the same existence as that black vortex?" Gilgamesh raised his eyebrows. With his eyesight, he could see that Shatiao Aige had become a part of the root evil.


Arthur released the holy sword at Sha Tiao Ai Ge without hesitation, but Sha Tiao Ai Ge took a look at him, and the shining star light was extinguished before it appeared.

"It's really warm, my dear Prince." Shatiao Aige showed a happy smile.

"What the hell are you trying to do, Love Song?" Arthur asked, frowning.

"Of course I came to welcome you. After all, you are my princely highness, and I am the incomparably beautiful princess princess you love."

"Incredibly beautiful?" Gilgamesh smiled.

"Isn't that so?" Shatiao Aige asked suspiciously.

"You are a woman who believes in her own beauty as deeply as Ishtar, but you are just an ugly thing." Gilgamesh crossed his chest and sneered.

Shatiao Aige just smiled tolerantly, then turned her head slightly and looked at Arthur.

However, Arthur just clenched his sword tightly and looked at Shajo Aige with a cold face.

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