I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2306

Gilgamesh nodded slightly.

Ai Ge glanced at Arthur gratefully, then took a deep breath, and said seriously: "Then everyone——"

Before Aige could finish speaking, Emperor Shi Huang waved his hand and said, "Then next, please listen to my words!"


People turned their heads to look at the first emperor, some were stunned, some frowned, some were calm, and some...


"Here it comes again!" Mustard Chiko sighed with a headache.

"His Majesty the First Emperor of Dongtu, I'm not questioning your ability, but you don't seem to understand the current situation." Solomon said after deliberating for a moment.

The First Emperor nodded slightly: "It's true that I haven't figured out the current situation."


"It's not that you can solve the problem by knowing the status quo. The right person, doing the right thing, this is the solution."

"Can you solve the matter in front of you?" Merlin asked.

Merlin originally thought that Emperor Shihuang would reply with modest words such as "maybe", "maybe", but he only said one word.

A powerful word.


Merlin and Solomon looked at each other.

Not only them, but those who are currently in the London anchor point are all in shock.

"Even an almighty person would not be so sure under the current situation. But you are so sure?" Gilgamesh asked sharply.

The First Emperor smiled: "My word is the destiny!"

"This unpleasant self-confidence reminds me of that miscellaneous cultivator... Well, since you are so confident, I will leave it to you, the person who opened up the stars alone."

The first emperor's eyes were even more appreciative, "Your eyesight is indeed powerful, you are the king of a foreign land beyond heaven and earth. If that's the case, just listen to my words..."

"You're too arbitrary, aren't you? We haven't agreed yet!" Mordred said angrily.

"Hahaha, since you have to bear the fate of the people, why bother to stick to the details? You and I have no objections, right?" Shi Huang stretched out his hand, and six light rays of spirits containing huge magical power slowly appeared.

"This—these are—"

People couldn't help but be surprised: "The crown spirit base?"

Mustard Chiko couldn't help asking: "You, where did you come from?"

"It's modeled on the crown spirit foundation of pan-human history."

Cold sweat flowed from Mustard's forehead: "How could such a thing be possible..."

"Hahaha, as an emperor, he should open up the wilderness. How can it be said that it is impossible? However, even though this is said, there is still a difference between these fakes and the real crown spirit base, but the expanded capacity is quite the same."

Chapter Thirty-Eight We Can Show Hearty Smiles Together

The six crown spirit foundations, plus the crown spirit foundation used by the first emperor himself, means that the first emperor created seven crown spirit foundations.

"It's a matter of urgency. I came in a hurry this time. I only brought seven crown spirit foundations. One of them is used for me to receive flesh. You can divide the rest by yourself."

"Wait a minute—wait a moment!" Solomon stared at Emperor Shihuang, and asked in disbelief, "What do you mean by 'only'? Don't you just imitate seven crown foundations?"

Shi Huang smiled and said nothing.

But it was this calmness and calmness that made everyone affirmed that this guy not only forged seven crown foundations, there must be something else!

However, the seven crowned spirit foundations alone have left everyone dumbfounded and surprised.

"From the first time you appeared in front of me, I have seen through the essence of heroic spirits. If you use these mimetic crown spirit bases to arm heroic spirits and expand their core capacity, you can somewhat have a chance of winning in front of that black hand , it's a pity that I came here in a hurry..."

"But now—"

The First Emperor looked at the stunned crowd tolerantly, "You can show a hearty smile like me."

Everyone: "..."

Don't say it, the crown-ranked spirit foundation is the father, and you are the father of the father!

Under the ruthless crushing of several crowned spirit bases, everyone instantly bowed down under the "pomegranate skirt" of the first emperor.

The first emperor began to prepare to attack the hibiscus tree.

But his tactics...

"Actually, it's grouping, cutting the core... There's nothing unique about it." Kao Chiko couldn't help complaining: "So this is the emperor's strategy!"

The core of the hibiscus tree is the ten-round sun, so to cut down the hibiscus tree, the anchor point of the ten-round sun needs to be removed first.

That is to say, before the hibiscus tree sucks up the Xing Neihai, the ten great yangs should be conquered.

Facing Musta Chizi's cynicism, Emperor Shihuang just smiled: "Hahaha, you really don't understand strategy as always!"

Kabanko clenched her fists, feeling upset.

What's even more disturbing is that she, who came to the world using the crown spirit foundation, was assigned by the first emperor to be in a group with him.

Other than that...

"That... Excuse me, I'm Morrigan, just a magician who knows some small spells." Morrigan said modestly to the First Emperor.

"Oh? Are you the magician that Wasabi always mentioned?"

The First Emperor looked at Morrigan and raised his eyebrows: "The whole body is full of evil magic. In my great Qin Dynasty, he must be a warlock who will be executed Ling Chi!"

Morrigan was trembling with fright, and looked at Mustard Seed begging for help.

This is a boss who can rub 10,800 crowned spirit bases, she doesn't want to be targeted by such a boss.

"Under the whole world, is it the king's land; on the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers. However, this trip is a visit in modest clothes, and I don't need to care about the emperor's authority." Shi Huang said with a smile.

"That would be great." Morrigan heaved a sigh of relief.

Mustard Seed looked at Morrigan helplessly, but you didn't see that this guy was trying to scare you on purpose?

"You really look like Guinevere before." Morrigan said with a smile.

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