I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2312

Things have come to this point, there is only one ending,

- Desperate for life or death!

The king of Saturn is dead, the king of Mars is dead, and the king of Neptune is also dead...

With the demise of the Star King, Shirou felt more and more the vortex in his body, something more.

It is boiling, burning, and running, gradually changing its form.

At this point, things are already very clear.

Once upon a time, the golden universe used the universe as its spiritual vein to create the first cause of war, thus giving birth to the first door.

During the period of the Canghui Universe, the experimenters of the Golden Universe stole the first gate and carried out the Star King experiment in the solar system.

The King of the Moon and the King of Mercury were later created and born with the help of Gaia, and there were only eight Star Kings including Gaia at first.

It is exactly the same as the configuration of seven masters and a small holy grail.

Why the Star King experiment?

The answer is already obvious, in order to reproduce the first cause of war in Canghui Universe!

It's a pity that they had not completed the reappearance of the first due to war, and they had internal strife, and were killed by the star king's rebellion led by Origin Gaia.

After that, the Gaia star field encountered the war of the golden universe and the war of root evil.

Both enemies are extremely powerful, and the only way to win the Gaia Starfield is...

Reproduce the war of the first cause and defeat everything with the miracle of the first cause!

Although the Gaia star field is inherited from the golden universe, its science and technology and civilization level are comparable to the golden universe. As long as the door is analyzed, it is not difficult to reproduce the first cause of war.

In the future world, only the King of Venus still exists.

Then there is no doubt that the first cause war reappeared in the Gaia star field ended with the King of Venus winning.

If Shirou wants to defeat the root evil, he must first stand in the same position as him, and if he wants to reach the same position as him, he needs a door.

Not made by the Golden Universe, that door.

It was evolved from the vortex created by the Canghui Universe, the Canghui Gate!

Use the gate of Canghui to enter the realm of the first cause!

And the price is the star spirits of the star kings!

Got it, got it all!

This first cause of war, this world...was created by the real origin civilization...no, it should be said that their history was excised, and it was specially for the heirs of the vortex to absorb the star king, create the gate of brilliance, and go to the It is used to fight the root evil to the death!

Use the Canghui Gate to enter the first cause, and then use the Arrow of Akasha to destroy the root evil that resides in the first cause.

Yes, this is—

Correct answer.

——I don't know what the answer is, but to find the light, and then make the right wish to the light.

Thank you, Thetis.

If it weren't for you, maybe——, I would have been fooled by the "right".

Shirou took out the golden bow that Artoria and the others gave him, and then put the Arrow of Akasha on it, aiming at the golden God of Destruction.

Origin Gaia, who was in the midst of a life-and-death battle with the Golden God of Destruction, shrank his eyes suddenly when he saw this scene, and quickly shouted: "Stop! Stop, Shirou!"

"Everything has a cause, everything has an effect, the arrow of Akasha!"

Shirou aimed the Arrow of Akasha at the Golden God of Destruction, and let go of the string.

"No—!" Origin Gaia shouted unwillingly.

Chapter 42: Correct, maybe I think I am correct


Looking at the Arrow of Akasha galloping towards him, the Golden God of Destruction was shocked, and instantly retreated hundreds of light years, but the Arrow of Akasha hit him at a faster speed.

"No - no -, impossible -!"

The eyes of the Golden God of Destruction shone with disbelief.

Afterwards, the absolute physical body, which could not even be damaged by the root line, dissipated like a dream.

"Unexpectedly, this is the ending... I can't be reconciled... this universe... is going to end..."

The Golden God of Destruction murmured and disappeared completely.

Body, records, soul, molecules, electrons...all of them are gone.

Completely, completely wiped out!

The golden light reflected on everyone's face, everyone was happy, even the Alaya of the universe couldn't help showing a shallow smile, only the origin Gaia stared blankly at the disappearing Akasha Arrow.

She didn't feel the slightest sense of victory, but rather, a desperate sense of failure.

She gritted her teeth and stood up.

Under everyone's suspicious eyes, he glared at Shirou through gritted teeth.

"why why……"

"You should already understand the correct answer. Why did you reject Akasha's Arrow, the only answer?"

Facing Gaia, the origin of the question, Shirou replied very calmly: "Because, that is your answer."

"This battle of the first cause is a contest between you and the root evil, not a duel between me and the root evil. You have been leading me to this answer from the very beginning!"

Shirou pointed at the origin of Gaia, "Whether you or this universe is not a fake game field at all, but a real one, which was intercepted by you and used to seal the seal of the root evil!"

Be it Gaitia or Gaia in the future, even the ideal king mentioned at the end that the time of the world cannot be traced back.

Tiamat had no way to recall the past, and the King of Venus had only a half-knowledge of the past, and even Thetis and the Awakened One, who were the parties involved, were unable to give a detailed explanation of the past.

This is inevitable.

Because, the [past] of the entire Canghui universe has been intercepted, and as a black box, it will be sealed together with the root evil in two vortexes.

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