I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2318

Looking at the thriving hibiscus tree, Aige raised her eyebrows, and soon understood the other party's modus operandi.

However, since the hibiscus tree was planted from the spiritual tomb, it means that the Magic Association-the clock tower has fallen.

However, this is also inevitable. For ordinary people, modern magicians look up to existence, but for the root princess who has become a container of root evil, it is not worth mentioning.

At this time, Mash raised the pure white shield in his hand and said, "Senior Aige, the other seniors have already entered to meet the designated target. Confirm that the target is the pitch-black three-legged Golden Crow."

Hearing this, Ai Ge nodded slightly: "It's exactly the same as what Emperor Shihuang said. It's time for us to start taking action, Mash. Lend me your power to use!"


Matthew nodded seriously.

Aige and Mash rushed towards the roots of the hibiscus tree.

All the forces headed by the first emperor are to cut down the dark ten suns, and the task of Ai Ge and Mash is to enter the root field of the hibiscus tree and crusade against the root princess.

Walking to the area of ​​the spiritual tomb, the clock tower that has stood for two thousand years has been turned into ruins. The branches that grew out hung on the trunk, and there were many people who were inserted into the trunk on it, and they had been sucked away. Flesh and soul have become pure human beings.

They were wearing the gowns of the clock tower, obviously the magicians of the clock tower.

The scene was so weird and terrifying that Demaxiu pursed his lips.

However, Aige calmly stepped into the fairyland under the hibiscus tree.

Countless vines attacked them, facing these things, without Mash's pure white shield, Aige easily dealt with them.

Along the roots of the hibiscus tree, the two of them came to the center of the Star Inner Sea, the legendary Fairy Realm, the utopia-Avalon!

From the moment the hibiscus tree grew, the fall of Avalon had been announced.

In fact, during the Eternal Dynasty, Avalon had already fallen, so it didn't take long for the root princess to take away the seeds of the hibiscus tree, and the hibiscus tree took root and grew.

"Sha Tiao Love Song——!"

After entering Avalon for a moment, Aige saw the root princess standing under the root system of the hibiscus tree.

And beside the Yuanyuan princess was Vivienne who was desperately clutching the coffin of eternity behind her.

"No——, I let you take it away!" Vivian gritted her teeth.

Chapter 46 The Lord of Relief in the Realm!

"Two, two...!"

Vivian looked left and right, sweating coldly.

"It's coming again." Looking at Aige and Mash who broke into Avalon, Princess Yuan couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"I'm here to make a break with you!" Aige said seriously, looking directly at Princess Yuanyuan.

"Break it with me? Oh, the fake puppet actually wants to make a break with the real me? This kind of thing is so funny to talk about." The root princess said with a smile.

However, Aige didn't reply, but looked at Princess Yuan very seriously.

Looking at Aige's serious eyes, Princess Yuan's laughter gradually subsided, and she said coldly: "Then you go to die."

Even though she said that, she threw a singularity at Vivienne.

Aige directly replaced Matthew in front of Vivienne.

Mash held up the pure white shield, and only heard a "boo", the singularity was a reflection, and went towards the root princess instead.

"It was a great help, Matthew." Vivian thanked.

"Please get out of here quickly!" Matthew said without turning her head while she was wary of the root princess.

"Okay." Vivienne nodded, lifted the coffin of eternity, and prepared to evacuate.

"You can run if you want, but leave the coffin behind!" The root princess snuffed out the singularity with one hand, and then threw a particle of space-time collapse at Vivienne, but Matthew swung the shield, and it was still very painful. It easily reflected back the particle of space-time collapse.

The root princess reached out and snuffed out the particle, but looked at the pure white shield in Matthew's hand with a frown, "What exactly is it in your hand?"

Matthew was silent.

In fact, she doesn't know what the pure white shield in her hand is, she just took it from King Galahad, but there is no doubt that this shield, even if it is Absorbs the attack of the root princess of the seven beasts, and can also reflect it.

"It's something that can defeat you!"

Aige replaced Mashu in front of the Genuine Princess, and Mashu instantly waved the pure white shield and threw it at the Genuine Princess.

The root princess raised her eyebrows, not going to force it, but when she was about to dodge, she was a little surprised to find that the surrounding space-time laws seemed to be assimilated and glued together, making it impossible for her to get rid of it for the time being. As a last resort, she could only use both hands. one block.


The root princess was pushed back dozens of meters, and Ruyu's arms collapsed, turning into endless black air.

"It's so strange, even the power of my father can't be twisted and assimilated." The root princess looked at the shield in Matthew's hand, and frowned slightly, "I understand, this is your crusade weapon."

"It's really great that you can understand this. No one here is your opponent, the only one there is Mash who wields this shield!" Ai Ge said seriously.

"So that's the case, but it's a pity. I want to continue my unfinished love with Arthur, but I won't be killed by you!" Princess Yuanyuan stretched out her hand, and a space-time dark hole suddenly appeared in the space under Matthew's feet. Aige hurriedly supported, Replace Mash.

The root princess is very tricky.

Having absorbed the seven great beasts, she is invincible in the world. Even if Mash's shield can rebound her attacks, and with the support of the Almighty Aige, she still has no way to fight the root princess.

"Love song—!"

Suddenly, a loud shout resounded.

The root princess looked up, and saw Arthur roaring and waving the star sword, attacking the root princess.

He was one of the first emperor's six crowned spirit foundations. The Star Sword was so powerful that even the root princess couldn't help avoiding it for a while.

"Arthur...Arthur!" The Root Princess looked at Arthur with bright eyes.

Ai Ge looked at Arthur, frowned and asked, "Didn't you go to fight against Hei Yang?"

"Gilgamesh alone is enough to deal with it, I will make a break with her!" Arthur said seriously: "Please support me, master!"

Ai Ge was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yeah."

"M, master?" The root princess was stunned, unable to keep her calm anymore, she was instantly irritated as if she was the bitter master of the tauren, "Your master...it's obviously me!"

"I'm sorry, love...no, the king of evil. I, I want to attack you!"

"You killed me twice, do you want to kill me a third time, Arthur?" Princess Yuanyuan asked through gritted teeth.

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