I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 308

Bounty ends

It's time~!

Do the math.

2492 blades

Reward 285968

The blade owes 12 more

The reward owes 14 more.

Because it is a decimal, so when added up, a total of 27 more is owed.

I will start next month, and if I have five chapters a day, I will finish it on the 13th.

Mm...that's it meow~! !

Make up a hundred characters, a hundred characters, a hundred characters~~~~~~!

Chapter 83 The First King, Artoria

After driving away the last batch of magical beasts today, Artoria stopped in her tracks.

She does have the intention to pursue and kill her, but she is the only one guarding the front line. If she chases and kills them, some monsters may kill them among the civilians rushing to build the defense line behind.

Most importantly, she couldn't catch up anymore.

In fact, under the lion's helmet, Artoria's face turned pale.

The spirit is even more exhausting.

Although she has the elements of a red dragon and the heart of a red dragon, she has sufficient magic power, but after all, she is still a human body, fighting for six days and six nights in a row, consuming a lot of physical strength and energy, and most importantly, her stomach is super hungry.

Even if Bedivere specially dispatched a batch of food for her afterwards, it would not help.

With the red dragon factor and heart, her appetite is only slightly smaller than that of a normal giant dragon, and it is difficult to fill it up. If she opens her mouth to eat, it will be a heavy burden to the country.

Artoria knew how much pressure Shirou was under now, so she purposely suppressed her appetite and kept it at a level where she could move freely.

In addition, Dong En Talis under her crotch is almost reaching its limit.

It should be said that it is indeed a half-breed horse of the dragon breed. During the past six days and six nights, I accompanied her to kill in the sea of ​​beasts, and the speed did not decrease at all, but it was indeed reaching the limit. up.

At night, it was dark.

Arturia guarded the border, set up a bonfire, and was cooking porridge.

Dong En Talis was lying on the side eating grass.

Artoria was wearing a helmet like this, leaning against the tree trunk, staring blankly at the rising white smoke.

Her own food intake, she knew that these foods could not fill her stomach at all.

In fact, she was going to use local materials to eat monsters.

But for some reason, the group of monsters controlled by Vortigern are very strange. After being killed, the corpses will only stay on the ground for a while, and then dissipate like snowflakes, leaving no trace.

Arturia initially thought that these monsters were magical creations created by some magician, but after Liu Tian killed them, she found that this matter was not simple.

These monsters are definitely not magic creations, but living creatures, but after death, the corpses will dissipate like snowflakes.

This is not like a normal natural purification, but rather... like being [rejected] by this world!

Deny their existence, deny their activity.

So after death, even the corpse was rejected.

This is a very strange phenomenon. Arturia remembered that when she and the king traveled around the world, they ate and slept in the open, and ate many magic pigs in the mountains and forests.

After those demonic pigs were killed by her, there was no such strange phenomenon, so the corpses could be baked and eaten, but these demonic beasts controlled by Vortigern would have this phenomenon of extinction.

This unbelievable thing has gone beyond Artoria's cognition, and she really can't figure it out.

"This matter is too unbelievable. After I go back, I have to report to the king and ask Merlin about it. He is a sage, so he should know the reason."

Artoria thought so in her heart.

And now, she has to stay here.

At least until that wall of defense was erected, she had to hold it here.

There are too many problems that the king needs to solve, they are too complicated, and she has no way to solve them. Only this body, only this body of martial arts, can lighten the burden for the king a little.

Arturia looked at Dong En Talis, who was bowing his head and looking tired, and said, "Dong En Talis, hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer. We will be able to go back soon."

"The law of the law~"

Dong Enta Litong human nature, let out a cry. Just looks a little weak.

Arturia leaned against the tree trunk to rest, but she did not let down her vigilance.

Vortigern's magical beasts might attack at any time, so she held the Sword in the Stone and the magic spear Gayaberg that Bedivere sent later with both hands.

And at this time——


The grass groaned.

Artoria's originally slack eyes tightened immediately, she clenched the sword in the stone and the magic spear with both hands, and stood up, her body in mithril armor exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

"Take it easy, Al. It's me." Kay walked in.

"It's brother." Artoria relaxed a little, then looked at Lancelot beside her, and asked, "This is—?"

"This is the prince of Benwick, Lancelot." Kai paused, and reminded: "Benwick is in Gaul, and now he is our friend of Camelot."

Arturia was a little surprised.

Should I really be worthy of being a king? This migration has only been six days, and they have already established a friendship with a country in the Gaul region? And at such a weak time.

Really worthy of being my king!

Arturia said in her heart, and then said to Lancelot, "I am my king's apprentice knight, Arturia. Your Excellency Lancelot, you can call me Al."

"You don't need to call me Your Excellency, just call me Lancelot." Lancelot said with sincere admiration: "You are really a powerful knight! Presumably King Arthur drove Vortigern to the north , you must have put in a lot of effort, right?"

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