I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 407

Lancelot noticed something strange, and he hurried back to Benwick, intending to tell his father, the king, to temporarily suspend cooperation with Camelot.

But he was too late, the king's economic aggression had invaded Benwick to the bone.

Benwick struggled for more than a month. In the end, Ban Wang could only surrender to Wang with a wry smile.

The lifeline has been seized.

Not many people in the whole country went to grow food, and everyone was knocked down by Wang's economic war.

In the end, Ban Wang could only submit with a wry smile, with a lonely face, but said with admiration: "You... are really wise."

He had to be admired, and without using a sword, he ended up conquering his kingdom.

This kind of thing is simply unheard of!

But Wang smiled and shook his head and said, "It's nothing. You are my friend, and I can assure you that the territory of Benwick will be inherited by your son Lancelot."

Lancelot, who lost his status as a prince, swore allegiance to the king with the etiquette of a knight.

He finally achieved what he once wanted to do, became the king's knight, but it feels so strange... The king invaded his kingdom, turned his kingdom into a territory, and he surrendered and swore allegiance to the king , the heart still does not resist?

In the end, he chose to give up thinking and follow his own heart.

The king bombarded the kingdoms of Ireland according to the law, and directly sent troops to attack and destroy those kingdoms that resisted.

In less than a year, the king ruled the islands of Britain and Ireland, and there was only one Alteluchi left in the territory, so the king launched an attack on her——!

In the case of Wang Zhengzheng, there is no particularly grand scene

The land overlord land whale that once crushed the dragon was directly crushed by Artoria's star sword and died.

The King of the Sky was blasted to pieces by the king with the Holy Lance Rungomigniad.

The girl of the sword, that giant machine girl was stabbed to pieces by Scathach.

And the white mouse was caught by Morgan and soaked in the magic potion as a specimen.

In Morgan's words, she was very interested in this white mouse, and even showed a very happy smile, as if she saw something worth studying.

Mei Lian had her limbs removed, and was locked in a cage by Agguiwen, just like returning to the original village.

He didn't have limbs, and those limbs were the contracts of four-body demons such as white mice, but they were all caught, and the demon's contracts were also sent to Morgan's magic workshop who was very interested in this.

And Lhammaloch fought against his father, King Bolinor, and finally killed his father.

Ranmallock was crying all the time.

But his father stroked his face and told him he had grown up. Then he left.

Shirou comforted him.

But Lan Maloch said: "My king, this is not a sad thing. My father died a long time ago. He just couldn't worry about me, so he has been lingering in this world. In fact, he has been waiting for me, waiting for me Be strong and wait for me to surpass him. And I came, so he left with peace of mind. I will live on with my father's expectations."

Shirou was speechless.

Alquite took Merlin and beat up Erte Luchi, which made Erte Luci gnash her teeth for a while, her eyes were resentful, as if she had been betrayed, she stared at Alquite firmly.

This made Alquite very puzzled. She had a bad relationship with this titular sister when she was born, so she didn't show mercy at all.

Coupled with Merlin's illusion and magic, Elt Lucy couldn't make any flowers at all, and was directly pressed down by Alquite, with a face full of humiliation.

He wanted to contact Zhu Yue, but was sealed by Merlin, and was even covered in black mud by Shirou.

This made Scatha a little bit unbearable to look directly at.

And those dead disciples were completely defeated by Shirou's [Vampire Evil].

It can be said that this is the first time in more than three years that he has won such an easy victory.

The most important thing is that this war has zero casualties!


Zero casualties!

Wang was very happy. For the first time on the battlefield, he showed an extremely happy smile.

In the night of Bolinuo, the king shared this joy with the soldiers.

Chapter 134 Carnival Bonfire [Reward 16/27]

In the dark night sky, a crescent moon hangs alone on it, and the faint and cold moonlight sprinkles a piece of silver new clothes on the earth.

In the homeland outside the Kingdom of Berlino, in a forest, a faint bonfire, like a spark of fire, spreads all over the land. The flames were beating wildly, rendering this lively land.

Beside these bonfires, surrounded by many soldiers, they untied their battle armors and chatted happily.

Perhaps he shouldn't be so vigilant when joining the army, but the war has left this island.

All the kingdoms are gone, only a brand new dynasty is rising.

"Come on, drink! Brother!"

"Let me tell you, that Miss Carmeline gave me wine last time! She must be interested in me!"

"Don't drink now, I'm going to take a pee."

"Go together, do you want to compete with others?"

"Look at your small body, you look like girls, so I will definitely stay away!"



Unloading all the heavy soldiers, gags, and the sound of hip-hop resounded all over the earth.

Beside the bonfire of the knights, the king sat cross-legged on the ground, lazily gnawing on an apple while looking at the gag soldiers with a smile.

The tough face has softened, just like the gentle boy at the beginning.

"My lord, you defeated the white dragon Vortigern and unified the British Isle, Irish Island, and Gaul region! This is truly a great achievement. This is a fine wine that I carefully brewed for you. Please taste it." Morgan showed his face With a gentle smile, like a little white rabbit, he came to Shirou with a glass of fine wine.

Shirou subconsciously wrapped himself up with [Evil], and looked suspiciously at Morgan, who had a gentle smile on his face.

"Please taste-"

Morgan smiled very gently, like a sunny, innocent and lively girl, which made people not feel vigilant.

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