I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 420

Shirou asked Erteluchi many questions, and Erteluchi answered them one by one.

It's hard to tell whether it's true or not, but seeing Erteluchi's timid face and comparing it with what he knows, Shirou thinks these answers are probably correct.

After drinking enough human blood, Erte Luqi breathed a sigh of relief, and then her confidence hardened, and she asked, "Don't you claim to know everything? Why do you still ask me this?"

"My king's ability is to see through multiple dimensions... Forget it, let's talk about it, you don't understand the concept of multiple dimensions." Shirou sighed.

Erte Luqi was stunned.

"Compared to this—do you want to be free?" Shirou smiled, like the smile of an abyssal devil.

"You...will you let me go?" Erte Luqi hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Yes. Not only will you be released, but it will also allow you to gain true freedom from Zhu Yue's control. You will no longer have to worry about when and where your body will be taken away by Zhu Yue. How about—— , do you want to be free?"

He narrowed his eyes, and his voice was very soft, full of temptation, like a succubus that lured humans to hell.

But in fact, he is the human being, and Eltruchi is the Dead Apostle, the real devil.

And now, this human being has launched a temptation to the devil.

And it is the most alluring temptation in the world.


Eltruchi couldn't help being shaken by these words.


Her eyes could not help but flicker with anticipation.

However, as Zhu Yue's creation, he actually wanted to get rid of Zhu Yue and gain freedom.

This...is this a betrayal?

"I...I..." Eltruchi hesitated.

Shirou stretched out his fingers and pressed her lips, gently like a wolf in sheep's clothing, looking at the lamb gradually falling into the claws, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't rush to answer me, think carefully. Wait for me When you come back next time, you will tell me the answer."

Shirou got up and left the prison.

Only Eltruchi stood alone in the dark prison.

No one was there, and the body was imprisoned again.

His eyes were blank but flickered with strange light.

On the ground, there was only a broken bowl and a piece of blood spilled...

Chapter 141 Arrange you clearly [Second more]

In the newly built capital of Camelot, in the castle of the royal palace, a shining tower of glory stands here.

This shows the dawn, and it also shows a bright future.

It's just that most people don't know that this Tower of Glory is actually the Holy Lance Lungomeniad.

It is fully presented in this posture.

Holy, glorious, filled with a sacred atmosphere.

But in fact, that breath is actually true ether.

The Holy Lance Lungominiad, which was completely liberated by Shirou, continuously extracts true ether from the sea within the stars, fills the atmosphere, and adjusts the concentration of true ether.

Everyone is unaware of this and lives happily and carefree.

And in the past few months, the king's knights have made a lot of interesting things.

Sir Kai, who was persecuted by Merlin, was often chased and intercepted by girls. In addition, Sir Kai's poisonous tongue could not help but be hunted down by some non-human species, such as giants, such as goblins.

As a good friend with Kay, Lancelot often swaps costumes with Kay, and he, who is highly skilled in martial arts, disguises himself as Kay to go on various big adventures.

And Gawain got the love and pursuit of a goblin named Regrell, which made Gawain very distressed, but in the end he got along with this goblin, and got a lot of love from the goblin. It is said that the holy sword, which is the shadow of the sword of the star, got the power of the sun after matching Gawain's sun compatibility.

Gao Wen named it the Sword of Revolving Victory.

This made Shirou a little speechless, should he say fate?

King Arthur has become him, but Artoria still got the sword of sworn victory, and Gawain still got the sword of rotating victory.

Perhaps the only difference is that he can take it over and copy it first, and send it to others for use in multiples.

This made Gao Wen a little speechless.

The unique sword turned out to be a rotten street.

However, this is the king's decision, the sun and the shining knight, Gawain has no objection to this.

There are a lot of interesting things that happened during this period, and people are talking about it. Maybe if these things are passed down, it will become one story after another.

However, after all, it is word of mouth, and those poets and writers' random fabrications, and the stories passed down to later generations, I don't know how much is true and how much is false.

Now, Wang had to face one thing alone.

"Are you sure?" Shirou met alone with Aggavin who had secretly returned from Cornwall.

"Yes, my king," said Agguivin.

Shirou rubbed his chin, could it be that he was really worrying too much?


Shirou squinted his eyes as he looked at Aggimon, who was bowing his head.

Shirou is not a suspicious person, but he is very cautious about this matter.

"Morgan has been in Cornwall for more than three months, and this king decided to go and inspect it in person to see how she is governing." Shirou said.

Agguiwen raised his head and said with a calm face: "My king, this is absolutely impossible! Now Camelot is waiting to be built, and you are sitting in the center of the town. You must not leave, even if you want to leave. You have to wait for the situation to calm down. If you want to investigate Morgan's results, it is best to form an investigation team and investigate with your will. Moreover, this matter is of great importance, and it is best not to let Morgan notice anything, so Even Arturia's place, the expedition team is going."

Shirou thought it made sense, but he didn't see this matter for himself, so he felt a little flustered.

Shirou thought for a while, and finally said: "The expedition team is composed of you, Gao Wen, and Kai. Remember, this matter is of great importance, and it must not be rumored! Camelot can't stand chaos!"

Agguiwen couldn't help but said: "Wang——, in fact, you should have an heir."

"Go do your thing." Shirou said, turning his back.

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