I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 431

Shirou's face froze, and then slowly spit out a word: "Get lost!"

Chapter 147 Attila【20/27】

Shirou neither intends to sell himself to [Alaya], nor does he intend to become the tentacles of [Gaia].

But in the face of [Gaia]'s fierce pursuit, Shirou was overwhelmed and told him about the existence form of Alquitte Earth Princess.

—to create a shell and put the touch of the planet into this shell?

"That's right. Someone else's will never be as good as your own." Shirou said.

——However, in this way, the touch of the planet will be mimicked by the personality of the body. If I do something bad, I can't stop it...

"So, you need to choose carefully." Shirou said.

——Can you come to be this body?

"No, please stay away from me." Shirou refused without hesitation.

He told the planet about Alquite's Earth Princess mode, and whether the planet in this parallel world will create an Alquite through the hands of the true ancestor is none of his business.

His top priority is to recruit all the forces he can to kill the Moon King.

And the invader who sent envoys to the Hun Empire, known as the whip of God, finally got a reply.

As for why there was no reply in the past few times, but this time there will be a reply. It is because this time, Shirou asked the envoy to mention a term-You Xing Jianbing.

And as expected, Attila had a reply.

This made Shirou couldn't help sighing. Obviously, this Attila was not the Hun emperor in history that he was familiar with, but the planetary vanguard whose body was on the moon—the giant god Attila.

It's no wonder that Zhu Yuehui and Attila agreed not to invade each other, because Attila's body is on the moon.

Let's speculate maliciously, maybe there is some possibility that Zhu Yue chose to invade the earth because of the giant god Attila?

Of course, this is just a malicious speculation. Shirou doesn't know the specific reason, nor is he interested in knowing. He only knows that if he wins over Attila, he will have a higher chance of defeating Zhu Yue.

Attila asked him not to take the army to meet in East Gothic.

Shirou agreed, and went to meet with only his knight, Merlin, and translator.

Shirou took out his most luxurious lineup, leaving only some necessary internal affairs officers to handle internal affairs in the kingdom. Of course, Morgan, as the heir, cannot follow, but must continue to study with Guinevere.

Moreover, the other party is a star soldier, so Artoria, who got the star sword and sheath, must bring it here. This is a negotiation and deterrence with Attila.

In addition, Lungomeniad, the star gun, needs to be turned into a tower of radiance, and it cannot be brought over to continue to adjust the island's [True Ether]. Therefore, Shirou just took the sword in the stone and quietly rushed to the east with everyone. Goth, meet Attila.

As soon as he entered the designated place, Shirou saw Attila with darker complexion and long white hair sitting on the throne, holding her rainbow-like military weapon said to be Mars, the god of war. God's sword.

Her complexion was very flat, like Arturia she met for the first time, giving off a very empty feeling.

However, Shirou's knights were very surprised. The legendary Hun emperor who ravaged the mainland was actually a girl?

At this time, a general next to Attila spoke in ancient Hungarian, which Shirou could not understand.

And the translator he was carrying said: "My king, this general said that Emperor Attila welcomes the arrival of the 'Eternal King' very much."

"Tell him, the king is also very happy to see Attila." Shirou said.

The interpreter nodded and spoke Hungarian.

Several people started to communicate through the translator.

The general asked: "Does the Eternal King come here to submit and pay tribute to our country? To use our protection to prevent the Roman Empire from attacking?"

Shirou sneered and glanced at Merlin.

Merlin understood, stepped forward and said, "This statement is wrong, my king is here to form an alliance."

"Since you are here to form an alliance, please sit down first and let's chat slowly."

The general pointed to a prepared seat under the stairs and said.

Shirou glanced at it, sneered, and said, "Although it is said that guests do as they please, this is not the case with kings and kings."

Shirou walked forward slowly, Gawain lifted the chair and followed Shirou to Attila's side.

When the general saw it, his eyes tightened, he drew out his sword, and asked, "Eternal King, what are you doing here?"

"Stop talking too much, it is your king, not you, that this king wants to form an alliance with!" Shirou scolded, and then sat on the chair Gao Wen brought up.

When the surrounding Hun generals saw it, their eyes were about to burst, and they drew out their sharp swords one by one, pointing at Shirou.

Shirou's face was calm, but the knights under him pulled out the rotating victory sword copied by Shirou one by one.

Yes, except for Artoria, all of them are rotating swords of victory.

Shining brightly.

Let these generals be surprised.

Artoria held the sword and scabbard of the EX Pledge of Victory, and followed Shirou closely.

But at this time, Attila's eyes couldn't help but move, his eyes fell on the sword of EX vowed victory in Artoria's hand, his body trembled subconsciously, and a touch of fear and heaviness instinctively passed through his empty eyes .

She subconsciously stood up, clenched the Sword of the God of War in her hand, and said, "It doesn't matter, everything is to be destroyed and ravaged. Fight with me."

"You want me?" Shirou asked, pointing at himself.

"No." Attila pointed to Artoria and said, "She——!"

Artoria looked at Shirou.

Shirou nodded slightly and said, "Go, Al."

"Follow your will!" Arturia nodded, and then walked off with Attila.

The surrounding Huns immediately dispersed without waiting for Attila's order.

Attila and Artoria's expressions were calm.

The only difference is that Arturia's eyes shone with a firm brilliance, while Attila's eyes had a hollow destructive desire.

Attila is holding the Sword of the God of War, shining with iridescent lights, while Artoria is holding the sword sheath on her crotch, holding the sword of vowed victory, shining with golden light.

The two fight.

"Clang clang—"

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