I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 435

If this is a world, then he probably knows who the very bad and self-centered guy Scathach mentioned during the Fourth World War is.

He also understood why Skaha didn't say a word when he fought against him in the future.

He got it, got it all!

I have to sigh, it turns out that a woman like Skaha can grow up!

It's just... my stomach hurts!

Shirou waved his hand and asked, "If I want to go back, how should I go back?"

"I don't know. I've been in and out of the [root], and I've never encountered such a thing. Although I'm a magician, I can't interfere with the records. Interfering with the records is something only the enlightened ones can do. .So I was very surprised, how did Merlin send you back? Maybe it was to fool you, right? " Said the gemstone man.

"Let's not mention this matter for now, let's deal with Zhu Yue first." Shirou said.

"Of course, but I only help deal with Zhu Yue. For the rest, I can help, but you have to become a magical girl!" Speaking of magical girls, Jewel Weng couldn't help showing a touch of excitement on his calm face, and said: " Let me tell you, your slender figure and stern face are very suitable for magical girls who are cold outside and hot inside! Do you understand? Cold outside and hot inside? The development of the world is the same. Fifteen hundred people from this world You in the next year will definitely understand? You are the kind of girl who talks less but cares very much. You and I..."

Before the gem man could finish speaking, Shirou snapped his fingers with a dark face, and the tower of radiance standing outside the palace shot a small beam of light from the zenith of the palace, and shot towards the gem man.

Gemstone waved his hand and set up a defensive barrier around his body to block the beam of light, and said, "It's fine if you don't agree...but if you are interested in becoming a magical girl, please consider my proposal."

"Get out!" Shirou said with a gloomy face.

"Okay, I will come when you confront Zhu Yue head-on. But to tell you the truth, besides Zhu Yue, you are now the third person I can't see. You have the same potential as Merlin, Why don't you want to become a magical girl? What a waste..."

Gem Weng muttered and left.

Shirou covered his forehead. In every sense, this guy is indeed worse than Merlin.

"Shirou... Shirou...!"

"Help! Help!"


Alquette yelled and ran in panic, hid beside the throne and shivered.

"What's wrong with you?" Shirou asked.

"You control Morgan, you control Morgan! She wants me to use my magic eye on her!" Alquette said.

"Since she wants you to use it on her, then you should use it on her." Shirou said.

"I don't want it! I don't want it!" Airquit said: "How can anyone use magic eyes like this? My magic eyes are not used to hurt friends!"

"What does she want you to do?" Shirou asked.

"You want me to help her see her sexuality!" Alquette said.

"Isn't that good?" Shirou asked.

"It's not good at all! Really, why are they all looking for me? I don't want to hurt people who have no ill intentions towards me!" Airquet said.

"One by one?" Shirou raised his eyebrows and said, "I remember, you used the magic eye for Artoria once, right? How do you say this one by one?"

"I... I have used it twice." Airquit said: "The first is Merlin. When he left Camelot, he asked me to use it for him once. He said, 'there are too many simulated personalities, I have forgotten Who am I?" So I helped him once, and he laughed at that time, so I thought it was good, and then I helped Artoria once, but she cried... I don't want to see my friend's tears! Don't! Anyway... anyway... just take care of it! And... besides, I don't want to touch Morgan in the first place."

"Why?" Shirou asked.

"I don't know, anyway, I don't like her very much. You just take care of it and don't let her harass me again. I don't want to hurt anyone who has no ill intentions towards me." Alquette said.


Shirou nodded, and Alquette smiled.

Shirou intervened in this matter, and Morgan gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

However, there was one thing that made Deshilang feel very heavy.

Although I thought there was an 80% possibility, was Merlin really fooling himself?

The battle of Zhuyue was his last battle, and before that, he felt that it was necessary to get his way home from Merlin.



Thursday, April 15, 2002.

The once black-haired girl has also grown into a young girl.

The black pearls in the drawer that were brewing the girl's heart were leading one by one, but the brother who was going to give it to him, the brother who stood up to heaven and earth, was no longer there.


Everyone thought that the boy was gone, but the girl didn't think so.

That boy, that brother must be somewhere, can't find his way home.

However, it doesn't matter, even if my brother can't find his way home, it doesn't matter, as long as she brings him back.

Just maintaining such a pure idea, the girl has worked hard for seven years.

Having no clue, no goal, and even becoming a weirdo in the eyes of others, I worked hard like this for seven years, from a girl to a young girl.

But, still clueless.

Not even the mother who gave her strength could do anything about it.

Her brother fell into the source of all life, a place where he could not interfere, and he didn't know where he was or whether he was still alive.

Even so, she never gave up.

She firmly believes that her brother is still alive and still looking for his way home.

Perhaps this is why she is regarded as a weirdo.

Too stubborn.

Coming back from the hospital was another tiring day.

She was lying on the table, and there were black pearls brewing strange energy on the table.

"Brother... where are you?"

In a daze, she fell into a deep sleep, a pink petal floated in from the window and landed on her forehead.

Chapter 150 You have to be good to me when I was a child, understand? 【Third update】

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