I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 446

The beautiful red eyes gradually turned into golden eyes, and the frenzied breath began to surround the body.

The blood-sucking impulse almost engulfed Erquite's mind, but at this time, Shirou manipulated the giant to fall on Erquite's body, turning it into a [evil] armor and attaching her.

With the help of [The Evil of Vampires], the majestic blood-sucking impulse was absorbed and fell into Shirou's mind.

Alquite's mind cleared up a bit, but Shirou's face turned pale, and he even had a splitting headache.

At this moment, most of Alquite's blood-sucking impulse was grafted onto Shirou's body through "Vampire's Evil", and for a moment, his will felt like a heavy hammer.

"King, what's the matter with you?" Arturia asked in a hurry.

"Be optimistic about the fighter plane and do your job well." Shirou said.

"Yes!" Artoria nodded, staring at Zhu Yue with burning eyes.

With all his strength, Alquite rushed towards Zhu Yue. Although he was still not Zhu Yue's opponent, he could indeed use his immortality and powerful strength to entangle Zhu Yue.

The True Ancestors in Shirou's camp, as well as the True Ancestors and Dead Apostles in Ravenna, were shocked.


There is actually a True Ancestor who is comparable to their Moon King!

This...how is this possible?

True ancestors are all creations made with Zhuyue as a template, and they are all creatures dominated by Zhuyue.

How could it be Zhu Yue's opponent?

Eltruchi was also extremely surprised.

She really didn't expect that the unconscious True Ancestor that she picked up back then would be so powerful, not even inferior to the Moon King!

Among the vampire camp, the one who was most surprised was none other than Zhu Yue who was entangled by Alquite.

"Ru... who are you?" Zhu Yue couldn't help asking.

"Yu... Yu... I... I'm Alquite!" Alquite shouted.

She is Zhu Yue's best body, she is controlled by the blood-sucking impulse in full strength, and her thinking mode and action method are controlled by Zhu Yue deep in her heart. But at this moment, she got rid of Zhu Yue's identity and shouted out her true self.


She is not Zhu Yue's body.

She is--,

Air Quite!

Alquite entangled Zhu Yue, and Gem Weng launched ether bombardment in the distance.

Shirou, on the other hand, saw the right timing and took the time to use the Tower of Radiance to blast out the Star Strike.

Merlin and the magicians used large-scale suppression ritual magic to control Zhu Yue's body. In addition, Merlin continued to sing, and the earth was full of fragrant flowers, and the powerful magic power strengthened Alquite's body.

From time to time, the rainbow light and the brilliance of the sun flashed, which were Attila's sword of the war god, and Gawain's holy sword of the sun.

The battle was deadlocked.

"Ignorance, all fools!"

"Buried together with ignorance."

Zhu Yue shook Alquitt away with one hand, dodging Gem Weng's multi-dimensional ether cannon.

She rose slowly into the sky.

A huge blood moon rose slowly behind it.

"Follow ignorance and the old world, and fall together!"

The gigantic blood moon begins with substance!

Chapter 155 Star Sword【22/27】

Altruchi rebelled.

She led the True Ancestor and launched an attack on the True Ancestor and the Dead Apostles who surrendered to Zhu Yue.

It wasn't until Elte Lucki waved the banner of rebellion that the True Ancestors and Dead Apostles who surrendered to Zhu Yue discovered that Elte Lucki had long wanted to rebel, and had assembled a huge rebel team!

But the white-winged Duke Tevem Otenroche still did not give up.

His Moon King is still standing high in the sky, crushing his opponents.

As long as he blocks the offensive of these rebels, and waits until the Moon King has dealt with those enemies before freeing up his hands, these rebels will surely die!

"My God! What's that!?"

"What is that--?"

"Wang... what does Wang want to do?"


The True Ancestor and the Dead Apostles yelled in shock and stopped their hands.

Even Eltruchi's rebel army stopped their hands, and countless pale-faced people looked up at the sky, their eyes flickering with despair.


A huge planet stands in the sky.

That is what Zhu Yuegu manifested, the real Moonset!

Different from the castrated version of Alquite, Zhuyue's Moonset is a genuine tool that reveals the moon and attacks!

How big is the moon?

The diameter is about 3476.28 kilometers, and the volume is about one forty-ninth that of the earth!

Just an asteroid with a diameter of 10 kilometers is enough to subvert the earth's ecological circle and make the dinosaurs that once ruled the earth extinct.

And now, a real moon stands in the sky, ready to fall at any time.

Not to mention the subversive impact it will have on the earth, the courage alone is enough to scare everyone to death!

The moon stands in the sky, Ireland, the British Isles, Gaul, Visigoths... Everyone who lives on this side of the European continent, facing the sky, will see that huge planet!

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