I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 455

He took off the heavy crown on his head and put it on the table.

He pulled out the sword in the stone and looked at the cold and sharp edge of the sword.

The things of the past are competing to recall in their minds.

A year of study at Hector Manor.

A trip as beautiful as a lily.

Camelot messed up.

Vortigern's army attacked.

Carnley's defensive battle.

Cornwall struggles.

Defeat the war of the age of gods.

The war that killed the Moon King.



And the final king ceremony.

It turned out that he had experienced so many things before he knew it.

Beautiful, desperate, struggling, hoarse, hysterical... It turns out that he has already traveled such a long way.

And now, it's time to end.

With a "click", he inserted the sword in the stone back into the scabbard, put the sword in the stone on the table, and said, "Let's mourn—!"

Chapter 159 Goodbye, everyone! 【23/27】

The king is dead.

The king who defeated Vortigern, killed monsters, and unified the whole of Britain is dead!

The king who brought beauty to this land and let the people see the hope of survival, full of wisdom, left with the lament of the past.

The reason was that he was seriously wounded during the expedition to Rome and died.

The first person to discover Wang Li's departure was the mage Merlin.

It is said that when the king left, there was a smile on his face.

Perhaps even when Wang left, he was still praying for a better future for people.

Funeral flags were hung all over the dynasty.

There was an endless stream of people crying.

Even other kingdoms deeply affected by the dynasty have sent condolences for the loss of the Ever King.

The king's body was not seen by anyone, and several knights who were closest to him and trusted by the king put it into the coffin that had already been prepared, ready to be buried in the sea.

Morgan is the heir to the crown.

She led the way, and countless knights and people followed spontaneously, sending the king's coffin to the coast.

The coffin was pulled from the car, and countless clergymen recited the eulogy of God.

Countless people remember Wang's past.

But now, that brilliance has finally come to an end.

The coffin was pulled off the carriage and pulled into the ocean.

In a sea of ​​flowers, driven to the distance by the waves.

"Mother? Mother?" Agravin reminded Morgan.


Morgan came back to his senses, and before he knew it, tears had stained his gown on that delicate pretty face.

"It's time for you to sing the eulogy." Agguiwen reminded.

"oh oh……"

Morgan shook his head and read the eulogy he had prepared with a dull gaze.

Wang didn't die, he just finished his mission and went home.

She knew it all along.

However, knowing this, why does her heart feel pain and suffocation as if it was torn apart?

"My God! What's that?"

"That is……?"


People pointed at the coffin and exclaimed.

A dreamy fairyland appears in the distant ocean.

Green mountains and green waters, rare and exotic animals, clear water to the bottom, and the integration of mountains and waters.

The fairies danced in the sky, and the fairies showered flowers on the coffin.

The dragon roared in the sky, and the sea was churning for it.

All blessings belong to him.

People cry.

Wang, to the end.

"The king is not dead, he just fell asleep. He fell asleep in the dreamy Avalon. The king is not dead! One day, the king will wake up from the valley of Avalon and return to this world!"

I don't know who yelled this first.

But like a spark, it ignited everyone's emotions.

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