I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 458

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa—"

The screams kept ringing.

Shirou rushed over to see her, but she manifested herself as a big white bird and flew up.

"I'm leaving first!" Alquette waved to him.

"Don't just laugh, watch the road!" Shirou reminded.


Airquite showed a bright smile, and hit the tree trunk with a bang, with tears in his eyes, and flew away with his forehead covered.

Shirou: "..."

This embarrassing thing, can you listen to people's words?

"Brother, are you hungry?" Sakura asked, looking up at Shirou.

"No honorifics, I'm your brother, not your boss, understand?" Shirou asked.

"Hmm..." Sakura stared at Shirou.

"What's wrong?" Shirou asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel that my brother has changed a lot!" Sakura said.

Shirou smiled and said, "You have also changed a lot."

Sakura asked: "Then brother, it's already very late, do you want to eat first?"

"No need, take me home and have a look." Shirou said, "It's been more than eight years, and I don't know that home is still different from what I thought."

"It's different." Sakura said with a smile.

"Oh?" Shirou showed an expression of interest.

Sakura smiled and said, "Father started his own company, and changed to a bigger house! Of course, it must not be as big as your palace!"

"How do you know that my palace is huge?" Shirou asked with a smile.

Sakura smiled and said, "Because my brother is the Eternal King, the palace of the Eternal King is written in the book! It is resplendent and resplendent, with a lot of gold and beautiful jade. There are also beautiful women recruited by the Eternal King from all over the world..."

"Wait... wait a minute! Gold and beautiful jade, I admit that there are. What the hell are these beauties recruited from all over the place?" Shirou was a little confused.

"Huh? Isn't there such a thing? But it is written in the book that the Eternal King exercises the power of the first night in the dynasty, and the beautiful girl will be recruited into the palace by the Eternal King and become the concubine of the Eternal King... Eh? Brother, you Why does your face look so bad?" Sakura asked strangely.

"Is this a history book or a story book?" Shirou asked with a gloomy face.

"So... the storybook..."

After a pause, Sakura said, "This was written by a French writer hundreds of years ago."

"Do you know where this writer's grave is buried? I'm going to offer condolences!" Shirou said with a gloomy face.

"No... I don't know..." Sakura said.

"Don't know... Oh, forget it. Go home first, I can't wait to go home!" Shirou said.


Sakura nodded, but said in her heart, burn those storybooks sometime, really, how can she show these storybooks that slander her brother to her younger sister?

Sakura took Shirou on a strange road, heading towards a strange home.

On the way, pedestrians pointed at Shirou.


"Is this a new trend?"

"It's too unorthodox, that man!"

"With long hair, look like a woman!"


The pedestrians pointed at Shirou because Shirou was now wearing Camelot's King's Armor.

His King's Armor is made of Mithril, engraved with the dragon's mark, which looks a lot like Cos***y's Coser.

And now, at this time point, it is obviously not the time point when the otaku culture is booming, and pedestrians can't accept it.

Sakura was a little angry, and the angry look was clearly revealed on her face.

But Shirou's expression was unusually calm.

In fact, all he could think about now was going home.

But the closer he got to home, the more frightened he became.

It shouldn't be.

He has been away from home for eight years, and now he is going back soon, why is he afraid instead?

Sakura brought Shirou to the house.

And the home is no longer the second-floor room in memory, but a three-story white house with a courtyard. Not bad.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Sakura turned her head, looked at Shirou who was hesitating in front of the door, and asked strangely.

"I... I'm a little scared." Shirou asked hesitantly, "Why don't you come back another day?"

"There's no need to do this, because——, this is your home!" Sakura said.

Shirou nodded.

Sakura opened the door, and he walked in first.

Strange entrance.

A woman sits on a couch and watches the TV.

A sad drama is playing on the TV.

The hero confessed to the heroine, but the heroine was hit by a car and flew three meters high!

Also gave a close-up of being hit.

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