I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 476

Scathach, who doesn't know anything, is the best candidate to complete the king's record.

If history has a source and an end, perhaps it is precisely because of this that Scathach was selected as a warrior to train the king.

Because other people have no face to meet the king.

It's just that girl, who has been wandering in the infinite world, past and future, looking for a way of relief.

Perhaps, she could see the king.

Maybe she won't see the king either.

Until being summoned by that Holy Grail——

to the Holy Grail

1993, the eve of the Fourth Holy Grail War.


That darkness is surrounded by delusional thoughts that have settled for thousands of years.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel accepted the patriarch's call and rushed to Einzbern, the ancient city enclosed by ice, the most magnificent and darkest place, the chapel in Einzbern City.

This is certainly not a place to praise God's grace and find peace of mind. In the city where magicians live, the so-called prayer hall refers to the room used for sacrifices where magic rituals are performed.

Therefore, looking up at the stained glass above the head, it is not a portrait of a saint, but a long history of the Einzbern family wandering in search of the Holy Grail.

Among the three founders, the Einzbern family spent the longest time on the Holy Grail.

Sealing themselves in the frozen mountains and stubbornly cutting off any contact with the outside world, they have been looking for the miracle of the Holy Grail almost thousands of years ago. But their quest is fraught with frustration and humiliation, as well as painful countermeasures. These situations go back and forth, to no avail.

Finally, he began to despair about the way of pursuing the Holy Grail alone, and had to establish a cooperation agreement with external magic families such as Tohsaka and Matou two hundred years ago.

In the subsequent Holy Grail War, because the Master's combat power was always lagging behind, he never won a single victory. The final result was that only magicians who were good at fighting were brought in from outside. This decision was made nine years ago.

It can be said that Emiya Kiritsugu was the last trump card played by the Einzbern family, which has always been proud of its pure blood. For this reason, they did not hesitate to change their family's creed for the second time.

Passing through the corridor, Kiritsugu's eyes accidentally fell on a relatively new painting on the painted window.

There is a picture of the Winter Maiden of the Einzbern family, and two magicians serving her. All three reached for the Holy Grail in the sky.

From the composition of this painting and the balance of creative intentions, we can see how the Einzbern family tried to belittle the Tohsaka and Matou families two hundred years ago, and how they felt when they had to rely on their help. that sense of humiliation. All of these can be glimpsed through this painting.

The old magician who was the lord of Winter City was waiting for Kiritsugu and Irisviel in front of the altar.

Since he inherited the position of the eighth-generation patriarch, he has been known as Ahad. By continuing to live, almost two centuries have been lived. Leading the Einzbern family from the Holy Grail quest to the Holy Grail War.

Kiritsugu knew that from the time of the Maiden of Winter, since the start of the Second Holy Grail War, Old Man Ahad suffered more than one defeat. Therefore, for him, the anxiety in his heart when faced with this third chance is naturally extraordinary. Nine years ago, the decision to welcome Emiya Kiritsugu, who was notorious for being a magician assassin at that time, into the Einzbern family was also made by the old magician. He just took a fancy to Emiya Kiritsugu's skills .

The legendary relic once sought in Cornwall finally arrived this morning.

The old man Ahad was stroking his white beard reminiscent of a frozen waterfall with his hand, while staring straight at Kiritsugu with shrewd eyes from the depths of his sunken eye sockets, it was hard to see how old he was. Kiritsugu, who lived in this ancient city for a long time, faced the patriarch head-on every time. As before, he still can't stand his eyes that make people feel a kind of paranoid pressure.

The old patriarch gestured with his hand to place an exaggeratedly tied black charcoal-colored long cabinet on the altar, and said: "Using this thing as a medium, I can probably summon the legendary king who split the middle ages. Kiritsugu , you can regard this as the greatest assistance of the Einzbern family to you."

"It's really shameful."

Pretending to be expressionless and stiff, Kiritsugu lowered his head deeply.


Kiritsugu and Irisviel returned to their room, opened the long cabinet entrusted by the patriarch, and were attracted by the things inside.

"I didn't expect that I actually found this thing..."

Kiritsugu, who was usually calm, also seemed to be very moved at this time.

It is a scabbard.

Made of gold and decorated with dazzling blue enamel, such luxurious equipment is not so much a weapon as a treasure that shows the majesty of a nobleman like a crown and a wand. The inscription carved in the middle is a long-lost goblin script, proving that this scabbard is a craft made by non-human hands.

Why would there be no flaws. Is this really an unearthed cultural relic from the era of 1,500 years ago?

This in itself is nothing more than a conceptual gem. Of course it will be weathered as a material, let alone a medium for summoning as a holy relic.

"The eternal king who opened up the Middle Ages, or the knight king who was invincible in all battles... The patriarch originally wanted to take away the wisdom book of the London Museum or the statue of the holy king in Cornwall. But both are too obvious to not It's easy to take away. However, the patriarch did find this scabbard. The legendary scabbard. If you use it to summon, it is possible to summon it, whether it is a holy king who has created great achievements, or a knight king who has won countless battles. .”

Irisviel respectfully took out the golden scabbard from the lined box and held it in her hand.

It is said that this scabbard can heal the owner's wounds just by wearing it on the body, and can stop aging. Of course, the premise is that its original owner provides magic power.

In other words, as long as it is used by the summoned Heroic Spirit, this thing itself can also be used as a Master's Noble Phantasm.

Kiritsugu didn't speak, but just looked at the scabbard, with a wry smile in his heart.

If there is such a perfect holy relic, the one summoned must be the heroic spirit that the patriarch wanted. But the legendary king holding this scabbard should have a very different personality from the Master, right?

However, Kiritsugu still obeyed the patriarch's decision and came up with countermeasures.

Thus began the calling.

The summoning spell chanted, along with the Holy Grail system, communicates the connection across time.

The hero connected by the scabbard has thus crossed the long river of time and arrived here.

In Kiritsugu's eyes, the girl was holding an invisible holy sword and walking slowly through the summoning circle.

The girl looks to be only fifteen years old, with lithe, soft, charming blond hair coiled dignifiedly on her head, and her slender body is dressed in an ancient-style dress. Although it perfectly matches the appearance of a boudoir daughter, the aura she exudes is Just staying in place made the air in the whole room tense, making it look solemn and cold. It can be said that the cold atmosphere is not so much the coldness of ice as it is as refreshing and pure as a stream.

"Servant Saber came following the call, may I ask, are you—— are you my Master?"

The girl had a firm will and strength that didn't match her appearance age, and she looked at Kiritsugu very seriously with holy blue eyes.

But Kiritsugu felt angry.


The city of Einzbern sealed off by ice.

The ancient magician used it to secretly preserve the lifeline. It is located in the ancient city in the remote mountains. On that day, the long-lost was liberated from the snowstorm.

Although the sky is not clear, the milky white sky is much brighter than the snowy day.

In the winter land, where there are neither birds with wings nor green grass, there is only enough light.

On days like this, no matter how busy and tired, Elias Phil. Feng. Both Einzbern and Guard Kiritsugu would go for a walk in the forest outside the city. That was one of their unwritten agreements in Einzbern.

From the windows of the castle, emerald eyes watched the figures of father and daughter playing at the entrance of the forest.

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