I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 484

Some precocious men and women are flirting and laughing in the corner of the classroom.

Shirou returned to his seat.

In the last row of the classroom.

It's just a pity that it's not the protagonist's position by the window, but the position near the back door.

The reason is that he is taller.

But this is also very good, at least when I go home from school, I can take fewer steps.

Not integrated into any circle, Shirou returned to his seat, and put his homework on the table as usual, so that the class representative could collect the homework, while he rested his hands on the table, closed his eyes, and prepared to continue to sleep.


"Shirou! Guess what I saw? Look, look! Ah~ this heroine's painting is so beautiful!"

The sultry boy's voice rang in his ears.

Shirou covered his face.

This guy is at it again!

Shit, it's time for bed again!

Shirou raised his head, and looked at Kassari Ryudong who was holding a book of 18X manga unscrupulously and selling it to him with a speechless expression.


The reason why he was advertised as a bad boy and a bad student, and thus rejected by other students, apart from the above factors, the most important reason was that this bastard often sold 18X comics to him with enthusiasm!

So, why did this guy become like this?

Didn't he get along day and night with the enlightened person who has reached the other side of the world's truth?

Why did it become like this?

Chapter 2 Illya【Second update】

"Shirou, come and take a look, come and take a look, this heroine has huge breasts!" Ryudong Kasunari excitedly sold the indescribable manga in his hand to Shirou.

Shirou: "..."

Looking at the excited Ryudong Kazusei, Shirou felt puzzled. He hasn't come back in the past few years, how can this guy change so much?

He remembered that when he left, this guy was still upright and not fun, and belonged to that kind of unsmiling and serious character. But when he came back, he found that this guy had become...

So coquettish!

What the hell happened?

Shirou didn't know, but some boys in the class showed like-minded smiles and secretly moved closer. The girls, on the other hand, looked at Kazusei Ryudong and Shirou with the eyes of looking at maggots.

Although I don't care what other people think of me at all, but this feeling is extremely uncomfortable!

In fact, since his return, Shirou has gone through his former social circle.

Yanagou Kasunari has changed a lot, and Matou Shinji is no longer in Fuyuki City.

It is said that he has already gone to study in Britain.

The ancestral land of the Tohsaka family is still there, but the people have moved to the Zen City, so Tohsaka Tokiomi can't see him either.

As for the Emiya family, they still live in the new capital of Fuyuki City.

It's just that many places and many people in Fuyuki City are different from those people and things in memory.

For example, Liu Dong Yicheng, before he came back, he never imagined that this guy had become so coquettish and wretched.

Another example is Emiya Kiritsugu, who has become a famous playwright, novelist, and script writer. It is the blades that I receive from readers every day.

This is also normal, who called his pen name Xu Yuanxuan, and his own experience did support him to write the kind of love script that reveals the beauty and then tears it up bit by bit.

In short, looking at Kazusei Ryudong who kept promoting 18X manga to him, Shirou said, "It's time for class, Kasunari."

"Uh... alright."

Liu Dong Yicheng could only close the manga helplessly, and those like-minded comrades who were talking to their friends while sneaking a peek at them couldn't help crying in their hearts.

"Then I will come again at noon." Liu Dong Yicheng said.

Then, he left.

The girls looked at Shirou with disgust, but the boys didn't dare to approach Shirou too much. As for those like-minded comrades who would subconsciously smile knowingly every time Yoo Dong Kasun came in with a promotional Xman, they were also worried that they would not dare to get closer to Shirou and discuss more.

This is of course, because social killing is terrible.

Not everyone can calmly bear the gaze of others.

After a while, the class committee put away the homework, and then the teacher came, and the class began.

As soon as noon arrived, Liu Dongyicheng ran over non-stop, and ran to his desk, ready to share the principles of a gentleman.

Shirou said a little speechlessly: "I said, you bastard, why are you so obsessed with this kind of thing all of a sudden? Does the host Liu Dong care about you?"

"I see this kind of thing, but my dad has never discovered it before." Liu Dong said with a smug smile.

Shirou asked again, "Why?"

"Because I always hide in the room of the great wise man to read, and the book is hidden under the bed in the room of the great wise man." Liu Dong Yicheng said.

Shirou couldn't help asking: "Did the Enlightened One kill you?"

"Are you kidding? The wise man has been meditating all the time. As long as you don't throw poisonous mushrooms in his lotus platform like you did when you were a child, he won't care about it." Liu Dong Yicheng said.

Shirou was surprised and asked, "How can you be so sure?"

"Because I tried it before." Liu Dong Yicheng said.

"What happened?" Shirou asked curiously.

"I was treated like a wooden fish, and I was beaten with bruises all over my head..."

Shirou couldn't help giving Liu Dong Kassari a thumbs up in his heart. This kind of ability to kill is really comparable to what he had back then!

"By the way, I brought sandwich bread, do you want to eat it together?"

"No need, Sakura made me a bento." Shirou took out a pink bento from his school bag.

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