I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 491

"Didn't your myriad phenomena see through the truth of abnormal fluctuations?" Skaha asked.

Shirou said: "I see it through, it's just that treasure...it's really hard to describe."

"Anyway, that's it for today. Thanks, Scathach."

Shirou waved his hand and left the Dreamland of Shadows.

Watching Shirou go away, Scathach sighed, then looked up at the dark sky of the Kingdom of Shadows, "Why do you want me to inform the king of what you saw, Merlin?"

No one answered her.

That white-haired trash would contact her when necessary, and act as a portal to send her into Shirou's dream.



Waking up from the dream, Shirou felt a burst of heat in his chest.

Lifting off the quilt, looking at Tachika who was sleeping sweetly in his arms, Shirou carefully took her down, covered her with the quilt, and prepared to get up.

"Brother... where are you going?" Li Xiang rubbed his eyes, sleepy and asked in a daze.

"Go to the toilet and sleep well. Otherwise I'll spank your ass." Shirou said.

"Oh... I'll sleep well... don't spank my ass... Phew..."

Li Xiang fell asleep again.

Shirou left the house and ran to the nearest Xindu No. 2 Street.

He looked down at the time on his phone, it was 1:23.

It was dark, and most of the stores were closed, only the noise of drunks from the nightclub in the distance.

In this silent night, these noisy sounds not only did not break the silence of the night, but made the night even more silent.

Shirou ran to the spot he observed, and found that there was already a person there investigating that spot.

It was a man in a black windbreaker, squatting in a corner, observing the ground.

As if sensing that someone was coming behind him, he turned around abruptly, pointing a pistol at Shirou, the black muzzle exuding a dangerous aura.

"It's you." However, the man was stunned when he saw Shirou, and then put down the pistol.

"Do you also notice that there is something wrong here, Emiya Kiritsugu?" Shirou asked with raised eyebrows.

This man is none other than Emiya Kiritsugu, a light novelist who has changed from a magician killer to a love warrior.

Emiya Kiritsugu nodded and didn't say much.

Even though he has not been a magician killer for many years, his own personality prevents him from expressing his emotions often, and he belongs to the kind of person with a somewhat rigid and serious personality. Perhaps he had already poured all his emotion and love into the words.

It's just that Shirou is a little strange, he only realized the abnormality here by using the power of the Eternal King, how did Emiya Kiritsugu realize that there was something wrong here.

He asked this question to Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu said: "In the afternoon, there was an abnormal situation here. A big tree exploded inexplicably. I was a little worried that some dead disciples or magicians would disturb this city again, so I just Come and take a look at it at night.”

"That's how it is. It's just that your skills have regressed a bit. You didn't come to observe so openly before." Shirou said.

Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head and said, "I have been observing from a distance with a sniper rifle for nine hours, and there is no other change, so I just came here."

"Did you find anything?" Shirou asked.

Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, no. There is no trace of the technique, and there is no abnormal fluctuation of magic power, as if there is nothing at all. It seems that I am too nervous and cautious, and my doubts are in the air. .Then what about you? You will come over, which means that you also found something, right?"

"That's right," Shirou nodded, and said, "One is here, and the other is in the advanced department of Hokunhara College. There are two strange fluctuations."

"The strange fluctuation... Suppose it is a magician, or a dead disciple. What is the motive? Is it eyeing the Great Holy Grail again?" Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, and said: "But the Great Holy Grail has been sealed, the Holy Grail The crystal was also dug away. Nine years ago, the last bit of use value of the Great Holy Grail was also used up by the ancestor of the dead, Valachia Night, and it has been completely reduced to worthless waste. Theoretically speaking, The Great Holy Grail will no longer be targeted."

Suddenly, two white-collar drunk men who were drinking heavily came up from a distance, their shoulders crossed, and they walked forward while talking.

next moment--

Shirou's eyes narrowed sharply, he reached out and grabbed Emiya Kiritsugu's back collar, and slammed it around.

Then he clenched his palms violently, and the surging [Evil] on his body blocked the two drunken men like a wall.


The sharp sword energy tore through the ground, slashed across the place where Emiya Kiritsugu was, and killed the drunk man, and was finally blocked by the wall of [evil].

"What's going on here?" Emiya Kiritsugu clenched the handle of the gun.

Three cracks appeared on the ground, and what was strange was that on the wall where the sword energy had not passed, suddenly there were scattered sword marks, as if they had existed from the beginning.

And the surrounding big trees did not know when, from the original luxuriant branches and leaves to dead wood.

It's almost like a prank.

Two drunken men bumped into the [evil] wall, their eyes were blurred, they couldn't see everything clearly, and they were cursing. As a result, two hands stretched out from the [evil] wall, grabbed them by the back of the collar, and directly threw them Throw it out.

With a "click", the two fell asleep on the street back to back.

Shirou looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and said, "You know more about modern magicians than I do, have you noticed anything?"

Whether it was during his reign or now, Shirou didn't know anything about modern magic, and he didn't intend to. Because he didn't intend to be a magician.

Emiya Kiritsugu said: "I don't know, there is no sign of the activation of the technique. But this kind of destruction looks like the activation of the technique. It's almost like the reversal of cause and effect. What about you? How are your senses?"

"I can only say that it is not an inherent barrier, otherwise, it would have been eaten by my [evil] mud. Moreover, as far as my senses are concerned, this attack does not seem to come from this level." Shirou pondered for a moment, then said out of their own senses.

"You mean, dimensional attack?" Emiya Kiritsugu asked.

Shirou nodded.

"That's troublesome. Only the second magician can interfere with the dimension." Emiya Kiritsugu said with a frown.

"No. Not necessarily." Shirou shook his head, then looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and said, "You go back first. Since you have chosen to quit the magician's world, don't set foot in it again. Leave this matter to me. "

Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a moment, then nodded. away.

Watching Emiya Kiritsugu go away, Shirou walked towards home.

Dimensional interference is indeed Gem Weng's specialty, but it's not that there are no other ways to interfere between dimensions.

Sakura's imaginary number magic, combined with Tiamat's imaginary number theory, can open up the channel of imaginary numbers and enter another dimension of the world.

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