I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 50

A big explosion occurred in the distance, and the flames illuminated the profiles of Iskandar and Waver.

Iskandar moved, and he approached Waver.

Wei Bo was a little scared in his heart, but he was so arrogant that he forced himself not to allow himself to be captured by one of his familiars.

Iskandar held Weber by the back collar, like holding a small wild cat, stared at Weber for a long time, then smiled very heartily, showing his big white teeth, and said in a very serious tone: "The king is afraid Yes, only these legs failed to reach the end of the sea of ​​stars. Do you understand? What a small world is your heart?"

"Is that all you want to say? Do you just want to mock me? Rider, I will teach you with the Command Seal that a familiar is not allowed to talk back to its master!" Weber yelled, baring his teeth and claws, reaching out to grab Iskan Dahl beard.

Iskandar laughed unmoved and said, "It's up to you, but before that, the first night is not over yet!"

He re-summoned the [Shenwei Wheel], and drove the thunder across the sky.

"You bastard, you bastard—!!! Listen to me more or less! Don't carry me like this! Don't carry me like this! It's shameful! Do you hear me? It's shameful!"


Unmoved laughter and tearful mourning resounded from the sky.

And, "Kacha Kacha" the sound of his humble self-esteem being broken.



Emiya Kiritsugu was a kind person, but he was also a dirty person at the same time.

He is a man who is full of ideals more than anyone else, but because of this, he is desperate.

His dream is very simple, and he sincerely hopes that everyone in this world will be happy and happy, that's all.

What's wrong with this wish? Like a child, what's wrong with wishing for world peace and everyone's happiness?

Every childish child once had a good wish in his heart, but it was a childish ideal that was gradually abandoned after understanding the cruelty of reality.

It is easy to get the original intention, but it is always difficult to keep it.

However, he persisted. Adhere to this naive original intention.

He is a magician and a good man, but at the same time a killer without any bottom line, a villain. No matter how well-intentioned he started out with, it still can't change the fact that he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Therefore, when the Einzbern family assisted him in summoning the famous Knight King, he did not feel excited or honored. On the contrary, he felt extremely angry and helpless.

Angry that the legendary king who is said to be responsible for the life and death of a country is just a girl, and those people put the burden of life and death for a country on the shoulders of a girl, which is something that the justice in his heart cannot tolerate.

On the other hand, what he is helpless is that the King of Knights who is famous for his "honor and integrity" has a very bad compatibility with him.

What he believes in is realism, and he conducts tactical deduction on the premise of killing all delusions in his mind, so the methods he uses are realistic methods that are regarded by the world as demons and heretics, but are effective. But the King of Knights is an out-and-out advocate of kingship, advocating a frontal attack, and dignifiedly relying on hard power to crush him.

Although he didn't dislike the integrity of the King of Knights, and hoped that there would be more such lovely and upright people in the world, but Emiya Kiritsugu still often felt headaches about this.

Therefore, he decided to divide his troops into two groups, with Irisviel leading the Knight King to attack head-on, while he was responsible for secretly waiting for an opportunity to attack the Master.

However, not long ago, when he was ambushing in the warehouse area and waiting for an opportunity to kill Kenneth and Weber with a sniper rifle, Shirou directly pointed him out.

Even though Emiya Kiritsugu, who discovered Assassin at the time, already knew that he could not act rashly, but being pointed out by Caster like this, although he was not annoyed, it was still somewhat of a headache. But that doesn't make him resentful. He has already learned to look at reality with reality and accept the cruelty of reality with a peaceful mind.

But Caster's next series of actions made him feel extremely solemn.

In the warehouse area, he revealed Lancer's real name with one word, and then launched a strategy of attacking his heart step by step, and finally retreated unscathed.

To be honest, this is Emiya Kiritsugu's favorite servant who also has the best compatibility. The most despicable follower.

It's a pity that Caster is an enemy, so he must be let out early!

Compared to those bright and dreamlike heroes, Kiritsugu believed that this kind of realistic servant like him was the most difficult opponent. It's best to get it out as soon as possible if you can.

Originally, there was no chance, but Caster actually made a big mistake, that is, he didn't turn into a spirit body!

Emiya Kiritsugu thought that Caster had other plans, most likely trying to lure people like him into a trap, but he still came.


Emiya Kiritsugu, who is good at assassination, often acts secretly, but he is surprisingly courageous. He followed Caster to his workshop, and was shocked to find that the other party's workshop was completely rotten, and he was isolated outside the residential area alone. So he used the C4 bomb to directly blow up Caster's workshop!

Let Caster, and his Master, be buried here together.

Emiya Kiritsugu thought so in his heart.

However, the next moment, two figures jumped out of the sea of ​​flames.

Standing on the street, Emiya Kiritsugu silently lit a cigarette for himself, and then asked through the sound transmission earphone next to his ear, "Did you see it?"


"Can the eyes follow?"

"Okay. Caster's speed is not fast."

"The one on Caster's back should be his master. You don't need to aim at the head, just hit the body, the origin bomb will destroy him."

"I understand, Kiritsugu."

Hearing that there was no longer any sound from the other side of the earphone, Emiya Kiritsugu took a puff of cigarette, his face was as calm as the dead sea, as if he had been worn down by reality without even a trace of his temper.

But who is not like this? Who was born a unique stone with sharp edges? Who hasn't been smoothed step by step in the downhill slope called reality, and turned into a smooth and round pebble?

"Cough, cough, cough." A little girl next to her pinched her nose, and stretched out her hand in front of her to fan the smell of smoke wafting from Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu glanced at her, then stubbed out the cigarette butt, threw it on the ground and stamped it out, then picked it up and threw it into the trash can aside.

Wrapping the overcoat tightly around his body, Emiya Kiritsugu turned and left.

The vast autumn wind is bleak.



ps: It will be delivered in the third shift, and it is time to codeword.

Chapter 38 You are much weaker than her!

Damn it!

Shirou cursed inwardly.

He didn't expect Emiya Kiritsugu to blow up Kenneth instead of blowing up his own head.

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