I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 62

Shirou glanced at the alley, turned around without hesitation, and was about to leave.

This kind of voice is very weird, the ghost knows what is doing something weird and scary, so just make a detour.

If you are rich, you will benefit the world, and if you are poor, you will be good for yourself. Weakness is not a problem. Weakness and arrogance are stupid behaviors.

But the next moment——

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!!"

A high-pitched howl like ghosts and wolves came from the alley, and a man ran out with a face covered in blood, even with a few severed fingers in the folds of his skirt, with a face full of horror. His demeanor was insane, as if he had witnessed an indescribable horror.

Shiro groaned inwardly.

——Why do I always encounter this kind of thing!

His eyes finally settled on his own luck, Shirou complained. Did I not only inherit the ability of Ying Ling Wei Gong, but also inherit the bad luck of Ying Ling Wei Gong? However, he is clearly called Fujimaru Shiro!

Shirou turned around.

He didn't dare to reveal his back to an unknown opponent.

"Boom boom boom—"

It was as if a huge toe stepped on the ground, making the sound of a giant falling.

Shirou's heart tightened, he merged with the spirit base, and retreated slowly.

However, at this moment, a familiar burly giant finally came out of the alley. Blood and milky white slurry mixed with fragments of some organs, stuck to his burly body, that huge face was full of blood and a calm smile.

He reached out and patted the shoulder of the girl he brought out from the alley, "You weaklings, the road to freedom has been opened. Go. Go to freedom."

The girl's white clothes were covered in blood, her gaze was dull, as if she had a mental breakdown, she walked forward tremblingly like a puppet on a string.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Shirou closed his eyes. The girl's clothes were messy, and the woman who fled earlier had severed fingers and hands.

He probably understood. I should also understand.

The hero of the weak is the sword and shield that protects the weak and overthrows the oppressors who bully the weak. However, the oppressors of this world are not only those heroes from ancient times, but also modern people.

Especially in the context of the Great Depression, everyone is struggling with food and clothing.

The poorer the place, the more chaotic it is, so there are especially many bad oppressors who retaliate against the world during this period.

Oppression, bullying, revenge... completely surrendered to pure human evil, venting their confusion and fear of the future.

And these people are the enemies of Spartacus, the sword of the weak.

When he reached the entrance of the alley and looked inside, Shirou covered his mouth.

It was a scene of devastation that is not an exaggeration to call it hell. The indescribable bloodiness pinched Shirou's heart like a shadowy hand, and his stomach was overwhelmed, and he couldn't breathe heavily.

Possessing an EX-level berserk, the physical parameters of Spartacus have been upgraded, but almost all of his rationality has been lost. Without rational constraints and balances, Spartacus can still instinctively shout "I am the sword of the weak, the shield of the weak, and open up the path of freedom for the weak."

This may be the instinct of Spartacus's volition to rescue the victims and rebel against the perpetrators. But he, who lacks rationality, can no longer control this instinct, which is kind.

Uncontrollable good is, in a way, uncontrollable evil.

No one is purely good, and no one is purely evil. The most vicious gangster also has a good side, and the most glamorous good man also has an evil side. The difference is only whether there is reason that can control the boundaries of the two.

And Spartacus has lost most of his rationality.

Whether it is a true mythical hero or a hero of the weak. To the modern society, these beings called heroes are thugs with powerful personal force. It is the trampler of the law, the destroyer of order, and the disruptor of civilization.

A modern society ruled by law does not need them at all!

In ancient times, they were heroes, but in modern times, they are the remnants of ancient backwardness and barbarism.

However, even so, Shirou still made a serious request to this hero of the weak, "I am a weak man, can you be my shield, my sword? Protect me to the other side of freedom?"

In this way, the weak yearn for the heroes of the weak. hope.

And the hero's answer is also extremely simple: "Weak, I will open up the road to freedom for you!"

Isn't this a matter of course?

The sword of the weak, the shield of the weak, even if all reason is lost, the hero who still remembers to defend the weak, how can he refuse the help of the weak?

"You will be my sword and shield, and I will be your eyes and head. Let's live together!"

Saying so, Shirou stretched out his hand and grabbed Spartacus' palm.

And Spartacus's response was——


Spartacus calmly smiled with love, turned around and ran away with Shirou.

"Eh——? Eeeeeeeeeeeee—?"

Holding Shirou's arm, his strong muscles and quick posture directly made Toshirou fly up as if being blown by a typhoon, taking a mouthful of cold air.

Yet the original agreement was formed.

The weak find his sword and shield, the hero his eyes and his brain.

But what will be the final outcome?

The king of human beings in golden armor stands on a high tower, seeing everything in his eyes. Yes, from the beginning to the end, from the moment the fire started to burn, he was watching.

As long as the fire is burning, as long as the man has not come to an end, he will be watching, watching.

That fire, he had also burned when he was young.

Just different in nature.

He is a wedge made by God.

With divine power and divine wisdom, he is a divine hero.

He is the end of the age of the gods, the leader of the age of kings, the hope that the gods will merge with the human age to maintain their existence, but he leads people to rebel against the gods.

be sung. be praised.




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