I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 741

"The best plan has gone bankrupt, but fortunately there is still a second plan." Zhu Yue's eyes were shining red.

"Let me go, let me go, you poisonous woman!" Yade yelled.

Zhu Yue showed a smile, exerted a little force on her palm, and then "Ka Ka Ka", broken cracks appeared on Yade's body.


Yade screamed.

"Yad!" Gray yelled.

With a "click", Yade was crushed to pieces by Zhu Yue.

And the Sword of the Stars that existed in it was directly crushed by Zhu Yue.

"Has the holy gun been taken away by Shirou? Hmph...it doesn't matter. Although it's a backup plan, it's good to get rid of that sword." Zhu Yue said.

Arturia stood up in cold sweat, looked at Zhu Yue, and asked, "When did you use the identity of Alquite, Zhu Yue?"

"It started a year ago, Al. Those who comforted you, those who advised you, and those who were close to you were all me who was killed by you more than 1,500 years ago!" Zhu Yue laughed. .


Arturia's body turned cold.

"I advise you, don't waste your energy. I am very accurate, and I have already smashed your rank card!" Zhu Yue said.

Arturia asked: "You have countless opportunities to kill me, and you have countless opportunities to take away Yade and the sword of destroying stars. Why do you do it now?"

"Because my initial goal was Shirou's body. It's just a pity that I failed." Turning her head, Zhu Yue looked at the phantom in the sky and said with emotion: "And he can't come back. So, I I can only start the second plan. Really, I didn't want to be so rough."

"You... have you been pretending to be Alquette?" Artoria asked.

"Although we pretend to be very similar, there is still a difference between me and that child. Therefore, I usually borrow Alquite's body when Shirou is not paying attention. And this point, whether it is Shirou or this child, I didn't even notice it." Zhu Yue laughed.

"And this trick was taught to me by your daughter." You must know your opponent and know your own shortcomings. Hide your sharp weapons so that the enemy will not see them, and give them to you without the enemy knowing. The last blow of the enemy.', what she did was really beautiful, and I am also a good learner?" Zhu Yue smiled.

Afterwards, Zhu Yue restrained her smile, and said lightly, "Bai Yi, do it—!"

The surrounding soldiers in military uniforms turned around, their bodies changed, their complexions became extremely ferocious, and two sharp canine teeth were exposed at the corners of their mouths.

All the guns are loaded, "bang bang bang", the muzzles of the guns are flying!


Zhu Yue covered her head, paused, and said in a low voice: "Don't struggle, anyone can resist me, but you can't resist me!"

She waved her sleeves and said with a smile: "The real world extends from here!"

A full moon in the sky exudes a strange light.

That is the light of Zhu Yue.


The screams resounded.

The soldiers in military uniforms rushed towards the civilians, biting their necks with their sharp canine teeth.

There are also many soldiers who fell on the civilians who were killed by guns to suck blood.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

Some civilians who fell to the ground stood up, showing their sharp canine teeth.




pS: Zhu Yue's pit, in the third chapter of this volume. That's it for today~! good night~! ^_^

Chapter 111: The Truth of History!

The strange full moon hangs high in the sky.

Thick black mist shrouded it.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Flames flickered from the muzzles of the guns, and the bullets tore apart the flesh.

Countless people fell down, dripping with blood.

The soldiers in military uniform smelled the blood, like a glutton seeing a delicious meal, and their sharp canine teeth gleamed terrifyingly cold under the icy moonlight.

no doubt.

Those are not humans, but Dead Apostles!

Everyone looked at Zhu Yue.

No one expected such a thing to happen!

The most terrifying enemy is hidden in the body of the closest friend!

"More than 1,500 years ago, I assassinated me without knowing anything. But now, you are defeated by me without knowing anything!"

Zhu Yue said: "Everything has a cause. And the cause of all these things started more than 1,500 years ago!"

Zhu Yue pointed to the false seat of the gods in the illusion of the sky, and said: "Whether it's me or that thing. The current situation has been doomed since you plotted against me more than 1,500 years ago. !"

Artoria's figure gradually dissipated, but those bright blue eyes stared at Zhu Yue closely, and asked, "Did you mention Mordred just now?"

Zhu Yue nodded and said, "Not bad!"

"You said, Mordred taught you this? What happened between you and Mordred?" Arturia asked.

"You actually asked me this question?" Zhu Yue smiled, then pointed at Galahad, and said, "It's not me who knows that matter best, but Galahad who has witnessed it! You Are you saying that, Galahad? After Gawain failed to defeat Lancelot and was killed instead, Lancelot, who still has half his life, begged you to give him a fatal blow!"

Galahad took a breath and asked in a deep voice, "What do you know?"

Arturia's eyes fell on Galahad in disbelief.

"Hehehe..." Zhu Yue laughed and said, "The civil war at the round table, the change of dynasty, Mordred couldn't bear you to kill his father and killed Lancelot instead of you...The most important thing is that Paul and The Holy Grail. I know it all!"

"Paul and the Holy Grail...?"

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